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Special Session on Cognitive Radio, Oct 14 to 16, 2008,Dalian, China
Special Session on "Cognitive Radio"
Dalian, China October 14-16, 2008
This special session is organized by WiCOM, which is sponsored by IEEECommunicationsSociety, Wuhan University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Allpapers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. For more information,please contact:wicom@highsci.orgThe conference will be held in Dalian, the bright pearl of northernChina. Dalian is regarded as a romantic beach city full of vigor andvitality. You are welcome to visit Dalian and Beijing, where the 2008Olympic Games will be held.
[ 本帖最后由 joy11p 于 2008-3-24 09:36 编辑 ] |