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EDA资源使用讨论 今日: 0|主题: 24003|排名: 2 

Laker2014 attachment  ...23 speedrain 2015-4-30 255329 347305514 2023-10-30 10:02
最新版Laker201612 attachment  ...23456..18 speedrain 2016-12-10 17439805 347305514 2023-10-30 09:26
Tina V9.3.50 (Industrial版)百度网盘!  ...2345 liyuyao001 2014-11-11 4725929 wangwy 2023-10-29 20:55
laker 2015.03/oa2015.06 attachment  ...2345 hydras 2016-8-7 4012093 347305514 2023-10-29 03:12
Laker_2011.06版本 no license attachment crueler 2016-9-21 22745 347305514 2023-10-29 00:37
Xmanager.Enterprise客户端软件 - [阅读权限 20]attachment 风乎舞雩 2015-12-10 91018 347305514 2023-10-28 14:19
Agilent IC CAP 2012 器件建模软件 attach_img  ...234 raychore 2013-12-8 3612521 tracy6969 2023-10-28 03:00
上传开放了所有权限的memory Compiler 软件,可以产生memory 的GDS文件  ...23 roman_hz 2014-3-21 277802 tracy6969 2023-10-26 12:43
Polar Si9000e - 阻抗計算軟件 attachment  ...23456..8 jie5190 2011-6-17 7924221 chen8354 2023-10-24 12:26
Laker-AMS V6.10 使用手册 attachment  ...23456 fairyline 2011-2-1 5121255 newking1856 2023-10-24 10:16
SPYGLASS ClockGatingOptimizationatRTL attachment  ...2345 ladeng777 2015-1-13 4310362 scheung 2023-10-20 15:53
GENESYS设计资料 attachment  ...23 ybc200808 2011-7-11 297198 bwm5277 2023-10-18 15:45
Tanner V15.00 Win32 去dongle和谐版 attach_img agree  ...23456..17 jorison 2012-9-6 16630385 bwm5277 2023-10-18 13:54
Radio Frequency System Architecture and Design - Rogers and Plett attachment  ...23456 ab3028 2017-4-24 5010288 tracy6969 2023-10-18 13:27
Cadence Allegro SPB 16.6 Hotfix S001  ...23 micdot 2012-12-20 2832360 chen8354 2023-10-17 23:26
ARM DS5 V5.13 Linux-64bit ( DS-5 Finished) attachment  ...23456..10 飞扬紫百合 2012-12-30 9835181 ysxwonder 2023-10-17 11:26
半导体物理学(刘恩科)课后习题答案 attachment  ...2 zhouguodan 2010-11-26 175272 yuanpin318 2023-10-17 08:48
Systemvue好资料-相控阵雷达仿真 attachment  ...234 cas2006 2017-6-2 358429 chillys 2023-10-16 10:46
PCBM_SymbolWizard_V247 attachment  ...2345 erlking 2011-8-7 4415133 haoxchao828 2023-10-11 17:45
将一些EDA软件和XX都整理合到百度网盘,有需要的自己取!(重新上传连接文件) attachment  ...23456..22 see01995 2013-9-11 21749003 ybhsu2008 2023-10-11 12:24
Mentor acquired calypto- Please share catapult attachment  ...23456..8 ald_syn_cad 2016-5-4 7119711 jiru000000 2023-10-9 19:59
台湾教授教你低噪放设计讲义 attachment  ...2 gguo2002 2015-4-2 194372 cxt668 2023-10-9 15:27
PADS9.5_ESDM.ix2k attachment  ...23456..20 jsoh7505 2012-11-13 19712366 haoxchao828 2023-10-8 13:57
vcs+scl+verdi 的 license破解工具crack attachment  ...23456..15 gui401 2017-11-11 14232427 tracy6969 2023-10-8 12:31
CMOS集成电路版图Tanner L-Edit设计 attachment  ...23 etop_ime 2010-11-1 266952 zhungxf 2023-10-8 11:19
STRATUS17.10.100 attach_img  ...23456..13 timtim01 2018-6-13 12227753 tested 2023-10-7 16:20
design complier 2015-06版本 attachment  ...2 guhaiming 2016-8-28 195997 苍穹521earth 2023-10-7 15:39
《Cadence完全学习手册 兰吉昌 化学工业出版社》(PDF) attachment  ...23 cxt668 2010-11-27 2713031 honyccoo 2023-10-7 11:39
verdi scripts for design analysis attachment  ...23456..8 anovickis 2012-12-20 7327134 fanghui_yang 2023-10-6 17:22
CAM350.v10.0.1.314(带Crack,已验证成功) attachment  ...23456..12 abacfaq 2010-5-23 11627578 kao0712 2023-10-4 10:47
Debussy5.4软件+破解+设计实例 attachment  ...23456..47 pongo_xie 2013-6-23 46067556 iiiooo 2023-10-2 22:22
分享一篇CMOS chopped斩波放大器文章 attachment  ...2 chenxinweihai 2018-10-15 135220 太玄感应 2023-9-28 13:50
Mentor HDL Designer 2018.1 Windows attachment  ...23456..7 ab3028 2019-1-27 6612239 tracy6969 2023-9-28 07:45
【首发eBook】Technology Computer Aided Design: Simulation for VLSI MOSFET attach_img  ...23456 junliang0701 2016-1-13 5513180 keenboyee 2023-9-26 07:51
SpyGl@ss 2016.06 attach_img  ...23456..27 liudin 2016-6-7 26746870 xdwan 2023-9-22 18:13
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