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[转贴] 金正日身后:半岛统一代价几何?

发表于 2012-3-7 23:09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Kim Jong-il Dies: What Price for Korean Reunification?




The sudden death of former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has raised speculation that his demise may serve as the first step towards the re-unification of North and South Korea -- bitter enemies for more than 60 years.


However, such a measure would not only face massive political obstacles, but also economic demands that might make the formation of ‘one Korea’ almost impossible.


Sukhy Ubhi, the Asia economist at Capital Economist in London, said that in the event the North Korean regime collapses, the cost of re-unification for South Korea would be “considerably greater” than it was for West Germany in 1989.


“The key issue is whether the change of leadership [in Pyongyang] will accelerate reform, or increase the risk of a total economic collapse that ultimately leads to a forced re-unification with the South, or simply maintains the status quo,” he wrote.


“[The apparent successor] Kim Jong-un is an unknown quantity, but is probably too young and weak to make much change quickly.”


Realistically, the only thing that would prompt a fall in the North Korean government would be a total economic collapse – an outcome that is not at all fanciful. Indeed, Kim Jong-il appeared to have ruled over a country wracked by poverty and starvation.


The Bank of Korea estimated that GDP in the North Korea dropped by 0.5 percent last year – the fourth year of economic shrinkage in the past five years.


“Two million people died in the North’s famine in the mid-1990s and reports of starvation have resurfaced more recently,” Ubhi noted.


“Surveys show that South Korea’s indebted households have little appetite for the costs they would bear in the event of re-unification.”


Ubhi also made a comparison to Syria. When Hafez Assad died in 2000, some analysts speculated that his successor, son Bashar, might rule the country with a “lighter touch.” The brutality by the Syrian government against protesters over the past eight months would appear to contradict such hopes.


However, re-unification of the Korean peninsula could impart some positive benefits as well, at least in the longer-term, Ubhi adds.


“The North’s 23-million population is relatively young, which would improve South Korea’s poor demographic outlook,” he said.


“In addition, South Korea’s dependence on importing raw materials would be reduced given that most of the peninsula’s natural resources lie in the North. Defense expenditure would fall.”


The most high-profile reunification in recent years was probably the combination of West and East Germany in 1989. Ubhi cautions, however, that that European reconciliation would imply huge immediate costs for South Korea.


“The gulf between the two Koreas is far greater than that between West and East Germany ahead of their reunification,” he stated.


“Per capita income levels in West Germany were three times those in the East, whereas in South Korea they are 19 times the level of the North.”


Ubhi added: “The South Korean government estimates the cost of rebuilding the North’s economy and preventing mass migration into its borders following re-unification at around $1-trillion. This is roughly the South’s annual GDP and is proportionally two or three times most estimates of the cost to West Germany of its re-unification with the East.”


Similarly, James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute, wrote: “North Korea’s per capita income is less than 5 percent of the South’s. Each year the dollar value of South Korea’s GDP expansion equals the entire North Korean economy. The North’s population is half the South’s and rising thanks to a high birth rate. North and South also barely trade with each other.”


Pethokoukis also spelled out the grim financial costs of a potential reunification.


“More than a dozen reports by governments, academics and investment banks in recent years have attempted to estimate the cost of Korean unification,” he wrote.


“At the low end, the Rand Corporation estimates $50 billion. But that assumes only a doubling of Northern incomes from current levels, which would leave incomes in the North at less than 10% of the South. At the high end, Credit Suisse estimated last year that unification would cost $1.5 trillion, but with North Korean incomes rising to only 60% of those in the South. I estimate that raising Northern incomes to 80% of Southern levels -- which would likely be a political necessity -- would cost anywhere from $2 trillion to $5 trillion, spread out over 30 years. That would work out to at least $40,000 per capita if distributed solely among South Koreans.”


In addition, China also hovers over this ongoing drama – and its shadow might make re-unification difficult.


“China has strong reasons to avoid either the collapse of the North Korean economy or the emergence of a unified pro-Western state on its borders, and so will do what it can to maintain stability via food aid and other support,” Ubhi said.


Regarding the near-term, Ubhi proposed that the “uncomfortable status quo” will continue as is.



1.  因为南方称韩国,北方称朝鲜,所以用“高丽”来指整个半岛。

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