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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 28 |主题: 41114|排名: 1 

一本通俗易懂的天线设计书籍 attachment  ...234 apex_ch 2008-12-1 314341 wudiyyn 2012-8-17 12:35
current efficient,low voltage,low dropout regulators attachment noman_dgf 2007-8-12 92604 wallace60 2012-8-17 10:34
[资料] low-dropout regulator attachment 碧海情天 2010-4-21 11180 wallace60 2012-8-17 09:56
[资料] Voltage references and Low dropout linear regulators attachment xiaopingdao 2012-3-7 72572 wallace60 2012-8-17 08:32
集成运放设计的经典书 attachment yaoyuan5516 2008-8-16 52368 无限畅想2012 2012-8-16 17:51
集成运放大全 attachment shilin0209 2008-12-29 11498 无限畅想2012 2012-8-16 17:48
模拟电路版图设计技巧 attachment  ...23456 zhongcan 2008-9-25 515970 kkman78 2012-8-16 07:32
[原创] 发一篇关于NDW工艺对衬底噪声影响的文章 attachment renzhixiong 2011-11-12 24156 hollandg 2012-8-15 22:04
[求助] 急需论文 "The intermodulation and distortion ..." attachment analogmind 2012-4-26 81619 languagebenq 2012-8-15 17:17
[E-Book - ENG] - Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective - Jan M.Rabaey attachment  ...234 wyqet 2009-2-26 335128 xuleiwx 2012-8-15 16:03
EDA工具入门_Cadence工具及对应产品包列表 attachment  ...2 superrabbit 2009-5-17 123986 xuleiwx 2012-8-15 15:42
[原创] Analog/RF IC 设计版主benemale的个人空间网址  ...2345 mk2708123 2009-12-25 489310 zlhrsy 2012-8-15 10:40
[资料] 用cadence测试0pamp性能方法 attachment  ...23456 qingyunzhe 2010-5-31 5911543 kkman78 2012-8-14 16:13
BSIM3v3模型的详细说明 attachment  ...23456..8 gougoudragon 2006-11-4 7010385 小鬼已奔三 2012-8-14 11:08
The Art of Analog Layout 免费好书超清晰版 attachment  ...23456 frzhang1 2008-4-4 507280 z450402961 2012-8-14 10:24
[资料] [ebook]Springer-2010-Smart AD and DA Conversion attachment sylph777 2012-5-6 43431 xuleiwx 2012-8-13 15:36
[资料] T Circuit and System 2011 9月 attachment  ...2 ansarwang 2011-9-14 112101 xuleiwx 2012-8-13 14:42
[资料] Understanding Voltage-Reference Topologies and Specifications attachment mature725 2012-5-7 31628 xuleiwx 2012-8-13 12:44
pdk introductio attachment  ...234 juju4633chen 2008-12-12 326980 xuleiwx 2012-8-13 11:02
[求助] 【求论文】一篇Elsevier 上的关于displacement current的论文 attachment analogmind 2012-8-10 31539 analogmind 2012-8-13 10:28
[求助] 【求论文】7篇Elsevier上的solid state electronics的论文 attachment  ...2 analogmind 2012-7-31 114315 analogmind 2012-8-13 10:27
[资料] Analog Front End for 3G Femto Base Stations Brings Wireless Connectivity Home attachment djo6j86j86 2010-6-25 31694 ianfu 2012-8-12 23:23
[求助] 求Nanometer Frequency Synthesis Beyond the Phase-Locked Loop synopsys 2012-8-12 01586 synopsys 2012-8-12 22:46
[资料] 射频模拟电路设计 attachment jldxgyy 2012-8-10 31801 jamesccp 2012-8-12 14:37
[原创] WILEY的新书_RFID Handbook, 3ed, 2010 attachment xuleiwx 2012-7-30 99243 lujunfeng111 2012-8-11 23:48
虚拟机中的Cadence Ic装好后可以复制到其他电脑继续用吗? cywelinan 2009-9-25 42592 zhangedw 2012-8-11 17:34
[资料] 哈尔滨工大,拉杂维CMOS电路的课件,PPT格式的 attachment  ...234 cici520 2010-12-27 305890 sgjwangcui 2012-8-11 10:33
射频模拟电路视频教程 xuanyuying 2008-4-11 32263 jldxgyy 2012-8-10 13:19
射频模拟电路 attachment  ...23456 skj33750 2006-8-23 589451 jldxgyy 2012-8-10 12:12
射频模拟电路 attachment  ...2 liuzhieetop 2007-8-9 112743 jldxgyy 2012-8-10 12:10
[资料] 各个模块电路设计与分析(续) attachment  ...23 fancyzhiwei 2011-5-17 212987 xuleiwx 2012-8-10 10:12
[转贴] calibre 2011.4_22.20 cinoo77 2012-2-10 12285 mobile01reg 2012-8-10 07:44
opa详细设计报告! attachment  ...23456..15 过路人 2007-8-22 14015371 robin0338 2012-8-10 00:47
[资料] OPA设计详细文档 attachment  ...2 kedaya 2010-4-29 132841 robin0338 2012-8-10 00:32
[求助] 求還在舉行的2012 VLSI Technology / Circuit symposia  ...2 cschiu 2012-6-14 102665 cschiu 2012-8-9 23:39
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