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Encounter的几个Lab attachment  ...2345 kingbeful 2008-6-4 4010546 sunnyodi 2020-2-4 00:12
[原创] UVM很不好学 csc57 2018-1-31 63840 tom0626 2020-2-3 20:46
[资料] 夏宇闻译_Verilog_HDL数字设计与综合_夏宇闻译(第二版).pdf attachment  ...23 cmkkd 2012-2-7 225560 M233Lu 2020-2-3 20:30
[资料] Logic Circuit Design -- Selected Methods attachment  ...2 luckyjohn1688 2016-3-9 164085 alter_chen 2020-2-3 18:03
[资料] 32位RISC处理器研究及实现 attachment  ...2 songhuicmd 2016-11-10 133396 alter_chen 2020-2-3 17:54
The firmware handbook attachment  ...23456 yimingxn 2008-4-30 5810579 alter_chen 2020-2-3 17:48
[资料] 【新书】Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics:The Essential Guide 第二版 attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2018-8-16 192805 gouyaer123 2020-2-2 01:27
A Versatile Variable Rate LDPC Codec Architecture attachment onthefly 2009-7-31 72317 virsim 2020-2-1 16:06
10Gb Reed-Solomon(255, 239)解码器的设计 attachment  ...23 aegeanchou 2009-6-2 2910844 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:59
Signal Integrity Flow for SIP attachment  ...2 onthefly 2009-7-14 113446 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:44
[资料] Rabaey, Pedram - Low Power Design Methodology - 1995 attachment  ...2 korsh84 2011-12-6 103452 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:37
[资料] Verilog最后的丝丝细语(介绍定点数浮点数) attachment  ...234 fanhaiqiu 2016-11-23 376528 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:36
[资料] 至芯科技资料放送,哈哈哈,不容错过 attachment  ...2 fpgawuhan 2016-4-7 113316 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:34
【eBook】Low-Power Electronics Design (841pages) attachment  ...23456..27 Zyson 2007-5-29 26330165 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:24
Using SystemVerilog Assertions in Gate-Level attachment  ...234 tomyang2008 2008-7-19 316407 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 15:03
Howard Johnson High-Speed Signal Propagation attachment  ...234 wgj39 2007-1-12 358719 abc532367865 2020-2-1 14:08
EBOOK-Designing Embedded Processors attachment  ...2 jacobshen 2007-8-28 165005 abc_def_ghi 2020-2-1 00:18
Modeling, Analysis, and Application of Leakage attachment  ...2 onthefly 2009-7-14 173678 pancs 2020-1-31 23:19
【Morgan Kaufmann 2007新书】System-on-Chip Test Architectures attachment  ...23456..25 benemale 2008-2-29 24125219 pancs 2020-1-31 23:18
Design.of.Energy-Efficient.Application-Specific.Instruction.Set.Processor attachment  ...2 yimingxn 2008-4-27 152841 pancs 2020-1-31 23:17
[原创] Low Power Hardware Synthesis from Concurrent Action-Oriented Specifications attachment  ...23 lotusky 2010-8-23 265444 pancs 2020-1-31 23:12
Whole-chip_ESD_protection_strategy attachment  ...2 onthefly 2009-8-9 113016 alter_chen 2020-1-31 21:47
【Springer 2008 新书】Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...23456..15 benemale 2008-6-5 148796 alter_chen 2020-1-31 21:45
10部算法经典著作的合集 attachment  ...23456..14 kenanou 2009-2-27 13622704 alter_chen 2020-1-31 21:36
[资料] CMOS电路设计·布局与仿真(第一版)中文版 attachment  ...23 binwan1982 2013-1-30 205742 abc_def_ghi 2020-1-31 20:15
[资料] 基于内存同步双机热备系统 attachment 不懂也不问 2019-1-9 41188 abc_def_ghi 2020-1-31 20:12
[资料] Synplify工具使用指南 attachment  ...2 xxhhnn 2010-7-22 143595 qx7873087 2020-1-31 19:35
[资料] 【Ebook 2016】Digital Signal Processing:A Breadth-First Approach attach_img  ...234 hsh22 2018-9-6 375002 haoxchao828 2020-1-31 18:39
[资料] Terrestrial_Neutron-Induced_Soft_Errors_in_Advanced_Memory_Devices_(2008) attachment  ...2 shrbht 2010-10-7 153844 abc_def_ghi 2020-1-31 18:16
4本powe manage VLSI的书 attachment  ...23456..10 yimingxn 2008-5-4 9317633 abc_def_ghi 2020-1-31 18:13
[资料] On-chip Measurements of Standard-Cell Propagation Delay attachment  ...23 kevinwjs 2009-12-23 246258 pancs 2020-1-31 14:14
Logical Effort Designing Fast CMOS Circuits attachment  ...23456..9 jmwen 2008-9-15 8515315 pancs 2020-1-31 14:08
Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory attachment  ...23456..13 fnkek 2006-12-18 12917721 gouyaer123 2020-1-31 13:52
Advanced Production Testing of RF, SoC, and SiP Devices attachment  ...23 onthefly 2009-7-4 225712 xiaofuss_ 2020-1-30 22:57
[资料] 信号和功耗完整性分析(djvu版) attachment monglebest 2011-5-1 72175 alter_chen 2020-1-30 18:17
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