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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3411|排名: 213 

arm9 cache 介绍,含rtl代码 attachment  ...23456..15 linlinlpy 2009-10-17 14334076 北雪初晴 2025-2-9 22:06
【Springer经典】流处理器系统结构(Stream Processor Architecture)—Scott Rixner attachment  ...23456..21 yisaogua 2010-5-12 20936659 北雪初晴 2025-2-9 22:02
JTAG设计文档资料源代码 attachment  ...23456..17 wallyqin 2008-2-19 16731931 davie_huang 2025-2-8 13:56
美国IEEE Fellow (哥伦比亚大学计算机系主任)对多核 Cache优化的研究文稿 attachment  ...23456..14 wxh168 2009-11-26 13924429 北雪初晴 2025-2-6 13:57
麻省理工学院的《Computer System Architecture》 attachment  ...23456..31 sunshinesysu 2005-8-24 30746576 北雪初晴 2025-2-6 13:53
[原创] 服务器芯片架构工程师 alex_fang2010 2025-2-6 0239 alex_fang2010 2025-2-6 12:03
NOC经典书籍及论文下载(2) attachment  ...234 netshell 2012-11-21 349489 tracybetty 2025-2-4 13:25
VLSI Physical Design:From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure attach_img  ...23456..7 xiexin0708 2016-6-14 6615932 zhb9103 2025-2-1 20:14
深入理解计算机系统(中文版) attachment  ...23456..13 Avalon 2006-11-12 12126480 wjf2007 2025-1-28 18:03
龙芯胡伟武老师的课件 attachment  ...23456..9 iyaowu 2009-8-29 8614866 laha 2025-1-26 09:16
ARM JTAG调试原理 attachment  ...23456 sz1717 2006-1-10 5213542 xlteam2 2025-1-26 04:22
MIPS技术资料——龙芯 attachment  ...2 Alberteins 2010-8-24 102713 gzliuwj 2025-1-24 16:37
Computer organization and design ARM edition attachment  ...23456..7 aureage 2017-3-30 6914698 cyberwillis 2025-1-23 02:25
OR1200开源CPU源代码分析 attachment digest  ...23456..11 nonews 2011-3-9 10224817 laha 2025-1-22 14:35
简指令微处理器_RISC_的全流程设计(博士论文) attachment  ...23456..39 桂海田 2007-11-18 38949286 laha 2025-1-22 14:28
[原创] 计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口 RISC-V(英文版)(第6版) attach_img  ...23456..7 真我个性 2020-6-20 6515250 laha 2025-1-22 13:18
在IEEE上找到的有关发射队列的论文,比较全面 attachment Romer 2015-4-30 83373 rocsman 2025-1-22 00:08
有关GPU的资料 attachment  ...23456..14 MyRTOS 2009-3-20 13426211 rocsman 2025-1-21 23:56
JuHoSohn_PhD_GPU.pdf attachment  ...23456..9 qazwsxedc_1 2010-8-28 8319033 rocsman 2025-1-21 23:45
Cache Memory Book_R2 attachment  ...23456..17 leasor 2014-3-24 16527621 rocsman 2025-1-21 23:44
53-Architecture of the Pentium Microprocessor attachment  ...2 andyxieyong 2008-1-19 103082 rocsman 2025-1-21 23:38
网络处理器Network.Processor.Design.Volume.2 attachment  ...2345 processor 2009-12-5 4511939 rocsman 2025-1-20 23:39
韩国大学CPU设计课件 attachment  ...23456..10 zhuzhiqi 2015-8-1 9218391 rocsman 2025-1-20 23:35
深入理解计算机系统(Computer_Systems_A_Programmer’s_Perspective.pdf)英文完整版 attachment  ...23456..10 ytmallen 2008-9-2 9423362 wjf2007 2025-1-19 10:18
ARM中的cache设计专利 attachment  ...23456..18 SkyFirst 2007-5-31 17331340 wojiaobuzhidao 2025-1-17 18:59
[原创] Modern Processor Design - Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors attachment hawaii_e 2024-7-8 8620 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:56
Springer的Processor Architecture attachment  ...23456..8 helimpopo 2016-1-19 7012199 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:40
alpha-21264,经典中的经典。 attachment  ...23456..10 rocky77 2004-8-6 9026297 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:39
Microprocessor Architecture From Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors.pdf attachment  ...23456 leasor 2012-11-3 5611627 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:36
[原创] Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units attachment  ...23 aureage 2019-3-8 265870 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:31
[原创] Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for performance, Global Edition, 11th Edition (William Stallings) attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-10-16 313286 rocsman 2025-1-12 21:30
开源GPU,RTL源代码+验证环境+文档 attach_img  ...23456..13 dodoee 2017-11-15 12325463 omnik 2025-1-12 14:33
[原创] Loongson's GS232 core attachment 轩辕志瑜 2022-11-24 91584 rocsman 2025-1-11 22:52
IEEE上的超标量处理器论文 attachment  ...23 Romer 2015-5-4 246285 rocsman 2025-1-11 22:15
最新的!绝对不能错过的超标量处理器微架构设计 attachment  ...2345 Romer 2015-8-17 4811883 rocsman 2025-1-11 22:10
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