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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 24 |主题: 41114|排名: 1 

2006Newnes-Cellular Communications Explained: From Basics to 3G attachment  ...2 woainio 2008-10-8 142705 chancar09 2012-8-9 22:06
[资料] Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications 2ed attach_img johnhsu 2012-5-9 52637 chancar09 2012-8-9 22:01
商品 [资料] 删不掉删不掉删不掉删不掉删不掉删不掉删不掉删不掉 qitianhua 2012-8-8 22107 chenxiaoming 2012-8-9 19:37
[资料] feedback attachment 碧海情天 2010-4-21 81743 chenxiaoming 2012-8-9 18:54
Optimum Feedback Amplifier Design For Control Systems attachment  ...23 megafit 2006-11-2 285626 yanzushu 2012-8-9 17:01
[原创] linux系统下uboot、kernel、android文件系统编译错误整理 attachment andrei 2012-8-9 01324 andrei 2012-8-9 16:47
Modern Active Filter Design  ...2 STMicro 2006-8-10 124157 xuleiwx 2012-8-9 16:20
feedforward-instead-of-feedback.pdf attachment echolj 2008-10-22 21508 yanzushu 2012-8-9 13:42
[求助] 那位大神给我一个IC615下DOC里的anasimhelp.pdf文档?感激不尽 sunyancong 2012-8-9 01482 sunyancong 2012-8-9 11:29
[资料] 模拟电路设计原则 attachment  ...2 jason_zhuzhu 2010-3-5 192612 21fred 2012-8-9 10:57
[资料] Display Port Document attachment  ...23 irving_hsu 2010-4-15 203321 radiantls 2012-8-9 10:38
超好用的看仿真波形工具-Spice Explore 2007 attachment  ...23 shucai 2008-9-10 244252 wyp0403 2012-8-8 20:38
不错的PLL资料 attachment  ...2 wwjghcy 2007-1-19 174001 meimeimei 2012-8-8 16:46
[招聘] [ebook]TI-2009-Op Amps for Everyone attachment sylph777 2012-5-6 31796 semico_ljj 2012-8-8 14:32
[求助] 经典教材望共享Performance and Control of Electrical Machines cdutygf 2012-5-20 12703 xuleiwx 2012-8-8 13:23
[求助] 后仿真 hspice问题 e07610230 2012-8-8 01050 e07610230 2012-8-8 11:09
Mechanical Systems Design Handbook(CRC的) attachment 1sland 2009-10-19 91465 xuleiwx 2012-8-8 09:02
a article about how to calculate small signal parameter from gummel poon model attachment  ...2 atlas 2004-12-15 144898 swiftwinged 2012-8-7 21:55
《Fiber Optic Sensors》 attachment 嘉禾95 2009-5-9 62041 xuleiwx 2012-8-7 17:40
[资料] 模拟集成电路设计 attach_img  ...2 mickey1999 2011-7-4 114687 jldxgyy 2012-8-7 15:06
一本ic设计入门的书经典书籍《Intro_to_IC_tech attachment  ...2345 waver412 2007-2-4 498200 demi81 2012-8-7 14:18
IEEE经典PA设计论文 attachment  ...2 echo 2006-11-17 123563 xuleiwx 2012-8-7 13:08
[资料] PLL Practical Tips 实用技巧 by Dennis attachment  ...2 zqsus 2011-10-26 124842 cooleyn 2012-8-7 11:32
[资料] 视频资料Semiconductor chip design, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ! attachment alert01 2011-6-22 53072 xuleiwx 2012-8-7 11:10
电流镜和参考源 attachment ahwangml 2009-5-23 72187 austxuhui 2012-8-7 09:28
[求助] 模拟电路最先设计哪些基本模块更容易帮助入门 azhen1987 2012-6-20 31996 hsh22 2012-8-6 18:11
Model and Design of Bipolar and MOS Current-Mode Logic  ...2 andy2000a 2008-9-24 132810 xuleiwx 2012-8-6 13:42
[资料] RF fundamental , book , paper(8) attachment chlin1112 2012-7-31 11522 hi_china59 2012-8-6 11:24
[原创] Gambit 2.4 熱流模擬軟體 attachment x81717 2012-8-6 01339 x81717 2012-8-6 01:52
[资料] 运算放大器稳定性分析系列文档(10PDF) attachment  ...23 shan_bo 2010-2-24 266346 kkman78 2012-8-5 14:23
高效率射频功率放大器的研究 attachment  ...2 com686 2008-1-19 143371 Arvinliu 2012-8-4 19:49
A semi-custom design methodology for design performance optimization attachment tnweb 2008-5-23 32108 nico0811 2012-8-4 14:59
[资料] RF fundamental , book , paper(9) attachment chlin1112 2012-7-31 31299 whjs08101056 2012-8-4 12:21
[原创] TI Filter PRO attachment  ...2 diodes_1 2010-5-3 124043 waixq7 2012-8-4 11:56
RF 量測2 attachment cdk 2006-6-1 82627 tonyliu76 2012-8-4 00:38
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