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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 107 |主题: 40647|排名: 1 

[资料] Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 attachment zuesyeh 2010-10-16 61754 arsfarming 2011-3-15 16:59
[资料] 一种改进型8位50MSPS流水逐次逼近A/D转换器 attachment kunmingcai 2010-1-7 62002 shaozhen 2011-3-15 14:00
[资料] Good website: rail to rail introduction angelweishan 2011-3-15 21700 mtwumtwu 2011-3-15 13:27
[资料] JSSC201005 attachment  ...234 amswu 2010-4-25 337443 windows2007 2011-3-15 11:28
E028_calibre安装 jobkong 2008-9-23 12530 ksg12 2011-3-15 10:00
威盛AMP教程 attachment kunshouzzy 2008-2-26 81627 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-14 16:28
cadence常见错误解决方法文档 attachment  ...23 wangkes 2007-6-12 204159 calviny83 2011-3-14 16:15
DC-DC 好教程 attachment  ...23456..8 lovexxnu 2007-8-25 728677 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-14 15:53
[资料] 清华大学Cadence讲义 attachment 煮熟的鸡蛋 2011-3-9 51921 SKOPU 2011-3-14 15:02
[资料] telecommunication circuits and technology attach_img eebismarck 2011-3-14 21448 gemini06061978 2011-3-14 14:32
【ieee】Recent developments in current conveyors attachment tomcheung 2008-1-20 92452 cqmyg5 2011-3-13 15:46
[转贴] 关于ADC,DAC的学习 flyawayfc 2011-2-22 62737 蓝翔 2011-3-13 11:11
讲述模拟信号的数字传输的基本原理 attachment semico_ljj 2006-10-12 328885 ljrdcb 2011-3-13 10:41
LOW-POWER COMPARATOR DESIGN attachment  ...2 linwu1999 2006-12-29 142652 sean1337 2011-3-13 00:38
[pdf] Modeling Embedded Systems and SoC's attachment  ...2 cfaver 2008-7-21 143044 luffygon 2011-3-12 21:44
[ebook]low power digital VLSI desgin attachment  ...23456 simov 2009-4-9 525807 wagewage2 2011-3-12 15:16
[原创] 模拟icQQ群 llore 2010-7-4 62512 lwj74wait 2011-3-12 13:20
[求助] 求一篇paper:Performance Limitations on High-Resolution Video-rate ADC 敏兹 2010-1-21 32560 sud6 2011-3-12 03:57
[资料] 北京理工大学课件数字专用集成电路设计第2~13章 louwf 2006-12-22 22065 fsgbeyond 2011-3-11 19:59
软开关AC_DC变换器的电磁干扰研究.pdf attachment laite 2008-11-2 41616 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-11 17:07
[转贴] Yun Chiu: Analog IC Group in the middle of nowhere hi_china59 2010-1-5 75422 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-11 16:19
[原创] ISSCC 2011论文提前看 attachment agree  ...23 mixer100 2010-11-14 235077 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-11 16:18
CMOS Voltage Comparator Design attachment  ...2 jjw3310 2008-3-11 172779 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-11 16:09
Fundamentals_of_power_electronics的讲义(官方正式发行版) attachment  ...234 vootoo 2008-4-27 395990 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-11 11:19
Low-Voltage,_Low-Power_Analog_CMOS_Design attachment  ...2 chrisdy 2008-1-9 172576 过路心客 2011-3-11 10:29
光电转换通信 attachment unlogical 2008-1-25 31388 jlqamark 2011-3-11 09:30
A FREE US patent search tool LTC 2008-2-3 22612 tigernk 2011-3-11 09:07
在HDL代码设计综合中TCL脚本的应用 attachment  ...2 akarlee 2009-5-29 132264 dengyueping 2011-3-11 08:58
spectre 使用简介 attachment wangshuqi2008 2007-7-20 91751 twci 2011-3-11 00:11
[求助] 谁能帮忙找一篇论文?Investigation of the Electron Transport Properties  ...2 analogmind 2010-5-30 102176 analogmind 2011-3-10 21:57
分享比较器论文 attachment  ...23 hzqziggy 2008-4-17 264510 chenshengsheng 2011-3-10 21:56
AD书籍----oversampling方向 niuyin 2007-11-30 82704 weirong116160 2011-3-10 14:24
cadence 版图设计 attachment jingyes 2009-5-12 71617 cll412121 2011-3-10 12:56
模拟CMOS集成电路设计答案 attachment  ...23456..8 lingfeng528 2006-11-11 7112235 zhangyulei0614 2011-3-10 10:43
bandgap attachment 1500X 2008-6-7 85279 sx_2010 2011-3-10 09:30
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