原帖由 lordprotector 于 2008-6-3 21:53 发表
我转过一次,我在设计中先用高层次建模语言写的行为级源代码, ...
agree. and systemC is even worse.
What most industries (at least for those I know) does right now is
- using Verilog for designs, because it is much closer to low level (gate level) and there is less problem in synthesis.
- using SystemVerilog for Verifications, becuase it is in the middle among these three language, and easier to implement the assertion and verification methodologies (ie. VMM, OVM...).
- using SystemC for checkers, because it is more like a high level language and it is easy to code the behavious which are used for the expected values for the design's outputs.
Yes, and there are a lot of mess when trying to convert the design between these language, and there is no good tool to do a good job so far. |