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design for test standard attachment  ...234 enterchen 2009-12-9 336287 Desingman 2017-12-19 15:56
求助-Testing Static Random Access Memories enterchen 2009-12-9 33006 tvman2015 2020-3-3 09:18
《半导体测试技术》,半导体测试值得一看的好书 attachment  ...23456..21 wabup 2009-12-8 20030274 Andy126 2022-3-23 17:36
VLSI Testing Course attachment  ...23 mofeice 2009-11-23 255904 stockwang 2020-1-30 15:25
中科院计算机所测试讲义 attachment  ...2 skylie 2009-11-17 127024 martin_zheng 2021-9-13 16:44
IC测试原理解析 attachment  ...2345 tigerxixi 2009-11-12 458759 凛冬不冷 2023-6-23 10:26
发一下做ATE测试的基础资料吧,可以说是宝典,强烈推荐 attachment  ...23456..20 chocobocn 2009-10-29 19637671 Airp698 2023-10-16 16:34
边界扫描(Boundary scan )测试原理 attachment  ...23456..11 iamkenhuang 2009-10-28 10922425 caojiangcheng 2023-3-14 09:53
DFT全部官方资料 attachment  ...23456..16 cdchen 2009-10-27 15124756 duanjunah0551 2023-12-14 16:28
synopsys Bist User Guide attachment  ...234 cdchen 2009-10-27 368270 martin_zheng 2021-9-23 10:25
IC CP test资料 attachment  ...23 geffice 2009-10-20 227156 品博锦取_2021 2023-12-11 11:34
测试经典书籍2: soft test -<The Fundamentals of Mixed Signal Testing> attachment  ...23456..12 icemc2008 2009-10-14 11726124 czy427 2021-1-20 23:58
DFT设计基础 attachment  ...23456..21 双氧水 2009-9-28 20829022 dafu02nk 2022-11-21 17:23
[新书首发]Production Testing of RF and SoC Devices for Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..8 AroundSky 2009-9-27 7612729 jeanway 2018-5-6 15:49
IC测试区猛料:VERIGY 93K TRAINING BOOK attachment  ...23456..22 AroundSky 2009-9-25 21137548 thomas_gui 2024-5-24 05:47
A DFT Experience in a Complex Million Gate Design attachment  ...2 ewido 2009-9-25 194281 freebirdlee 2020-4-17 11:02
Integrated Circuit Test Engineering(不知道有人发过没有,请看了介绍再下) attachment  ...23456..15 chipdesign 2009-9-12 14620160 mj23ak17 2020-11-8 19:59
给大家贡献一本关于"design for test"的书籍 attachment  ...23456..16 0-cool 2009-9-9 15827444 thomas_gui 2024-5-24 07:00
国外的一篇论文,关于mbist优化 attachment  ...2345 iyaowu 2009-8-29 428071 谢启超 2017-10-16 14:20
bist资料,还看得一下 attachment  ...23 iyaowu 2009-8-29 2712043 mfsgsb1987 2013-12-10 11:43
VLSI test principles and architectures attachment  ...2345 zuzumi 2009-8-24 448633 icehbbb 2019-7-26 09:00
SOC test architectures attachment  ...2 zuzumi 2009-8-13 143911 yangj_2003 2024-1-15 15:21
TI的DAC测试资料 attachment  ...23456..9 novleaf 2009-7-17 8318513 haizaolan 2023-3-12 23:16
TI的ADC测试资料 attachment  ...23456..12 novleaf 2009-7-17 11530076 jpwang 2023-2-10 13:05
安捷伦的adc和dac测试 attachment  ...23456..12 greenalau 2009-7-16 11824879 Jaytrue 2021-8-19 19:53
测试系统设计-国家晶片系统设计中心 attachment  ...23 IC1234 2009-7-12 235490 qqwken 2022-4-18 15:51
芯片测试(清华大学) attachment  ...23456..19 zhengqh123 2009-7-9 18943197 Draymond 2023-12-19 16:05
Advanced Production Testing of RF, SoCand SiP attachment  ...23456..7 the_4400 2009-7-2 6613084 pradeepmadhava1 2022-3-14 21:05
Production Testing of RF and Soc attachment  ...234 the_4400 2009-7-2 398489 etsay20 2023-6-30 22:06
一本关于IC at speed test的书 attachment  ...23456..18 laocai 2009-6-28 17433192 dmf336 2023-1-17 15:44
A test article ihlin0733 2009-6-27 94166 qqwken 2022-4-18 15:43
测试原理解析 attachment fbzou 2009-6-25 32385 jefffree 2011-2-10 16:54
IC测试原理 attachment  ...23 fbzou 2009-6-24 296868 cwliao 2018-2-28 20:50
advantest pattern 培训资料 xianya228 2009-6-22 83108 edgargong2010 2016-10-14 07:10
Digital_test attachment smartbear_06 2009-6-9 32172 jimcmwang 2017-10-13 15:39
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