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51单片机资料宝典 attachment 桂海田 2007-10-29 51874 liguchu 2024-1-19 17:58
北大verilog课件!内部资料 attachment  ...2 wangalong 2010-5-2 144673 liguchu 2024-1-19 17:38
一个简单16位CPU的设计 attachment  ...234 genghis 2008-7-1 335909 liguchu 2024-1-19 17:21
一个8位处理器结构,源码分析 attachment  ...23456..7 vuchen 2007-11-20 6114041 liguchu 2024-1-19 16:35
微处理器分支预测的模拟程序(2lev,gshare,neural方法) attachment  ...2 nudtzy 2005-10-6 189859 im.leo 2024-1-18 15:58
[原创] 3GPP 协议大全(四) attachment MEMS_dream 2010-1-11 55787 im.leo 2024-1-18 09:18
The Essentials of Computer Organization And Architecture (2003) attachment BlueSky68 2007-9-30 83858 im.leo 2024-1-18 09:15
求计算机经典书籍 attachment  ...23 chevalier 2007-3-5 2512381 im.leo 2024-1-17 09:01
[原创] 《计算机组成与体系结构:性能设计》第8版高清259MB PDF attachment  ...234 pwang7 2021-11-23 354852 im.leo 2024-1-17 08:58
<<AMD64架构程序员手册>>,卷1~卷5(2007_09,英)pdf attachment  ...23 kxw102 2008-3-5 275285 im.leo 2024-1-17 08:56
Addison Wesley - Arm System-On-Chip Architecture, 2nd Edition attachment  ...23456..20 jonas47 2006-8-15 19126681 im.leo 2024-1-17 08:54
Samsung S3C2440 data attachment jhw 2009-9-17 42326 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:24
itanium.architecture.for.programmers.understanding.64-bit. attachment swarron 2009-6-7 72342 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:22
数据采集系统芯片原理与应用 attachment  ...2 grhuizl 2008-8-12 117574 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:19
嵌入式Linux系统开发手册 attachment 网络神经 2009-6-21 41733 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:18
Overview of the BlueGene.L System Architecture attachment jimxiao 2008-9-19 31953 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:16
【ARM】ARM经典300问 attachment  ...2 xhappy 2009-3-19 164121 im.leo 2024-1-16 16:15
《网格计算 Grid Computing -Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality》 (2003 attachment  ...23 老扁 2005-10-6 266217 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:17
Intel's Next Generation Microarchitecture attachment  ...23 nudtzy 2006-3-21 2833418 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:15
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Piranha_ a scalable architecture based on single-chip multiprocessor attachment  ...2 jimxiao 2008-9-16 163484 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:11
离散数学课件,人邮出版社 attachment keiyi 2009-4-16 52303 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:08
[Free] Application-tuned processor architectures attachment  ...2 SkyFirst 2008-1-4 133264 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:06
电子书《使用VHDL设计数字逻辑和微处理器》 attachment  ...23 bebest 2008-10-12 204048 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:04
[Free] Model-based processor synthesis attachment SkyFirst 2008-1-4 82479 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:03
See MIPS Run(English Version) attachment  ...2 faersheng 2007-11-1 1975118 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:53
See MIPS Run 第二版 英文清晰版! attachment  ...23 natrac 2007-11-9 265279 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:52
Intel Pentium Pro ,P6构架,结构设计文章 attachment jimxiao 2009-7-16 92487 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:42
二进制翻译技术研究 attachment karierace 2009-8-10 82557 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:15
Hackers_Delight.rar chm格式 attachment zzyjsjcom 2009-5-28 62088 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:14
Thread-level Parallelism and Interactive Performance of Desktop Applications attachment gaowei0525 2008-5-8 62428 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:13
ucos嵌入式系统设计PDF attachment  ...2 huangruini 2009-12-6 194095 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:09
我下载书籍的目录 attachment  ...2 xudeqiang 2008-2-4 173576 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:07
嵌入式系统2-嵌入式系统介绍软件部分 attachment 石磊5451 2010-10-8 31813 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:03
IEEE754 attachment  ...2 goodhope 2004-1-13 103478 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:02
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