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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3404|排名: 212 

Processor Description Languages attachment  ...23 gellmann 2014-8-16 286595 wisdom521 2024-3-18 22:11
JuHoSohn_PhD_GPU.pdf attachment  ...23456..8 qazwsxedc_1 2010-8-28 7916255 skahill 2024-3-14 17:03
ARM JTAG调试原理 attachment  ...23456 sz1717 2006-1-10 5111886 skahill 2024-3-14 16:31
VLSI Physical Design:From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure attach_img  ...23456..7 xiexin0708 2016-6-14 6513308 dreamfly123123 2024-3-14 09:29
[求助] 基于latch实现mcu cahce的一些讨论与请教 茶艾 2024-3-13 0173 茶艾 2024-3-13 15:33
计算机组成与设计:硬件软件接口 原书第五版 中文版 pdf扫描完整版 attach_img  ...23456..18 litterstrong 2018-1-6 17441869 hclin 2024-3-12 00:35
arm公司在ISSCC2008上的报告 attachment hktkzsw 2009-5-7 41970 zlhrsy 2024-3-10 17:47
计算机组成与设计:硬件、软件接口(第四版,ARM版)随书光盘 attachment  ...23456..12 tyxuanyuanlx 2012-9-17 11123885 etopjp 2024-3-10 10:33
ARM cortex a9 trm,全面详细设计文档(共包含5个),明细见图片! attach_img  ...23456..8 wangpaiking 2012-9-1 7316010 ldd-1987 2024-3-9 06:01
[原创] 《计算机组成与设计(RISC-V 版)中文译本》.pdf attach_img  ...23456 何军民 2022-9-9 573846 samuel_rainbow 2024-3-7 17:33
Intel CPU SVID Protocol (Serial VID) attachment  ...2 chu8xv03 2016-10-7 1711638 sajes2013 2024-3-7 15:05
《现代处理器设计--超标量处理器基础》[中文版] attach_img  ...23456..29 netfox98 2014-6-12 28242194 Cao19930928 2024-3-6 14:40
[原创] 《Models of Computation Exploring the Power of Computing》 attachment pwang7 2023-2-2 8955 byrd2010 2024-2-23 20:55
ARM System-on-Chip Architecture (2nd Edition) attachment swfswf 2018-6-29 82154 cmmjava 2024-2-23 16:17
RISC处理器设计.ppt attachment  ...234 adamxiaobao 2006-12-25 305989 liguchu 2024-2-22 15:22
AXI write transactions with different IDs and same address fangda 2013-8-1 21785 yojam 2024-2-22 00:22
最新的!绝对不能错过的超标量处理器微架构设计 attachment  ...2345 Romer 2015-8-17 4710413 binnq 2024-2-19 14:55
Multi-Core Embedded Systems attach_img  ...23456..14 netshell 2012-11-22 13319467 cmmjava 2024-2-19 12:06
多核系统的嵌入式软件设计及编程--Springer 2010 新书 attachment  ...23456 悉你 2010-11-17 588844 cmmjava 2024-2-19 12:00
15个免费IP核2 attachment  ...23456..9 goodcat888 2008-2-15 8312272 liguchu 2024-2-19 09:22
[原创] 8 bit mcu core attachment  ...234 ydlm42sj 2010-9-3 377221 gubels 2024-2-10 18:57
IC设计前后端流程与EDA工具 digest  ...23 kingyuan 2015-11-28 2711335 Kate_l 2024-2-6 14:31
OpenRisc源代码分析与芯片设计及linux移植 xgdliujie 2013-3-7 54915 im.leo 2024-2-6 09:56
调试了一本书的一个RISC_MCU attachment agree  ...23456..7 vongy 2006-11-12 6912805 im.leo 2024-2-3 14:58
Processor Design System-on-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs attachment  ...23 christyang 2018-4-27 223658 quakewangtao 2024-1-31 10:17
超标量处理器源代码+alpha结构资料 attachment  ...23456..8 icNisee 2008-12-27 7517641 quakewangtao 2024-1-31 10:12
两本有用的电子书,微架构+缓存结构 attachment  ...23456..12 helimpopo 2016-1-20 11217699 quakewangtao 2024-1-31 10:03
[原创] Memory Mapped IO attachment tpungi 2020-9-25 81620 varezki 2024-1-29 15:53
Electronic.Design.Automation.Synthesis.Verification.and.Test attachment  ...23 xiexin0708 2016-6-14 245398 RayCing 2024-1-29 12:52
doc for synopsys processor designer 2011 attachment  ...234 william_tseng 2012-6-7 357168 cmmjava 2024-1-29 12:40
[共享]宇航级微处理器LEON2 2.2 VHDL源代码 attachment  ...23456..11 blue1025 2008-8-22 10620387 cmmjava 2024-1-29 12:38
[原创] The Chip Is the Network: Toward a Science attachment  ...234 netshell 2012-11-23 396850 pradeepmadhava1 2024-1-26 19:58
经典SOC教材_low power NOC for Hign performance SOC design attachment  ...23456..9 zhenleo 2010-1-23 8816058 pradeepmadhava1 2024-1-26 19:55
ARM MMU attachment oneearth 2008-10-22 41845 pradeepmadhava1 2024-1-26 19:53
再发2个1T的8051 IPcore attachment  ...23456 McuPlayer2013 2013-3-28 5811394 dreamfly123123 2024-1-26 10:59
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