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FPGA原理、设计与应用 attachment  ...2 kkwd 2007-1-21 104989 weiliu000 2007-7-12 19:58
Verilog HDL教程 attachment jjj0020 2007-7-12 42347 jjj0020 2007-7-12 14:10
41903249 ic微电子交流群 wyyshaken 2007-6-19 62769 wyyshaken 2007-7-11 22:30
41903249群以数字为主 希望大家有目的的进来 wyyshaken 2007-6-19 47066 wyyshaken 2007-7-11 22:29
IEEE论文 attachment lili_s_3 2007-7-11 12436 lili_s_3 2007-7-11 16:58
IEEE论文关于 traffic的 attachment lili_s_3 2007-7-11 02295 lili_s_3 2007-7-11 16:53
华为技术白皮书 attachment icdane 2007-7-11 03155 icdane 2007-7-11 14:43
华为技术白皮书 attachment icdane 2007-7-11 02250 icdane 2007-7-11 14:40
cpld和fpga的优缺点 attachment icdane 2007-7-11 02657 icdane 2007-7-11 14:24
cpld与fpga的区别 attachment icdane 2007-7-11 02211 icdane 2007-7-11 14:21
FPGA&SOPC快速入门 attachment caesars82 2007-3-19 22269 liuyao 2007-7-10 22:47
【毛了】发:DSP与matlab资料 attachment hemm20042004 2007-2-11 52895 小月点刀 2007-7-9 22:27
quartusII中文教程 attachment yechenggu 2007-4-18 62523 bigthunder 2007-7-9 15:13
FPGA在软件无线电中的应用 attachment dxk331huda 2007-4-12 32352 rainbell 2007-7-9 14:55
QuartusII基本使用方法 attachment cossete 2007-3-17 62940 lacrimosa 2007-7-7 13:29
IC设计经典图书 attachment  ...23 szxujin 2006-3-19 218202 lixqing 2007-7-7 06:14
VHDL-Cookbook attachment shawkle 2006-12-23 22816 lixqing 2007-7-7 04:05
RTL Coding and Optimization Guide for use with Design attachment Jermaine618 2007-6-17 23207 lixqing 2007-7-7 02:36
fpga中的系统门(system gates)是怎么算的? liumeco 2007-7-5 03359 liumeco 2007-7-5 22:25
pll attachment worinimabi 2007-7-4 02104 worinimabi 2007-7-4 20:16
ROM实现FPGA worinimabi 2007-7-4 02736 worinimabi 2007-7-4 20:09
哪里来的“综合”杀手!? liumeco 2007-7-2 12940 yoyo1234 2007-7-3 10:26
跟大家分享的资料,也是为了信分 attachment hgd1700 2007-7-2 04730 hgd1700 2007-7-2 17:58
Digital IC Designer for Hard Disk Drive Read Channel sunnyzhang 2006-10-18 53151 xmc214 2007-7-2 06:54
请问哪位大侠有systemc的mp3解码器模型? jim1983 2007-6-30 02558 jim1983 2007-6-30 22:47
shangang,看贴! BABABA 2007-5-28 32484 syf 2007-6-27 13:20
优秀设计的十条戒律.pdf attachment yliu777 2007-6-24 02339 yliu777 2007-6-24 21:31
fpga设计重利用技术 attachment yliu777 2007-6-24 02157 yliu777 2007-6-24 21:15
怎么下载本站的东西 chinacohit 2007-6-23 02793 chinacohit 2007-6-23 15:08
model__sim 6.0C CR@CK come out attachment seyior 2005-3-22 37410 liudaiwei 2007-6-22 11:41
我所见过的最昂贵的技术书 lingcore 2007-6-22 02481 lingcore 2007-6-22 02:17
verification data attachment 绝地苍狼 2006-7-9 83098 mingrenyc 2007-6-22 00:04
如何构造嵌入linux系统 .pdf attachment kongleelk 2007-6-1 22185 kindy127 2007-6-19 19:26
邵舒渊等编《SOPC系统设计入门教程》 attachment skybird 2007-6-17 13412 jeffrey_hou 2007-6-19 12:21
modelsim的分析设计 attachment olive-taker 2007-4-2 83016 luluzzw 2007-6-19 00:38
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