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[资料] Digital Design from the VLSI Perspective attachment  ...2 何必在乎 2023-5-16 102278 Ralphjh 2023-6-27 14:38
Glock Gating at Behavioral Level attachment  ...2 icwu 2007-10-16 115027 刚叔家的小娘子 2023-6-27 10:18
Power Reduction Through RTL Clock Gating.pdf attachment  ...234 chiguoquan 2009-8-30 308323 刚叔家的小娘子 2023-6-27 10:09
[资料] 数字VLSI芯片设计—使用Cadence和Synopsys CAD工具(不看后悔) attachment  ...23 yydlovefyh 2014-4-23 207815 LOKQAQ 2023-6-26 23:40
[资料] synplify 201009 linux and crack(破解,licence) attachment  ...23456 FPGAASICII 2012-6-2 5919492 winters0124 2023-6-26 18:00
[原创] 有没有3-input latch? orientview 2023-6-24 0999 orientview 2023-6-24 16:03
[原创] Digital Intergreated Circuits——A Design Perspective 新人帖 attachment nfsnfs 2023-6-19 71398 jsncepu 2023-6-23 11:58
[资料] Thinking in java 中英版都有 attachment  ...2 zjxing 2016-3-3 114410 jake10000 2023-6-23 06:31
[求助] 请问powerartist和powerpro可以下载到么? open82977352 2017-7-18 64076 tracy6969 2023-6-22 14:22
[资料] ISSCC2023_PPT attachment jl1374141105 2023-3-3 62223 lvnanll 2023-6-21 20:46
[求助] 研0小白 希望以后去英伟达入职需要做哪些准备呢? 曜曜曜切克闹 2023-5-17 51922 DAIDONGJING 2023-6-21 19:08
[资料] Perl语言入门(第五版) attachment  ...2 xcykii 2010-1-11 164851 maomao198477 2023-6-21 17:44
[转贴] AMEYA360:村田将电动汽车静噪对策用树脂成型表面贴装型MLCC商品化 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-6-21 0911 Ameya360皇华 2023-6-21 17:26
[资料] [2021] Digital Design and Computer Architecture - RISC-V Edition attachment  ...234 RFstudent 2021-9-10 357984 tolerate_tao 2023-6-21 16:55
【经典图书下载】Verilog Digital System Design 2007年新版 attachment  ...23456..26 vertyang 2008-3-1 25232097 jimcmwang 2023-6-21 16:09
[资料] Digital Systems Design Using Verilog  ...2345 1504546680 2018-5-28 4212508 jimcmwang 2023-6-21 16:08
[原创] 终于把IC610和MMSIM61装上了 attach_img  ...23 zwjhust 2012-12-5 218153 FrankWang222 2023-6-21 15:41
[讨论] 中国高端手机市场洞察报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2023-6-21 01712 芯电图 2023-6-21 14:30
[转贴] 发一个tessent2013亲测可用。 liuhuanjunfly 2023-5-2 31691 catflying 2023-6-20 18:29
[求助] 3-input OR gate,用的多吗? orientview 2023-6-20 01028 orientview 2023-6-20 17:11
[转贴] AMEYA360:罗姆BD14210G-LA电流检测放大器 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-6-20 01011 Ameya360皇华 2023-6-20 16:48
[原创] 2011/2012/2013 synopsys SNUG paper attachment  ...2 ix1982 2013-12-19 168763 handsome 2023-6-20 15:32
换DFT compiler新点的workshop xingwaixin 2009-5-8 22942 lyt8650 2023-6-20 10:39
[资料] Principles of Secure Processor Architecture Design 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...234 tin200213 2020-1-20 39436 tiantianxch 2023-6-20 09:54
[求助] 求助数字ic,ubuntu系统eda虚拟机 xiaokai66 2023-6-19 01073 xiaokai66 2023-6-19 21:46
[资料] 一个很好的ncsim入门教程包括(功能仿真,门级仿真,反标后仿) attachment  ...23456..10 nudthzg 2011-5-6 9436104 greener 2023-6-19 20:38
[求助] 请问有没有什么英文教材把latch/D flipflop/JK flipflop/T flipflop讲得很透彻啊 orientview 2023-6-18 31154 nfsnfs 2023-6-19 17:22
[转贴] AMEYA360:罗姆 Semiconductor GNP1 EcoGaN™ 650V E模式GaN FET attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-6-19 01087 Ameya360皇华 2023-6-19 15:39
[资料] 数字集成电路设计入门_从HDL到版图(北大微电子系PPT)  ...234 chekian 2010-8-13 3410233 zain 2023-6-19 11:48
MIT数字集成电路设计教材PPT attachment  ...2 wangmuhai 2009-7-6 175136 zain 2023-6-19 11:45
[资料] Springer新书 低功耗设计Extreme Low-Power Mixed Signal IC Design attachment  ...23456 szp9912 2010-10-3 5718081 soldierwuhan 2023-6-19 01:09
寻书:Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling  ...23 woainio 2008-1-6 257842 smc1017 2023-6-18 18:32
[资料] 135个明德扬FPGA学习视频 attachment  ...2 bandaotihezi 2021-2-18 134665 haidong132 2023-6-17 21:33
[资料] 伪随机数生成器 attachment flywind7 2016-7-29 94710 chengji1999 2023-6-16 21:40
[资料] 芯片半导体行业发展趋势及薪酬报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2023-3-24 81679 tolerate_tao 2023-6-16 15:25
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