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[原创] FPGA AI GPU attachment  ...2 bbchgd 2020-2-4 194298 sutaotao2001 2023-12-27 03:06
[原创] 2010新书推介【Verilog HDL高级数字设计(第2版)】M D.Ciletti 著【英文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..136 benemale 2011-1-3 1354146396 kokolono 2023-12-26 13:37
[原创] Logic Synthesis for FSM-Based Control Units attach_img  ...23 A1985 2010-4-21 297094 xdrxdr 2023-12-26 05:07
[原创] Hardware Verification With C++ attachment  ...2 coolsonic 2021-7-31 173256 qwe9991 2023-12-26 00:53
[原创] Verilog HDL 华为入门教程 attachment dshqd 2012-4-20 91922 anyang188 2023-12-21 09:54
[原创] FPGA项目承接|FPGA项目外包|FPGA项目研发 attach_img chop147 2023-12-20 0551 chop147 2023-12-20 19:51
[原创] layout中contact上增加opc层的两种方法 attach_img  ...2 sinoyin 2019-11-28 145490 yyy123. 2023-12-20 14:55
[原创] 《计算机组成与设计(RISC-V 版)》第五版中文版 attachment  ...23 pwang7 2021-10-19 254836 silence丶 2023-12-19 09:50
[原创] Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems, Volume II:Active Circuits and Systems attach_img zhimigan 2022-1-6 41452 xdrxdr 2023-12-19 01:19
[原创] Design Compiler®User Guide,谁有这本书的更新版本呢? attachment orientview 2023-3-12 21418 wuchushanren1 2023-12-17 22:32
[原创] Finite and Algorithmic State Machines、High Level Synthesis of Digital Systems、From Algorithm to Digital System attachment  ...23 jinyexing 2022-6-14 263532 xdrxdr 2023-12-15 00:54
[原创] 周润德数字集成电路课件带习题和答案 attachment  ...23456..16 bobyfyb 2010-5-10 15243482 linhongwen1963 2023-12-13 21:40
[原创] 电子元器件失效分析经典资料 attachment  ...234 denky 2011-6-3 317978 anyang188 2023-12-12 11:21
[原创] Formality Lab attachment ytlin0 2011-9-7 73435 gogo16888 2023-12-11 17:54
[原创] 《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs》 attachment  ...2 pwang7 2021-11-14 121693 sutaotao2001 2023-12-11 06:42
[原创] 【Quartus II官方教程(中文版)】官方教程,涉及FPGA设计各个方面,非常详细 attachment  ...23456..15 edta2009 2012-4-25 14632403 platum66 2023-12-10 19:58
[原创] 分享The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles(2021版) attachment  ...234 courageheart 2021-8-18 336846 gongstar 2023-12-6 16:21
[原创] 全数字锁相环研究 attachment  ...23 苏世民 2022-8-16 224478 chinest2010 2023-12-5 14:29
[原创] 直接产生verilog的testbench的python脚本 attachment digest  ...23456..18 haimag 2012-2-7 17664458 platum66 2023-12-3 19:59
[原创] VIVADO从此开始 _初级版(电子书) + 视频教学课件 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 SuperWalker0608 2021-7-14 5811168 platum66 2023-12-3 19:38
[原创] 孩子都能学会的FPGA:第十七课——用FPGA实现定点数的乘法 attach_img chdaj58 2023-11-30 1598 jsncepu 2023-12-1 09:00
[原创] vnc连接服务器菜单栏不全问题 attachment Eve_Cat 2023-4-9 01074 Eve_Cat 2023-11-29 12:01
[原创] 光纤通信集成电路设计-书籍 attachment  ...23456..17 A1985 2010-5-10 16539693 品博锦取_2021 2023-11-28 10:58
[原创] Verilog HDL参考资料 attachment dshqd 2012-4-20 31616 cmmjava 2023-11-26 16:23
[原创] 最新版本《深入理解计算机系统 第三版》 (高清版 全彩色图文)! attachment  ...23456..9 eaglesmiling 2018-7-6 8926261 xdrxdr 2023-11-24 09:18
[原创] USB2.0 IP Verilog attach_img dodoee 2023-11-20 4782 babikambing 2023-11-23 09:04
[原创] UVM1.1应用指南及源码分析第一章源码_中文注释_调试通过 attachment  ...23456..13 guolehaohao 2013-9-2 12836467 小白菜观世界 2023-11-19 20:32
[原创] CY7C68000 实现的USB2UART 的netlist verilog dodoee 2023-11-14 3429 dodoee 2023-11-14 15:46
[原创] 2013 springer新书:Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Network-on-Chip attach_img  ...234 lvwei_1024 2013-12-15 317639 Ralphjh 2023-11-14 11:23
[原创] 《Synthesis of Finite State Machines Functional Optimization》 attachment  ...23 pwang7 2021-11-8 234944 Ralphjh 2023-11-14 11:22
[原创] 非常好的FPGA介绍课件,适合初学和中级者 attachment  ...2 liuliqiang 2019-4-1 143203 leedsG 2023-11-13 21:03
[原创] 新书:3D Integration for NoC-based SoC Architectures attach_img  ...234 kong2008 2010-12-19 355864 cmmjava 2023-11-11 01:26
[原创] 本人写的CADENCE skill版的贪吃蛇 attachment  ...2 learn_sleep 2013-1-23 124726 virsim 2023-11-10 13:51
[原创] Digital System Clocking High-Performance and Low-Power Aspects attachment  ...23456..13 netghost 2010-2-10 12323264 im.leo 2023-11-9 17:52
[原创] 《Synthesis of Finite State Machines Logic Optimization》 attachment  ...23 pwang7 2021-11-8 275384 Ralphjh 2023-11-9 17:03
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