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IC & System Design 2007 - Power&Timing Modeling,Optimization....

发表于 2007-12-29 15:45:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Integrated Circuit and System Design - Power and Timing Modeling,Optimization and Simulation

17th InternationalWorkshop, PATMOS 2007
Gothenburg, Sweden, September 3-5, 2007

Volume Editors
Nadine Azemard
LIRMM, UMR CNRS/Université de Montpellier II
161 rue Ada, 34392, Montpellier, France

Lars Svensson
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
412 96 Göteborg, Sweden


[ 本帖最后由 lotusky 于 2007-12-29 16:27 编辑 ]
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[G.Goos]Integrated Circuit and System Design 2007.part1.rar

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[G.Goos]Integrated Circuit and System Design 2007.part2.rar

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[G.Goos]Integrated Circuit and System Design 2007.part3.rar

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[G.Goos]Integrated Circuit and System Design 2007.part4.rar

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[G.Goos]Integrated Circuit and System Design 2007.part5.rar

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-29 15:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
Welcome to the proceedings of PATMOS 2007, the 17th in a series of international
workshops. PATMOS 2007 was organized by Chalmers University of Technology
with IEEE Sweden Chapter of the Solid-State Circuit Society technical cosponsorship
and IEEE CEDA sponsorship.
Over the years, PATMOS has evolved into an important European event, where researchers
from both industry and academia discuss and investigate the emerging challenges
in future and contemporary applications, design methodologies, and tools required
for the development of the upcoming generations of integrated circuits and
systems. The technical program of PATMOS 2007 consisted of state-of-the-art technical
contributions, three invited talks and an industrial session on design challenges
in real-life projects. The technical program focused on timing, performance and
power consumption, as well as architectural aspects with particular emphasis on modeling,
design, characterization, analysis and optimization in the nanometer era.
The Technical Program Committee, with the assistance of additional expert reviewers,
selected the 55 papers presented at PATMOS. The papers were organized
into 9 technical sessions and 3 poster sessions. As is always the case with the
PATMOS workshops, full papers were required, and several reviews were received
per manuscript.
Beyond the presentations of the papers, the PATMOS technical program was enriched
by a series of speeches offered by world class experts, on important emerging
research issues of industrial relevance. Jean Michel Daga spoke about “Design and
Industrialization Challenges of Memory Dominated SOCs”, Davide Pandini spoke
about “Statistical Static Timing Analysis: A New Approach to Deal with Increased
Process Variability in Advanced Nanometer Technologies” and Christer Svensson
spoke about “Analog Power Modelling”. Furthermore, the technical program was
augmented by two industrial talks, given by leading experts from industry. Fredrik
Dahlgren, from Ericsson Mobile Platforms, spoke about “Technological Trends, Design
Constraints and Design Implementation Challenges in Mobile Phone Platforms”
and Anders Emrich, from Omnisys Instruments AB, spoke about “System Design
from Instrument Level down to ASIC Transistors with Speed and Low Power as Driving
We would like to thank the many people that worked voluntarily to make
PATMOS 2007 possible, the expert reviewers, the members of the technical program
and steering committees, and the invited speakers who offered their skill, time, and
deep knowledge to make PATMOS 2007 a memorable event. Last but not least we
would like to thank the sponsors of PATMOS 2007, Ericsson, Omnisys, Chalmers
University and the city of Göteborg, for their support.
September 2007                                            Nadine Azemard
                                              Lars Svensson
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