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【Wiley】Professional Multicore Programming attachment  ...2345 yisaogua 2010-4-30 409490 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:08
Linux内核0.11详细注释+linux-0.11代码 attachment wangpaiking 2014-6-1 42404 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:07
How_Computers_Work_Processor_and_Main_Memory_.rar attachment  ...234 sgsun 2008-7-14 305903 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:06
《Linux内核情景分析》 attachment  ...234 ilmic 2009-7-12 329257 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:05
Guide To RISC Processors - For Programmers And Engineers attachment  ...2 milkcowboy 2007-12-16 145633 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:04
The Future of Microprocessors - [阅读权限 1]attachment  ...23 flyingstar 2011-10-15 216464 im.leo 2024-1-14 18:03
[2009][官方PDF]Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems attachment  ...23456..7 zb8521 2010-9-27 6413899 im.leo 2024-1-14 10:49
CPU芯片逻辑设计技术 attachment  ...2345 lmyapple 2016-6-6 4511143 im.leo 2024-1-14 10:34
Modern Operating System [3 edition] attachment  ...23 fufuck 2011-11-15 205602 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:57
现代操作系统 Modern Operating Systems 4th 2015 attachment  ...2 yue4875 2018-11-2 123655 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:43
黄铠经典<计算机算术运算 原理、结构与设计> attachment  ...23456..8 snoopyty 2007-10-29 7318309 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:41
MK - Network Processor Design: Issues and Practices (Volume 3) attachment  ...2345 dashinlee 2010-1-21 4910489 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:40
Network Processors Architectures, Protocols, and Platforms attachment  ...2 yuanli_sina 2013-4-12 134380 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:39
[原创] The Art of Modeling Mechanical Systems attachment  ...23 melquisedec 2017-12-4 225393 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:37
[EBooK]《THE FIRMWARE HANDBOOK 》 attachment  ...23456..11 fangll 2006-12-28 10622639 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:36
[原创] 2013 Springer新书:Energy-Efficient Communication Processors attachment  ...234 lvwei_1024 2013-12-7 378173 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:35
【推荐好书】【算法方面】【推荐算法方面】Digital.Arithmetic attachment  ...23456..18 fqp1981 2010-7-25 17430703 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:31
Morgan.Kaufmann.The.Art.of.Multiprocessor.Programming attachment  ...23 zancer 2009-11-8 276334 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:29
固态电路设计好书 attachment ejiageng 2007-11-21 85770 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:29
深入解析windows操作系统 Windows+Internals+Part2 6th 2012 attach_img  ...2 yue4875 2018-11-3 113568 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:28
《处理器设计,基于ASIC和FPAG的片上系统构建》英文原版 attachment  ...23456..27 ybchen08 2008-10-18 26740616 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:26
操作系统_精髓与设计原理_Eng 7th OS_Internals and Design Principles attachment  ...23 yue4875 2018-11-2 245939 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:25
处理器设计好书 springer出版 attachment  ...23456..36 zhouandy 2009-6-16 35645636 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:25
普林斯顿大学计算机架构课件 Multiprocessors attachment  ...234 zhuzhiqi 2015-8-13 308669 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:00
[原创] 计算机系统结构教程 第二版 张晨曦 attach_img 真我个性 2023-1-26 21569 im.leo 2024-1-13 11:16
CPU源代码分析与芯片设计及Linux移植 [平装]~ 倪继利 (作者) - PDF attach_img  ...23456..14 xsunlightx 2013-4-4 13130187 im.leo 2024-1-13 11:15
Multiprocessor Systems on Chips attachment  ...23456..14 kony 2006-4-7 13625680 im.leo 2024-1-12 14:17
Processor design (System on Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs) attach_img  ...23456 helimpopo 2016-6-3 5210214 skahill 2024-1-12 13:56
Phytium 64-cores ARMv8知情者爆料下~ attachment  ...2 mipsgreen 2015-8-26 127609 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:23
操作系统概念(英文第10版)Operating System Concepts 10th 2018 attach_img  ...234 yue4875 2018-10-30 3812349 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:22
操作系统概念(Java第8版)Operating System Concepts with Java 8th 2010 attach_img  ...2 yue4875 2018-12-9 114036 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:21
[原创] Trigonometry With Calculator Based Solutions 5E attachment melquisedec 2017-12-4 72051 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:11
SOC设计领域的核心技术——软/硬件协同设计 attachment  ...23456..14 sandallevi 2007-11-6 13620141 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:10
2017 Low-Level.Programming (Intel 64 Architecture) attachment  ...2 wt_ckt 2018-1-1 134846 im.leo 2024-1-12 13:01
计算机组成与体系结构性能设计(原书第8版)+计算机体系结构(第二版)张晨曦 attachment  ...23456..8 腹化风雪 2015-12-8 7218045 im.leo 2024-1-12 11:42
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