1.我是这样做IO PAD 的,在综合好的netlist中手动实例化一些PAD给port,其中有些PAD的是能信号为1/0固定的,那么我该怎么处理呢,直接这样写.enable(1‘b1);吗?这样的话这个enable信号连接到那里去了呢?是到power/ground ring吗?我见过有些P/G PAD分为core_VDD、core_VSS、IO_VDD、IO_VSS,有可能那些enable信号连接到IO_VDD、IO_VSS吗?
“The site is the minimum unit of placement. It represents a slot where a cell can be placed
Rows are locations where the placement tool will place cells, rows can be core rows or IO rows. Rows are a multiple of the site definition in the LEF file.