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后端资料区 今日: 12 |主题: 5783|排名: 7 

[讨论] T28以下的EFP rule有什么好办法解决吗? gsbean 2019-3-8 12124 15192534422 2019-3-20 17:50
[转贴] IBIS attachment stev7en 2010-3-16 22066 birdhappy 2019-3-20 13:37
[资料] 报废 attachment Hyacinth1292 2019-3-18 11300 student321 2019-3-18 21:14
[资料] SpringSoft TCL+TF 官方培訓資料 attachment  ...234 herokobe 2012-10-22 399405 TopGoblin 2019-3-18 12:03
[资料] IC compiler user guide Zroute attachment  ...23 MonQ 2010-12-29 235395 894Snail 2019-3-18 11:06
ICC Zroute methodology attachment  ...234 icfbicfb 2009-4-29 389243 894Snail 2019-3-18 10:35
[求助] 后端标准单元库-Liberate for library characterization 亭ting 2018-12-8 12124 亭ting 2019-3-16 15:12
[资料] 如何准备magma工具所需要的volcano attachment adonics 2014-7-6 22405 nitheshbk 2019-3-14 13:35
静态时序分析(Static Timing Analysis)基础及应用 attachment  ...23456 orinzhu 2006-2-14 5013548 knlam1001 2019-3-13 13:31
icc hier flow user guide attachment  ...23 icfbicfb 2009-4-14 2710575 knlam1001 2019-3-13 13:10
[资料] CRPR_AppNote_v1.4 attachment ys82 2018-6-25 62428 knlam1001 2019-3-12 13:42
icc hier flow user guide attachment  ...23 icfbicfb 2009-4-14 244875 knlam1001 2019-3-11 14:38
[资料] DC user guide I-2013 attachment  ...2 zhouweiscut 2014-2-19 144189 yxccc1108 2019-3-11 13:44
[资料] 关闭主题【附件失效】  ...23456..10 xiaohe8696 2017-4-20 9219284 long-assn 2019-3-10 20:21
Switching Theory-Architectures And Performance In Broadband Atm Networks attachment qhl0222_cn 2009-6-21 82257 cdting 2019-3-7 07:54
谁有 Encounter Text Command Reference 谢谢!!!!! attachment  ...2 wangjinhui888 2009-1-4 166032 wufei881212 2019-3-6 16:34
[资料] CMOS VLSI Design-A Circuits and Systems Perspective 完整版 attachment guilinzhen 2011-10-20 92091 chipdesign 2019-3-6 11:13
[资料] IC Compiler Implementation 2010年的 attachment  ...2 Alicezw 2012-11-9 124335 xinqin560 2019-3-6 10:36
[资料] SoC Encounter经典实例教程+代码 attachment  ...2345 胡兵 2013-7-5 4410955 milan0817 2019-3-5 18:31
[资料] 深亚微米下后端设计流程及实例 attachment 一岁就很帅 2019-1-21 52026 wodeyijia 2019-3-5 17:22
推荐有用的一本书:对于刚刚使用过SoCEncounter或对后端知识了解点点的同志  ...23456 sunshinell 2009-9-10 5913988 dasha123 2019-3-3 10:34
[资料] sharutils-4.6.1-2.x86_64 attachment CoCo3646 2014-11-18 31782 ssdd_yy 2019-3-2 21:47
[资料] linux_vim_tcl_perl attachment  ...2345 lu_zyh 2010-6-12 459227 satyaneos 2019-3-2 15:29
[求助] 求好心人上传cadence encounter power system hxc7206043 2011-11-25 83412 nivans 2019-2-27 12:27
[资料] cadence入门教程 attachment 冰点火龙 2013-6-9 41836 13871501548 2019-2-24 15:44
[资料] hercules tutorial guide attachment  ...234 ic_qiand 2011-9-6 3110249 samgu 2019-2-24 13:28
[求助] 高价购买:谁有比较新的ansys apache redhawk 软件。我要购买! frog020531 2017-12-20 12220 jianbaox 2019-2-23 16:16
[原创] cadence步步为营 attachment  ...2 aimyself 2009-12-15 154873 aimyself 2019-2-23 10:04
Verilog HDL 华为入门教程 attachment  ...2 juzizhao222 2009-9-15 154341 atom-x 2019-2-19 16:03
DC中的代码优化 attachment  ...234 pumamy 2006-9-18 338317 kenctd 2019-2-18 16:40
rtl compiler 实例 attachment  ...2 MonQ 2009-5-13 184380 wangy7610 2019-2-15 15:46
[资料] << Galaxy common Galaxy ICC not enabled>> Why this error? attachment  ...23 jithinsmmb 2016-1-28 2412348 kingwang0818 2019-2-13 10:28
[原创] berkley process file (CMOS NMOS process) attachment killyou_6 2012-1-11 24228 nitheshbk 2019-2-12 09:46
[资料] PrimeTime workshop attachment  ...2345 llltj 2011-5-19 4610921 nitheshbk 2019-2-10 22:46
[资料] Architectural Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook pengruojing 2015-10-25 62380 kuan 2019-2-7 12:48
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