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07年Springer出版:Wi-Fi,Bluetooth, Zigbee and Wimax

发表于 2007-11-3 16:13:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Dedication v
Preface xiii
Foreword xv
Introduction 1
Wi-FiTM: Architecture and Functions 5
1. WLAN Roadmap via IEEE 802.11 Family Evolution 5
1.1 Panorama of Standards 6
1.2 Features of the Different WLAN Generations 10
1.3 WLAN Markets 12
2. IEEE 802.11 Architecture 15
2.1 Three Basic Operational Modes 15
2.2 Possible Configurations 19
2.3 Basic Services 27
2.4 Description of Sublayers’ Structures 27
3. Different Physical Layers 29
3.1 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum-based Physical Layer 30
3.2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum-based Physical Layer 32
3.3 Infrared Transmission 35
3.4 IEEE 802.11b Standard high Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum-based Physical Layer 36
3.5 The OFDM Technique of the IEEE 802.11a/g Standards 36
3.6 The IEEE 802.11n Physical Layer 38
3.7 Frame Formats 40
4. Data Link Layer 41
5. Medium Access Control Layer 41
5.1 Medium Access Mechanisms 41
5.2 Basic Access Technique CSMA/CA 42
5.3 Virtual Carrier Sense CSMA/CA Mechanism with Short Messages RTS and CTS 48
5.4 PCF and HCF 50
5.5 Frames Formats 51
6. Functions 56
6.1 Addressing 56
6.2 Association, Reassociation and Disassociation 57
6.3 Fragmentation and Reassembling 59
6.4 Roaming 60
6.5 Synchronization 62
6.6 Energy Conserving 62
6.7 Management Frames Format 63
7. Mobility 64
8. Security 64
9. IEEE 802.11 Family and its Derivative Standards 65
9.1 IEEE 802.11g 65
9.2 IEEE 802.11e 66
9.3 IEEE 802.11d 66
9.4 IEEE 802.11F 67
9.5 IEEE 802.11h 67
9.6 IEEE 802.11i and IEEE 802.1X 67
9.7 IEEE 802.11k 67
9.8 IEEE 802.11j 68
9.9 IEEE 802.11p 69
9.10 IEEE 802.11u 70
9.11 IEEE 802.11v 70
9.12 IEEE 802.11r (Fast Roaming/Fast BSS Transition) 70
9.13 IEEE 802.11s 72
9.14 IEEE 802.11w 73
10. Wi-Fi and Other Technologies, Concurrency or Complementarity? 73
BluetoothTM: Architecture and Functions 75
1. Introduction 75
1.1 SIG 75
1.2 Bluetooth Does it Relate to Teeth by Any Sense? 76
1.3 Applications 76
2. Architecture and Throughputs 77
2.1 Architecture 77
2.2 Throughputs and Versions 78
3. Physical Layer and Physical Channels 79
3.1 Frequency Bands and RF Channels 81
4. Baseband Layer 82
4.1 Physical Characteristics 82
4.2 Addressing 84
4.3 Bluetooth Packets 85
4.4 Error Control 92
5. Link Manager Protocol 93
5.1 LMP Sniff Req, LMP Unsniff Req 96
5.2 LMP Host Connection Req, LMP Setup Complete 96
6. Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol 99
6.1 L2CAP Connection Establishment Procedures 101
6.2 Some L2CAP Functions 103
7. RFCOMM Protocol 104
8. Service Discovery Protocol 104
9. Profiles 105
10. Host Control Interface 106
11. Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol 107
12. Conclusion 108
IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBeeTM 109
1. General Architecture 109
2. Physical Layer 112
2.1 2450 MHz Physical Layer 112
2.2 868/915 MHz Physical Layer 113
2.3 PDU Packet Format 113
3. MAC Layer 114
3.1 Channel Access 114
3.2 Energy Detection 115
3.3 Active and Passive Scan 116
3.4 Association Procedure 116
3.5 Guaranteed Time Slot 116
4. Security 117
5. Frame Structures 117
5.1 Beacon Frame 119
5.2 Data Frame 120
6. ZigBee 120
7. Conclusion 122
WiMAXTM and IEEE 802.16 123
1. Introduction 123
1.1 Backhaul Solutions 124
1.2 Mobile Solutions 124
1.3 Business Model 125
1.4 Evolution of the IEEE 802.16 Group Activities 126
1.5 Equipment Category and Frequency Bands 126
1.6 Layers and Architecture 126
2. MAC Layer 127
2.1 Automatic Repeat Request 128
