楼主 |
发表于 2016-5-31 10:45:11
回复 5# 杰克淡定
Design 'TOP1553' has '1' unresolved references. For more detailed information, use the "link" command. (UID-34
#@ #####################################
#@ # Current Design: TOP1553
#@ # Load up design files
#@ # uncomment one of the following
#@ #analyze -format verilog TOP1553.v
#@ analyze -format vhdl {if1553.vhd sysreg.vhd fifo.vhd transmitter.vhd rt1553.vhd receiver.vhd encode10m.vhd encode.vhd dpram.vhd decode10m.vhd decode.vhd TOP1553.vhd}
#@ # Tell dc_shell the name of the top level module
#@ elaborate TOP1553
#@ # set a clock
#@ create_clock {ext_clk clk}
#@ # Check for warnings/errors
#@ check_design -multiple_designs
#@ # ungroup everything
#@ ungroup -flatten -all
#@ # flatten it all, this forces all the hierarchy to be flattened out
#@ set_flatten true -effort high
#@ uniquify
#@ # compile the design
#@ compile_ultra -area_high_effort_script
#@ #compile_ultra -timing_high_effort_script
#@ #compile_ultra
#@ # Now that the compile is complete report on the results
#@ report_area
#@ report_timing
#@ report_power
#@ write_sdf top1553delay.sdf
#@ ############################### begin: renaming section
#@ # remove the following renaming section when not needed
#@ # define the name rules for rename
#@ define_name_rules verilog -remove_port_bus
#@ define_name_rules verilog -remove_internal_net_bus
#@ # name rule for nets
#@ define_name_rules verilog -type net -allowed "a-z A-Z 0-9 " -first_restricted "0-9 N" #-replacement_char "_" -prefix "n"
#@ # name rule for cells
#@ define_name_rules verilog -type cell -allowed "a-z A-Z 0-9 " -first_restricted "0-9" #-replacement_char "_" -prefix "u"
#@ # name rule for ports
#@ define_name_rules verilog -type port -allowed "a-z A-Z 0-9 " -first_restricted "0-9" #-replacement_char "_" -prefix "p"
#@ # change names of variables
#@ change_names -rule verilog -hierarchy
#@ ################################ end: renaming section
#@ # Write out the design
#@ write -f verilog TOP1553 -output TOP1553_syn.v
#@ remove_design -all
#@ exit |