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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 136 |主题: 40590|排名: 1 

[资料] IC for communication(berkeley)(合并版) attachment  ...234 mustangyhz 2010-3-18 324396 hpeda 2011-3-30 19:32
非接触电子标签芯片的设计 attachment audiopa 2008-9-29 92613 yinjunabiao 2011-3-30 19:13
电源管理专业补充课程:电子电力技术 attachment ddrr 2009-5-28 82430 feilongf91 2011-3-30 16:21
[分享]Key Issues in RF and RFIC Circuit Design attachment  ...23 everbbbb 2009-8-25 293622 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-30 16:20
EMC for Product Designers attachment macopeng 2008-5-27 61566 nwu345 2011-3-30 13:57
[原创] Berkeley 2010年最新RF博士论文 attachment  ...2345 northfish 2010-8-27 476360 Angelasong 2011-3-30 13:16
2009 Optimizing Processes with RFID and Auto ID attachment pjing57 2009-11-18 52035 caltech_usa 2011-3-29 21:25
安装 hspice (linux)要用到的 installer1.3 attachment  ...23456..10 tianxiong_14 2007-12-4 9711755 microqian 2011-3-29 14:20
[求助] 求一篇paper attachment hardmany 2010-6-26 81644 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-29 14:18
FUEL CELL ELECTRONICS PACKAGING attachment  ...2 fjlihh 2008-5-5 125617 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-29 13:51
pads 2007 kg attachment xileito 2007-10-17 61937 eeusa2005 2011-3-29 13:26
Virtuoso Schematic Composer User 5.0 attachment  ...2 5042119022 2008-3-13 132720 tommy_song 2011-3-29 13:06
[资料] U.S. Integrated Circuit Design and Fabrication Capability-2009 attachment mynameiswtx 2011-3-15 91645 Sweetlover 2011-3-29 12:56
UC berkeley 的Cadence 常见疑难问题解决文档 attachment  ...23 xyj107 2008-10-15 293808 xbbx8517 2011-3-29 12:40
[其它] 想说话 gaozhiqiang 2011-3-29 12231 jackzhang 2011-3-29 11:56
BSIM3v3 attachment  ...2 yuelf 2006-10-11 163835 hibai 2011-3-29 10:06
[资料] Cadence 中文手册 attachment 煮熟的鸡蛋 2011-3-21 91874 ls_happy 2011-3-29 08:35
[资料] class e-a new class of power amplifiers 39382524 2011-3-11 21765 apac 2011-3-29 01:36
[原创] 一种新型三节重入式电桥 yanchao 2011-3-29 06447 yanchao 2011-3-29 01:08
[原创] 耦合滤波器设计与传输零点的独立性分析 attachment yanchao 2011-3-29 01377 yanchao 2011-3-29 01:05
[资料] 经典电路分析资料 attachment semiclxue 2011-3-27 61913 fixit 2011-3-28 19:36
绝对重复内容,, cmos memory 电路,作者harasti 来自三星 Areky 2009-11-29 41573 pcmada 2011-3-28 13:51
伯克利的digital circuits 资料 attachment justinpanda 2007-5-19 31524 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-28 13:35
[求助] BSIM3(V3.2) (Hspice level 49)的JFET 模型 cqu1413 2011-2-23 35298 chenxiaoming 2011-3-28 12:37
CMOS电路模拟与设计——基于Hispice attachment  ...2 analogworld 2009-12-11 132303 peterzm 2011-3-28 12:13
CMOS 带隙基准源的设计 attachment  ...2 dongtcry 2008-11-1 111882 sch1987 2011-3-28 12:12
[资料] Allen course (0 -14 ) attachment mitchell0001 2011-3-25 51258 mitchell0001 2011-3-28 11:44
复旦大学研究生(模拟电路)课件 attachment  ...23456 iwantfly 2006-10-19 517951 ucmkul 2011-3-28 10:01
运放的稳定性设计系列论文 attachment frogjj 2009-5-18 91703 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2011-3-27 22:41
[求助] 学习射频都需要什么基础课程 icyangjinguo 2011-3-27 12497 lvyuze 2011-3-27 22:19
PCB--layout的经验之谈与资料 attachment  ...23 semico_ljj 2006-10-10 224593 nwu345 2011-3-27 18:55
[资料] HFSS电磁仿真设计—应用详解 attachment 陈豪俊 2011-3-27 13040 陈豪俊 2011-3-27 17:45
[资料] 台湾ESD教父柯明道实验室博士论文 attachment hsim 2011-3-27 11898 ale1012 2011-3-27 17:34
信号与系统总结 attachment  ...2345 huaqingmm 2008-11-6 415043 xuyanyan141 2011-3-27 12:11
[资料] Sigma-delta ADC attachment wafergao 2011-3-26 31610 yq314 2011-3-26 23:40
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