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[招聘] 北京还是上海,China Operator Relations Manager,随你选

发表于 2014-12-2 16:52:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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【猎头职位:ChinaOperator Relations Manager】联系人:Effie,邮箱,微信也可查询职位啦!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”即可添加,欢迎大家关注!


职位:ChinaOperator Relations Manager



EssentialDuties and Responsibilities:

Responsible for all-up relationship with all majorWireless and Wireline Operators in China
-Drive XXX design-win and pull-through programs across all segments withoperators including mobile devices, Internet of Things, Server, Networkinfrastructure as well as the Connected Home.
-Work with sales to market the pull-through of XXX-based solutions acrosssegments where operators have direct influence into product specifications orwhere operators could be direct customers of XXX products
-Drive into and manage active evaluation of latest XXX based designs intooperators until design-win has been achieved
-Drive X developer marketing programs across segments with operatorsincluding management of hackathons, seminars, workshops as wellensuring XXX developer story is well publicized through operator marketingchannels – this will entail working and travelling on weekends at least once aquarter
-Identify and drive key points of direct engagement between XXX andoperator; Drive business level negotiation of agreements as required

Responsible for relationships with ecosystem partnersfor mobile device security
-Manage engagements with key security ecosystem partners around TrustZone™ todrive operator pull-through

Promote strong divisional engagement with keyOperators and OEMs
-Ensure strong 2-way communication between divisions and key accounts byfostering regular dialogue and exchange of pertinent information
-Drive long term alignment between XXX roadmap and partner requirements

Work with relevant segments to identify new marketopportunities, and the partnership

Develop and maintain relationships with relevantecosystem partners such as  silicon vendors, security providers, and other3rd party software/service providers.

Adapt segment and product marketing material to makethe information relevant for operator audience and localize for China Market

Construct & Deliver Presentations at public events

Education& Qualifications:
Universitydegree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, orequivalent. Ideally, candidates will have a business or marketing degree inaddition to a technical education.

Essential Skills & Experience:

Experience with managing complex network of contactswithin large Tier 1 Operators across multiple business units
-Ability to understand interworking’s, relationships, and points of influencewithin large organizations
-Willingness and comfort in proactively building new relationships and forgingnew contacts to build a network of trusted relationships within operatorsthrough active networking and demonstration of strong technical acumen
-Ability to network and build trust at senior management level

Strong Background in Network Function Virtualizationinside of operators; ability to understand key concepts relating toinfrastructure of operator network including compute, storage and networking
-Thorough understanding of core, access, edge, and basetations
-Knowledge of leading infrastructure providers, key features, differentiators,competitive positioning
-Understanding of underlying standards, concepts and software components aroundNFV/SDN including relevant APIs

Network of contacts within China Tier 1 Operatorsacross wireless and/or wireline

Basic knowledge of C/C++

Comfortable with setting up technical demos utilizingLinux Operating System including configuration of basic services such as http,ftp and java

Experience working at a multi-national company acrosstimezones

Excellent verbal and written communications skills

Exceptional skills in content development forpresentations and keynotes; solid PowerPoint skills

Understanding of/or ability to grasp technicalbenefits of a variety of embedded and microprocessor concepts

Willing to work and travel on weekends at least once aquarter

This position will require travel at least 50%

Desirable Skills & Experience:

Spoken and Written Fluency in English and MandarinChinese

Knowledge of key mobile device software components andarchitecture of Android, HTML5, iOS, and/or major platforms and theirrelationship with underlying SoCs

Network of contacts within mobile and/or pay-TVoperators including but not limited to China Mobile, China Telecom, ChinaUnicom, BesTV, SARFT

Working knowledge of  cores, tools, boards,applications software, and systems

Ability to influence senior business leaders

Social Media usage experience

Interpersonal Skills:

Charismatic and engaging

Proactive not Reactive

Builder and Architect

Leader and Contributor

Capable of working independently with littlesupervision

Highly motivated, reliable, self-starter

Good communicator, personable

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-3 14:14:28 | 显示全部楼层
KT咨询公司(深圳南山区)分公司招聘行政助理一枚 薪资面议
1. 大专及以上学历,人力资源专业优先;
2. 一年以上人事行政工作经验;
3. 熟悉公司行政管理的各项事务;
4 具有较强的语言表达能力及解决问题的能力,有亲和力,较强的责任感与敬业精神;
5. 熟练使用常用办公软件及网络应用。
6. 英语读写良好优先。
有意者直接发简历至邮箱  需要工作的小伙伴们可以联系
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-4 17:54:58 | 显示全部楼层

Linux Kernel软件工程师
职位地区: 上海
1、  负责新一代智能平台芯片的Phone/Tablet平台软件Linux内核的开发与维护;
2、  开发符合Linux kernel标准与规范的软件代码,同时交付平台开发文档;
3、  负责Linux kernel代码升级和其他重要社区版本跟踪,关注新特性和新功能的演进;
4、  UEFI/U-boot启动程序、内核分析、性能分析、虚拟机技术、内存管理、设备驱动及框架、电源管理、安全与加密引擎、文件系统和系统工具开发等领域为业务重点:;
6、掌握Linux/Android 系统性能分析工具,比如ftrace/oprofile/traceview等分析和定位软件性能;
关键词:Linux kernel U-boot 内核开发
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