2.2 Scheduling and QoS 129
2.3 Contention Resolution in IEEE 802.16 131
2.4 Adaptive Antenna System 132
2.5 Joining an IEEE 802.16 Network and Initialization 132
2.6 PDUs 133
2.7 PDU Organization 139
3. Physical Layer 139
3.1 IEEE 802.16 SC (Single Carrier) 140
3.2 The Single Carrier in Lower Bands 143
3.3 OFDM Physical Layer 146
3.4 OFDMA Physical Layer 148
Security in WLAN, WPAN, WSN and WMAN through Wi-FiTM,
BluetoothTM, ZigBeeTM and WiMAXTM
1. Security in Wi-Fi Systems 155
1.1 Security in Wi-Fi Networks 155
1.2 Security Flaws 161
1.3 Taxonomy of Attacks 171
1.4 Diverse Solutions 174
1.5 WPA/WPA2: IEEE 802.1X and TKIP/AES 193
1.6 Synthesis 194
2. Security in Bluetooth Systems 195
2.1 Security Architecture 195
2.2 Main Procedures 200
2.3 Security Flaws 207
2.4 Synthesis 209
3. ZigBee Security 210
3.1 ZigBee Security Architecture 211
3.2 Mechanisms 211
3.3 Trust Centre Concept 212
4. WiMAX and IEEE 802.16 Security 213
4.1 IEEE 802.16 MAC Security Sublayer 213
4.2 PKM Protocol 214
4.3 Traffic Encryption Key 217
4.4 Security Enhancement for Mobile Communications 217
5. Conclusion 219
Practising 221
1. Mastering the TinyOS Platform 221
1.1 Brief Historical Notes and State-of-the-art in TinyOS 222
1.2 Basic Concepts of TinyOS and neSC 224
1.3 Case Study: Crossbow Motes 227
1.4 Experimentation and Measurements 235
2. Practising WiMAX Equipment 255
2.1 General Objectives and Action Plan 258
2.2 Case Study: Redline WiMAX Equipment 259
2.3 Lab Experiments 264
Appendix A: Structure of IEEE 802.11 Packets at Various
Physical Layers 281
1. Packet Format of Frequency Hopping Spread-spectrum
Physical Layer (FHSS PHY) 281
1.1 Preamble 281
1.2 Physical Layer Convergence Protocol Header 281
2. Packet Format of Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum
Physical Layer (DSSS PHY) 282
2.1 Preamble 282
2.2 PLCP Header 282
3. Packet Format of IEEE 802.11b HR/DSSS PHY 283
4. Packet Format of Infrared Physical Layer (IR PHY) 284
4.1 Preamble 284
4.2 Physical Layer Convergence Protocol header 284
5. Packet Format of OFDM PHY (Physical Layer of IEEE 802.11a) 284
5.1 Preamble 285
5.2 PLCP Header 286
Appendix B: IEEE 802.11 MAC Frames Structure 287
1. Different Types of MAC Frames 287
2. Management Frames 287
3. Beacon Frames 288
4. Association Frames 288
5. Reassociation 288
6. Disassociation Frames 289
7. Probe Request Frames 289
8. Authentication Frames 289
9. Deauthentication Frames 289
10. Traffic Indication Map Structure 290
11. Status Codes 291
Glossary 293
References 311

[ 本帖最后由 newlife2005 于 2007-11-3 16:32 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-3 16:25:06 | 显示全部楼层

Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks Techniques, Models and Tools for 4G

Preface xi
List of contributors and editors xiii
List of acronyms xvi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Trends and evolution1 1
1.2 Scope of the book 3
2 Transmission techniques 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 OFDM systems 7
2.2.1 Introduction 7
2.2.2 OFDM: a very dynamic signal 9
2.2.3 Enhancing OFDM systems 15
2.3 CDMA systems 21
2.3.1 Introduction 21
2.3.2 Wideband CDMA 23
2.3.3 Time division CDMA 25
2.3.4 Multicarrier CDMA 28
References 29
3 Signal processing 35
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 Modulation and coding 37
3.2.1 Advanced coding and modulation issues 38
3.2.2 Ultra wide bandwidth 41
3.2.3 System performance evaluation 43
3.2.4 Implementation issues 45
3.3 Equalisation 51
3.3.1 Introduction 51
3.3.2 Transmission model 52
3.3.3 Pre-equalisation 53
3.3.4 SISO equalisation 57
3.3.5 MIMO equalisation 59
3.4 Synchronisation and channel state estimation 65
