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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 132 |主题: 40589|排名: 1 

Low-Voltage,_Low-Power_Analog_CMOS_Design attachment  ...2 chrisdy 2008-1-9 172563 过路心客 2011-3-11 10:29
光电转换通信 attachment unlogical 2008-1-25 31376 jlqamark 2011-3-11 09:30
A FREE US patent search tool LTC 2008-2-3 22602 tigernk 2011-3-11 09:07
在HDL代码设计综合中TCL脚本的应用 attachment  ...2 akarlee 2009-5-29 132249 dengyueping 2011-3-11 08:58
spectre 使用简介 attachment wangshuqi2008 2007-7-20 91743 twci 2011-3-11 00:11
[求助] 谁能帮忙找一篇论文?Investigation of the Electron Transport Properties  ...2 analogmind 2010-5-30 102157 analogmind 2011-3-10 21:57
分享比较器论文 attachment  ...23 hzqziggy 2008-4-17 264477 chenshengsheng 2011-3-10 21:56
AD书籍----oversampling方向 niuyin 2007-11-30 82690 weirong116160 2011-3-10 14:24
cadence 版图设计 attachment jingyes 2009-5-12 71608 cll412121 2011-3-10 12:56
模拟CMOS集成电路设计答案 attachment  ...23456..8 lingfeng528 2006-11-11 7112168 zhangyulei0614 2011-3-10 10:43
bandgap attachment 1500X 2008-6-7 85269 sx_2010 2011-3-10 09:30
[资料] 现代数字系统设计 attachment 123231 2010-4-15 41623 gezhiwei 2011-3-10 06:50
Cadence PCB仿真教程 attachment  ...23 tiantsmart 2008-11-18 203891 twfly 2011-3-9 23:30
A Novel Voltage-Control Scheme For Low Voltage DC-DC Converters attachment  ...2 sinomicro 2007-6-16 163126 lyle0927 2011-3-9 21:56
[求助] 关于DNW的掺杂浓度 gedy 2011-3-7 54084 lujunfeng111 2011-3-9 20:48
[原创] Future of Analog Design attachment  ...23 truviet911 2011-2-15 243350 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-9 16:57
[无需下载]模拟芯片设计的四重境界  ...2 rommel_gong 2007-11-26 144211 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-9 16:27
如何解决模拟/混合信号的工艺技术融合性挑战 attachment kunmingcai 2008-7-31 31275 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-9 16:19
发个CDMA 基础,通俗易学 attachment ycclq 2008-3-13 82107 ggouhwpb 2011-3-9 10:45
[资料] 厚膜工艺 设计论文 attachment 喜凤 2011-3-9 04277 喜凤 2011-3-9 09:34
[资料] 資料檔 attachment joehuang123456 2011-3-8 23885 jinyexing 2011-3-8 23:05
[资料] Radio and RF Engineers attachment xipu_csfcc 2010-11-22 51555 bhy65 2011-3-8 20:31
下载 高频电子线路 attachment  ...23 goldosky 2007-2-27 268253 蓝翔 2011-3-8 18:42
IEEE paper:small-signal analysis of dc dc converter attachment h.martin 2009-3-13 64249 itbulls 2011-3-8 10:15
Elsevier 2001 ------- Analog Circuit Techniques with Digital Interfacing attachment  ...2 lotusky 2008-3-30 162881 itbulls 2011-3-8 10:14
ads2008_crack cav090 2008-3-31 63358 LZHUESTC 2011-3-7 19:42
资料大全(非常难得) attachment  ...234 zhongming520 2009-5-21 325880 清醒的神话 2011-3-7 15:08
芯片实效分析过程详解 attachment taoying 2009-10-18 51581 calviny83 2011-3-7 14:48
[资料] e-book:晶闸管实用技术问题解答 attachment hsh22 2011-3-6 31325 aortyokiu0p 2011-3-7 12:08
Cadenece IC 5033 license attachment wangdh 2008-2-26 44146 zzx5460 2011-3-7 10:09
Prentice.Hall.Fundamentals.of.WiMAX.Feb.2007 attachment bgsony 2007-8-9 41531 drlo1 2011-3-7 04:25
[资料] 拉扎维《CMOS集成电路设计》答案 attachment huangshuyan 2010-10-11 62222 lch1020 2011-3-6 18:19
[其它] 模拟群,欢迎从事模拟集成电路的加入 ruith 2010-9-27 22443 huangjw1 2011-3-6 15:56
低噪声放大器设计 attachment  ...2 hwait 2007-11-1 122283 chenshengsheng 2011-3-6 15:46
[资料] 天津大学ASIC设计中心-------LAYOUT讲义-----超级适合初学者 attach_img  ...2 xuyanyan141 2010-10-25 193093 mydream9579 2011-3-6 12:54
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