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[高清晰版]VLSI Test Principles and Architectures Design for Testability attachment  ...23456..32 dendrite 2009-1-14 31958602 z102333 2022-1-22 19:27
[资料] ADC测试标准 attachment  ...23456..7 qianxiaohui 2012-12-20 6921556 clslhy 2022-1-15 13:35
[资料] memory bist 参考资料 attachment  ...23456..7 hang1 2010-4-10 6415986 clslhy 2022-1-13 09:29
悬赏 [求助] 求基于ISCAS-89电路生成的Mintest测试向量集? - [悬赏 100 信元资产] s19970505 2021-12-8 21621 s19970505 2021-12-11 15:48
[资料] 运算(电压)放大器测试方法的基本原理 新人帖 attachment  ...2 学习鸭 2020-8-28 124393 Andy126 2021-12-8 09:51
[原创] dft data requirement gratwo 2010-1-5 42811 踏香留痕 2021-12-3 16:18
IC产品的质量与可靠性测试 attachment  ...23456..23 alexchiang 2007-9-26 22246417 品博锦取_2021 2021-11-16 11:06
[资料] DAC静态电参数测试 attachment  ...23456 gangersun 2011-9-25 5212020 zengrenzhi 2021-11-11 16:15
[资料] SOFT-TEST書籍 The Fundamentals Of Mixed Signal Testing attachment  ...23 alexchiang 2010-7-2 207045 knlam1001 2021-11-11 07:30
[招聘] 整个产品研发在长沙,前景好,加班少,适合长期稳定发... ly2282 2021-10-30 21900 Crazyfeng. 2021-11-4 11:30
[原创] 快封线提供可靠性验证及失效分析 worker10 2021-11-1 01529 worker10 2021-11-1 08:25
[解决] design for test and low power test attachment  ...2 鲨鱼辣椒123 2019-3-19 133847 tywang7523 2021-10-31 11:02
[资料] 清华大学芯片测试讲义 attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2018-12-19 154499 天空的鱼 2021-10-29 18:05
数摸混合信号测试标准 attachment  ...23456..7 052081119 2007-10-9 6016247 liulongchao 2021-10-29 08:48
[资料] IC testing theory analysis attachment  ...2 chingyy000 2012-8-27 134819 kingmomo0001 2021-10-23 10:46
[资料] 低功耗测试方面的书 attachment  ...2 一岁就很帅 2019-1-15 163934 lans0625 2021-10-19 23:39
[资料] TetraMax Reference Methodology Script G-2012.06 attachment 7miv 2013-6-21 53247 novel_qin 2021-10-13 21:26
[原创] 创新引领 做大做强!浙江省委副书记、代省长王浩调研检查加速科技 新人帖 attach_img 杭州加速科技 2021-10-8 01884 杭州加速科技 2021-10-8 19:36
[资料] ACEQ-100-rev-h attachment Ground_lan 2017-6-6 42136 pxj0557 2021-10-4 23:31
[资料] 射频集成电路的测试与诊断系统芯片实现 attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-17 92111 品博锦取_2021 2021-10-4 16:08
[求助] 请问谁有v2013.4的mentor Tessent工具的document attachment  ...23 risccpu 2014-2-13 279738 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 12:05
[资料] VLSI测试方法学和可测性设计 attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-17 62588 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 11:51
[资料] LSTTL On Semiconductor Data Book attachment sminyi 2020-2-28 61899 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 11:47
[资料] 华为硬件工程师手册 attachment  ...2 youbuweige 2020-2-25 184175 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 11:45
[资料] Scan Chain Design attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-19 82250 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 11:36
[资料] 介绍ic测试原理的一本经典书籍 attachment  ...23 superleaf 2011-9-19 206987 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 11:11
[资料] 高清《VLSI测试方法学和可测性设计》 attachment  ...23456..10 whustyzh 2011-12-12 9921854 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 10:47
[资料] ASIC可测试性设计 attachment 不懂也不问 2019-1-24 92040 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 10:06
[资料] Digital_test attachment 鲨鱼辣椒123 2019-3-19 71807 martin_zheng 2021-9-27 10:04
[资料] 复旦VLSI测试和可测性设计PPT attachment  ...23 oneway 2016-6-30 267537 martin_zheng 2021-9-23 10:39
[资料] 静态时序分析 attachment szq187 2016-11-18 93215 martin_zheng 2021-9-23 10:33
IC测试原理解析4 attachment  ...2 Ghost_xia 2009-3-20 165730 martin_zheng 2021-9-23 10:31
synopsys Bist User Guide attachment  ...234 cdchen 2009-10-27 368869 martin_zheng 2021-9-23 10:25
[资料] DFT视频课程,有想学习的联系我 jinghexinlong 2019-8-1 63218 DR794685953 2021-9-16 17:20
[转贴] Cadence入门教程 attachment  ...23 lichq 2017-11-22 205789 zhengyanfeng 2021-9-15 10:38
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