3.4.1 Iterative technique 66
3.4.2 Channel state estimation and prediction 72
3.4.3 Performance evaluation and fundamental limits 75
3.4.4 Sequence synchronisation technique 77
3.5 Multi-user systems and multi-user detection 79
3.5.1 Multi-user MIMO transmission 80
3.5.2 Multi-user detectors for DS-CDMA 82
3.5.3 Multi-user detection for MC-CDMA with spatial diversity 88
3.6 Link adaptation and rate-adaptive systems 90
3.6.1 Introduction to link adaptation 90
3.6.2 Impact of imperfect channel state information 92
3.6.3 Link adaptation in MIMO systems 94
3.6.4 Link adaptation in OFDM systems 102
3.6.5 Link adaptation in current and upcoming wireless standards 104
References 107
4 Propagation modelling and channel characterisation 119
4.1 Introduction 119
4.2 EM theory and diffuse scattering 120
4.2.1 Integral methods 120
4.2.2 Differential equation methods 124
4.2.3 Ray methods 127
4.3 Deterministic propagation modelling 129
4.3.1 Introduction 129
4.3.2 Input database issues 130
4.3.3 Electromagnetic models 134
4.3.4 Ray models 136
4.3.5 Advanced techniques for ray models 139
4.3.6 Applications of ray models 146
4.3.7 Simplified or hybrid models 152
4.4 Channel measurements and parameter estimation 157
4.4.1 Measurement scenarios 157
4.4.2 Channel sounding techniques 158
4.4.3 Parameter estimation 160
4.4.4 Device performance and reliability of channel structure estimates 165
4.5 Channel characterisation 167
4.5.1 Introduction 167
4.5.2 Statistical processing of measurements 168
4.5.3 Path loss and building penetration 169
4.5.4 Long-term fading 176
4.5.5 Narrowband short-term fading 178
4.5.6 Wideband short-term fading 181
4.5.7 Temporal and angular dispersion 186
4.5.8 Fading prediction 198
References 202
5 Antennas and diversity: from narrow band to ultra wide band 218
5.1 Introduction 218
5.2 Antenna performance assessment of mobile handsets 219
5.2.1 Introduction 219
5.2.2 Figures of merit 220
5.2.3 Measurement methods 222
5.2.4 Factors influencing the measurement accuracy 226
5.2.5 Figure of merit comparisons 246
5.2.6 Handset design aspects 248
5.3 Diversity techniques 253
5.3.1 Introduction: diversity, an old concept with renewed interest 253
5.3.2 Diversity on receivers 254
5.3.3 Diversity in the context of MIMO techniques 259
5.4 Ultra Wide Band 263
5.4.1 Introduction 263
5.4.2 Radio channel measurements 264
5.4.3 Radio channel models 268
5.4.4 Antenna aspects 269
References 270
6 MIMO channel modelling 277
6.1 Introduction 277
6.2 Scenarios 279
6.2.1 Introduction 279
6.2.2 Concept 280
6.2.3 Indoor scenarios 281
6.2.4 Outdoor scenarios 283
6.3 Physically motivated MIMO channel modelling and simulation 287
6.3.1 Introduction 287
6.3.2 Radio channel modelling 288
6.3.3 Simulation 296
6.3.4 MIMO hardware channel emulators 300
6.4 Antenna configurations 302
6.4.1 Quality measures for MIMO antennas 303
6.4.2 Power considerations 308
6.4.3 Integration of MIMO antennas into handsets 310
6.4.4 Summary and future topics 314
6.5 Analytical Multiple-Input Multiple-Out (MIMO) channel models 315
6.5.1 Correlation-based models 315
6.5.2 Coupling-based models 317
6.5.3 Comparing correlation matrices 319
6.5.4 Model performance comparison for Rayleigh channels 319
6.5.5 Practical use of analytical MIMO channel models 325
6.6 Multi-antenna radio measurements and results 326
6.6.1 Introduction 326
6.6.2 Directional multi-antenna measurements 326
6.6.3 MIMO measurements of combined channel and antenna responses 339
6.7 Model validation and related metrics 348
6.7.1 Introduction 348
6.7.2 About experimental validation 349
6.7.3 Metrics for multiplexing gain 350
