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(分享) 2002 Computer Arithmetic Algorithms, 2nd Edition attachment  ...23456..8 xinqrs 2009-8-10 7115975 gzxbdd 2023-8-7 22:08
[资料] arm_dsu_110_trm_ DOC attachment andy9972 2023-8-7 01259 andy9972 2023-8-7 20:02
电子书:Standard Cell ASIC to FPGA Design Methodology attachment  ...23 liuxq6666 2009-9-20 235830 419593821 2023-8-7 17:35
[资料] Advanced.Digital.Signal.Processing.and.Noise.Reduction.2nd.Edition.rar attachment  ...23 y3rike 2011-5-26 206609 dannymu 2023-8-7 16:49
[资料] FPGAs and Parallel Architectures for Aerospace Applications Soft Errors and Fault-Tolerant Design @2015 attach_img  ...2345 2046 2022-11-1 426354 lans0625 2023-8-7 15:01
[原创] 2013 springer新书:Multicore Systems On-Chip second edition attach_img  ...23456..7 lvwei_1024 2013-12-15 6919422 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-7 14:55
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[资料] Design of FPGA-Based Computing Systems with OpenCL attachment CerberusX 2022-6-27 72164 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-7 12:57
[资料] Domain Specific High-Level Synthesis for Cryptographic Workloads @2019 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-1 305072 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-7 12:56
【Springer 2008新书】Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems attachment  ...23456..34 benemale 2008-3-9 33848907 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-7 12:55
[原创] [资料]密码编码学与网络安全 原理与实践 第六版pdf 新人帖 attachment shadoww 2022-6-15 62364 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-7 12:53
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悬赏 [资料] 跪求DW_ahb_dmac_databook!!! 新人帖 - [已解决] attachment Lost1995 2023-5-8 73880 gubels 2023-8-7 10:10
[资料] xilinx ISE经典教程 attachment  ...23 林缘 2015-8-17 216240 dannymu 2023-8-7 10:07
TOSHIBA内部的ASIC Design Manual,很经典! attachment  ...234 qwe-123 2006-8-25 359870 419593821 2023-8-7 09:04
几本非常经典的verilog电子书(强烈推荐) attachment  ...23456..18 xiaoshi 2009-3-5 17345846 xiachaoabc 2023-8-6 22:29
商品 [资料] FPGA&数字前端笔面试题大全 attachment Yeannis 2023-7-14 52527 jw216 2023-8-6 17:37
【2008 Springer】Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling attachment  ...23456..10 pipida 2009-7-11 9922572 always_posedge 2023-8-6 15:46
[原创] Artificial Intelligence and Hardware Accelerators attachment  ...2 orientview 2023-5-3 112548 jsncepu 2023-8-6 15:21
[原创] 【Springer 2010 新书】Power-efficient System Design attachment  ...23456..16 lotusky 2010-8-23 15737116 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 13:55
[原创] VLSI计算理论与并行算法 attachment  ...2 gogo16888 2022-12-6 193789 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 13:50
[资料] Hardware Architectures for Deep Learning @2020 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-10-27 214709 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 13:48
[资料] Nanoelectronic Devices for Hardware and Software Security @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-10-24 143500 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 13:36
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[资料] 2015 B Hardware Security Design, Threats, and Safeguards attachment  ...2 hanyusky10 2020-8-26 144484 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 11:27
Kluwer 2004 —— Dynamic Reconfiguration: Architectures and Algorithms attachment  ...2345 lotusky 2008-1-16 4810794 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 11:20
[资料] 电子书分享:Introduction to SystemVerilog - 2021 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 hychuchen 2021-7-10 5815200 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 11:19
[资料] Coding Guidelines for Datapath Synthesis attachment  ...2 Y__Y 2022-1-7 124823 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 11:17
[原创] Advanced Cache Controller attach_img  ...2 udaisai4148 2020-10-7 205981 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 11:05
[资料] 【ebook2016】VLSI-SoC Design for Reliability, Security, and Low Power attach_img  ...234 hsh22 2018-8-19 357734 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 01:06
哈工大博士论文:DSP处理器系统结构研究 attachment  ...23456..7 processor 2009-3-28 6415139 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 00:33
[资料] 经典的 Multi-FPGA Prototyping for ASIC Verification 国外论文[intel's project] attachment  ...234 apo 2011-4-5 306853 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 00:19
[资料] VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation.pdf attachment  ...234 ffq513 2021-3-16 359146 abc_def_ghi 2023-8-6 00:16
[共享] GJB597A-96 半导体集成电路总规范 attachment  ...2 520linux 2009-5-8 198378 313949724 2023-8-5 21:40
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