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来自xilinx公司的术语词汇表 attachment tangerui 2007-1-24 32601 luluzzw 2007-6-18 22:38
materials you must read about Verilog coding! attachment gentlepig 2007-4-2 12363 kaoruzhu 2007-6-17 18:51
资源共享 attachment Betray003 2007-6-17 02571 Betray003 2007-6-17 09:04
ASIC Design Guide (单个文件直接下载) chaohaow 2007-6-17 03757 chaohaow 2007-6-17 04:24
对于山西黑窑,黄丝带行动倡议(借宝地一用) ninimax 2007-6-16 02080 ninimax 2007-6-16 14:16
c语言编程宝典.chm attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 72442 mingrenyc 2007-6-16 01:05
APR资料 liuyj610 2007-6-16 01879 liuyj610 2007-6-16 00:06
System Design Frontier attachment free2bird 2007-6-14 02678 free2bird 2007-6-14 22:20
芯片设计方法,工具,工艺资料 attachment free2bird 2007-6-14 02965 free2bird 2007-6-14 00:07
e Language Reference Manual attachment free2bird 2007-6-14 02171 free2bird 2007-6-14 00:03
借花献佛:REUSE METHODOLOGY MANUAL attachment 一声叹息 2003-10-15 93495 tanlihua 2007-6-13 00:25
资源共享 attachment Betray003 2007-6-11 02672 Betray003 2007-6-11 22:09
大规模FPGA设计中的多点综合技术 attachment shawkle 2006-12-23 12625 xiyu418 2007-6-11 01:32
FPGA优秀设计十条戒律 attachment sunhaot0917 2006-12-24 22787 xiyu418 2007-6-11 01:30
FPGA&CPLD数字电路设计经验分享 attachment wangl007 2007-2-13 22697 xiyu418 2007-6-11 00:12
静态时序分析 attachment yxq_hit 2007-6-6 22433 xiyu418 2007-6-10 23:26
一点小资料 attachment 挥动的翅膀 2007-6-10 02101 挥动的翅膀 2007-6-10 21:48
台湾交大IC设计文章twIC attachment eastfang2003 2007-6-9 42951 wind123_123 2007-6-10 11:53
介绍亚稳定状态的文章 attachment wind123_123 2007-6-9 02322 wind123_123 2007-6-9 14:33
spartan3e 调试问题!! jzm521 2007-6-6 12768 jzm521 2007-6-6 20:55
求资料 w_crow 2007-6-5 02416 w_crow 2007-6-5 13:57
【请教】连线电容是什么? CunjieSong 2007-6-5 02425 CunjieSong 2007-6-5 08:47
交换技术 gz-tercel 2007-6-3 12617 gz-tercel 2007-6-3 22:02
VHDL培训教材 attachment bestzyg 2005-11-21 84700 wy123wy123 2007-6-3 13:33
Circuit Design with VHDL attachment ntthlman 2007-5-23 52605 neatsky 2007-6-3 09:42
3 good books expected opqrst 2007-6-3 02390 opqrst 2007-6-3 02:12
Xilinx_doc\Xilinx FPGA设计快速入门— 十分钟学会设计Xilinx FPGA attachment kongleelk 2007-6-1 12430 kongleelk 2007-6-1 19:44
EDA工具介紹與自動化設計流程之關係 attachment auster 2006-9-29 12615 sevid 2007-6-1 13:02
FPGA的大量课件和实验源代码,适合中级水平的人员使用。 attachment xuefei 2007-4-25 52122 kongleelk 2007-6-1 10:58
静态时序分析(Static Timing Analysis)基础及应用 attachment sam108 2007-6-1 02322 sam108 2007-6-1 10:32
精华总结:Introduction of Matlab for signals and systems analysis attachment vidarson_qin 2007-5-31 22749 liazhen 2007-5-31 21:28
三篇FPGA软件的使用说明,打包后一起发了 attachment tangerui 2007-1-30 12831 elfin 2007-5-31 16:08
A TOP-DOWN APPROACH.pdf attachment xiaoyingqun 2007-5-30 83756 ZTZ 2007-5-31 08:26
一张书单 opqrst 2007-5-31 02558 opqrst 2007-5-31 02:29
仿真工具视频教程 attachment gz-tercel 2007-5-29 02396 gz-tercel 2007-5-29 23:39
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