6.7.4 Multipath richness and multipath structure 355
6.7.5 Spatial correlation 359
6.7.6 A metric for MIMO channel diversity 361
6.7.7 A metric for beamforming 362
6.7.8 Miscellaneous 363
6.8 The COST 273 MIMO channel model 364
6.8.1 Introduction 364
6.8.2 Considered environments 364
6.8.3 Generic channel model 366
6.8.4 Parameter values in the different environments 378
References 384
7 MIMO systems 398
7.1 Introduction 398
7.2 Information-theoretic aspects 399
7.2.1 Capacity of single link MIMO systems 399
7.2.2 Capacity of multi-user MIMO systems 401
7.2.3 Capacity of MIMO systems with relays 402
7.3 Array processing and beamforming 402
7.3.1 Antenna selection 403
7.3.2 Beamforming 403
7.3.3 Uplink array processing 403
7.3.4 Downlink array processing 405
7.3.5 Channel estimation 407
7.3.6 Time-varying channels 409
7.3.7 Applications of array processing 410
7.3.8 Eigenbeamforming 412
7.4 MIMO transmission techniques 417
7.4.1 Introduction 417
7.4.2 Space-time transmitter design 417
7.4.3 Space-time receiver design 420
7.4.4 Space-time transceiver performance 424
7.4.5 Real-valued notation and its applications 428
7.4.6 Distributed and cooperative space-time systems 431
7.5 Network Aspects 432
7.5.1 Capacity of MIMO systems 433
7.5.2 Multihop MIMO architectures 435
References 436
8 Radio network aspects 443
8.1 Introduction 443
8.2 MORANS 444
8.2.1 Goals of the MORANS initiative 444
8.2.2 Structure of the reference model 444
8.2.3 Data model for a scenario and XML schema 452
8.2.4 RRM parameters 454
8.2.5 Results and examples of usability 454
8.3 Techniques for radio network optimisation 460
8.3.1 Resource allocation and packet scheduling techniques in wireless cellular systems 460
8.3.2 Joint link and network optimisation with MIMO systems 462
8.4 Methodologies for performance evaluation of radio networks 467
8.4.1 Theoretical connectivity results 467
8.4.2 Some applications 469
8.4.3 Markov chain models for protocols 471
8.4.4 Radio Resource Management and mobility models 472
8.5 Services and traffic modelling 473
8.5.1 Mobile services 473
8.5.2 Traffic source modelling 474
8.5.3 Spatial traffic demand estimation 477
8.5.4 Temporal traffic demand prediction 479
8.6 Wireless LANs 480
8.7 Personal area networks 487
8.8 Wireless ad hoc networks 492
8.8.1 Distributed wireless networks 493
8.8.2 Wireless sensor networks 495
8.9 Terminal location determination 496
8.9.1 Introduction 496
8.9.2 TOA techniques employing channel modelling 497
8.9.3 Application of propagation models 498
8.9.4 Assessment and validation 500
8.9.5 GSM results 501
References 502
9 UMTS radio networks 511
9.1 Introduction 511
9.2 UMTS Radio network planning 511
9.2.1 Planning fundamentals 511
9.2.2 Radio parameter planning 514
9.2.3 Automatic planning algorithms 516
9.2.4 Alternative infrastructure solutions 519
9.3 UTRAN optimisation and radio resource management 520
9.3.1 Soft handover and site selection diversity transmission 520
9.3.2 BS parameter adjustment 524
9.3.3 Call Admission Control 531
9.3.4 Genetic algorithms and evolution strategies 533
9.4 UTRAN performance evaluation 534
9.4.1 Static vs. dynamic 534
9.4.2 Semi-analytical 536
9.4.3 Effect of link level on performance 538
9.5 3G and beyond: network evolution 540
9.5.1 Beam switching techniques 540
9.5.2 Smart antennas 541
9.5.3 HSDPA channels: impact of multiple antennas 544
9.5.4 Future network scenarios 546
References 547
Appendix A: About COST 273 553
Appendix B: List of participating institutions 557
Index 562

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[ 本帖最后由 newlife2005 于 2007-11-3 16:41 编辑 ]
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