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发表于 2014-10-15 14:58:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我在读systemverilog for verification, 从, 下载的Utopia example。 我没有VCS, 所以用的是ModelSim SE PLUS 6.5, 但是编译时有错误,总是出现下面的问题:** Error: (vlog-7027) Hierarchical reference ('') not allowed from within a package.
** Error: D:/Program Files/yangshuang/modeltech_6.5/myproject/11-01.Example/ (vlog-7027) Hierarchical reference ('') not allowed from within a package.

** Error: near "interface": syntax error, unexpected "interface", expecting "assert "
发表于 2014-10-19 20:06:48 | 显示全部楼层
model sim编译不是很方便,好像得加个什么选项的,具体的参考usr guide
 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-20 14:56:52 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# Ricky_22 你好,真的非常感谢你回答了我的问题,现在已经急得火烧眉毛了。我在Modelsim SE 6.5的菜单栏里找到Compile,但是Compile Options是灰色的,不能点击的。还有你说的usr guide,我在Modelsim SE 6.5的菜单栏中没有找到。
发表于 2014-10-20 20:47:23 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# 雪儿儿的脚步

 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-23 14:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# Ricky_22 嗨喽,你好。我在Modelsim SE 6.5的菜单栏的Help中找到了User's Manual,在其中的第277页的Incremental Compilation中看到这样一段英语描述:(第一段没什么用,重点在后面几段
        ModelSim Verilog supports incremental compilation of designs. Unlike other Verilog
simulators, there is no requirement that you compile the entire design in one invocation of the
      You are not required to compile your design in any particular order (unless you are using
SystemVerilog packages; see note below) because all module and UDP instantiations and
external hierarchical references are resolved when the design is loaded by the simulator.
     Compilation order may matter when using SystemVerilog packages. As stated in the

IEEE std 1800-2005 LRM, section entitled Referencing data in packages, which states:
"Packages must exist in order for the items they define to be recognized by the scopes in
which they are imported.”

      Incremental compilation is made possible by deferring these bindings, and as a result some
errors cannot be detected during compilation. Commonly, these errors include: modules that
were referenced but not compiled, incorrect port connections, and incorrect hierarchical

     Auto-Generating Compile Order
     Auto Generate is supported for HDL-only designs. The Auto Generate button in the Compile
Order dialog (see above) "determines" the correct compile order by making multiple passes
over the files. It starts compiling from the top; if a file fails to compile due to dependencies, it
moves that file to the bottom and then recompiles it after compiling the rest of the files. It
continues in this manner until all files compile successfully or until a file(s) can’t be compiled
for reasons other than dependency.
      Files can be displayed in the Project window in alphabetical or compile order (by clicking the
column headings). Keep in mind that the order you see in the Project tab is not necessarily the
order in which the files will be compiled.

   ** Error: (vlog-7027) Hierarchical reference ('') not allowed from within a package.
   ** Error: D:/Program Files/yangshuang/modeltech_6.5/myproject/11-01.Example/ (vlog-7027) Hierarchical reference ('') not allowed from within a package.
    ** Error: near "interface": syntax error, unexpected "interface", expecting "assert "
    后来我想既然不是 Auto-Generating Compile Order的问题,那可能就是源文件应该有特定的编译顺序,可是不管怎么调整编译顺序,编译以后还是会出现error。
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