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[资料] 无线通信的MATLAB和FPGA实现_  ...2 fallysun 2014-9-11 145091 金玉其外 2023-7-8 11:05
[资料] calibre_pdfdocs_2011.2 官方文档 attachment  ...2 lsqswl 2012-11-9 134656 intern7 2023-7-7 17:43
[资料] 验证文档套餐:systemverilog + UVM (语言+思想+方法学) attachment  ...23456..12 redleaf1988 2014-12-2 11336235 cmmjava 2023-7-7 15:45
[资料] 非常好的Verilog代码风格资料 RTL Design Style Guide for Verilog HDL 新人帖 attachment  ...234 mars2022 2022-11-18 336473 lans0625 2023-7-7 14:56
[资料] 数字电路的设计方法与技术_阿罗拉 attachment  ...2 sun327130352 2023-2-14 144074 品博锦取_2021 2023-7-7 11:49
论坛首发-开源可扩充处理器架构书籍OpenSPARC Internals attachment  ...23456..10 tim_yeh 2008-12-13 9425212 dreamfly123123 2023-7-7 09:47
悬赏 [求助] 求2018版 dc complier userguide 新人帖 - [悬赏 200 信元资产] attachment IC真香 2021-2-5 54069 Jojen 2023-7-7 09:47
[原创] 1588总结 attachment tian10 2023-7-6 21356 dreamfly123123 2023-7-7 09:45
[资料] ASIC入门flow和EDA工具简明介绍 attachment  ...23 iNostory 2017-10-30 279071 igolaps 2023-7-7 04:04
[转贴] AMEYA360:Panasonic松下HF系列压敏电阻器 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-7-6 0751 Ameya360皇华 2023-7-6 15:31
[转贴] AMEYA360:尼得科nidec恩布拉科变频压缩机介绍 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-7-6 0786 Ameya360皇华 2023-7-6 14:18
[资料] GF Beninggg 2023-7-4 31549 Beninggg 2023-7-6 14:08
[原创] 任意多项式,任意位宽crc verilog代码自动生成perl脚本 attachment digest agree  ...23456..8 sunrisewu 2011-5-13 7444929 wangli_peking 2023-7-5 19:45
[转贴] AMEYA360:罗姆开发出霍尔IC“BD5310xG-CZ / BD5410xG-CZ系列“ attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-7-5 0952 Ameya360皇华 2023-7-5 14:51
[原创] 2023上海慕尼黑电子展| AMEYA360邀您参展:大咖云集,共享盛会! attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-7-5 01187 Ameya360皇华 2023-7-5 14:12
[资料] FPGA synthesis user guide attachment arpan 2015-2-9 92830 huaashan 2023-7-5 09:22
synopsys的dc fpga user guide attachment  ...2 wenjohnny 2006-11-4 196831 huaashan 2023-7-5 09:19
[转贴] AMEYA360:航顺芯片产品有哪些 航顺家族介绍 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2023-7-4 0890 Ameya360皇华 2023-7-4 14:54
[资料] Linux程序设计 attachment  ...2 蚂蚁先先生 2016-10-15 156529 koujian 2023-7-4 13:38
[原创] 可综合I2C从机verilog模型 attachment  ...234 quantumdot 2015-9-19 3716037 mythvicky 2023-7-4 10:31
[资料] 光刻胶深度研究报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2023-7-3 01464 芯电图 2023-7-3 22:28
[资料] 发新书(Xilinx大学合作指定教材):Verilog HDL程序设计与实践(云创工作室) attachment  ...23456..31 huizi0711 2010-3-26 30950542 dannymu 2023-7-3 17:56
[分享][下载]Introduction to Digital.Signal Processing and Filter Design. attachment  ...23456..9 我是浪子 2006-5-25 8727528 dannymu 2023-7-3 17:37
[资料] Introduction to Digital Signal Processing using MatLab with App 2019 attachment  ...23 陆地巡洋舰 2019-1-7 267414 dannymu 2023-7-3 17:37
[资料] XILINX大学合作计划指定教材--Xilinx FPGA上的嵌入式系统设计实例 attachment  ...23456..9 liurh123 2011-2-26 8419951 dannymu 2023-7-3 17:31
[资料] 【推荐】Verilog HDL应用程序设计实例精讲 & 光盘源代码 attachment  ...23456..16 zhouph 2011-10-12 15140523 环渤海总指挥 2023-7-3 17:27
数字设计时序分析经典:Timing (2004 Kluwer) attachment  ...23456..69 braydenh 2008-6-13 68871816 jimcmwang 2023-7-3 16:47
[求助] Introduction to digital signal processing thsydsjk 2010-9-28 92606 dannymu 2023-7-3 09:09
Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design attachment  ...2345 yimingxn 2009-1-19 4912914 jimcmwang 2023-7-2 21:47
[两本视频经典]An Introduction to Digital Video(2nd) | Video Codec Design jrzhang 2008-7-24 12747 jihuang0212 2023-7-2 18:02
[资料] Digital Design With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL第5版 attachment  ...2 chq_yanxue 2022-3-22 124010 lans0625 2023-7-2 17:48
[原创] 只发经典:Fundamentals of Logic Design 7th Edition attachment  ...23456 nieyang_eda 2013-10-4 5420052 lutherliu 2023-7-2 16:59
VHDL design representation and synthesis = VHDL设计、表示和综合 attachment  ...23456..7 luohui5003 2009-7-18 6117381 hustbear 2023-7-2 14:20
[资料] Serial ATA Revision 3.0(资料) attachment  ...2 zhongguolsk 2017-2-24 166127 chnmy 2023-7-2 09:46
[资料] emmc协议 attachment  ...2 小坤坤帅 2017-12-8 136811 im.leo 2023-7-1 11:37
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