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测试 attachment lhwtrht 2007-5-13 02638 lhwtrht 2007-5-13 13:14
[Ebook] Practical FPGA Programming in C -- part 9 attachment lingcore 2005-10-7 12163 ZTZ 2007-5-13 09:24
verilog的课件件 attachment chyp840527 2007-5-12 02420 chyp840527 2007-5-12 19:14
矽拓 公司的 the art of anlong layout attachment ttao 2006-7-19 43030 ZTZ 2007-5-12 07:36
一个有大批EBOOK的网站 lingcore 2006-3-3 35034 ZTZ 2007-5-12 07:31
急求:哪位老师有verilog编写的8253程序啊 高价收购 yuchang 2007-5-10 02350 yuchang 2007-5-10 09:35
Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits: FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems opqrst 2006-10-10 22378 ZTZ 2007-5-10 08:49
A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis.chm attachment qhl0222_cn 2007-3-5 42481 hnchentao 2007-5-8 16:43
Introduce to QuartusII(chinese) attachment largedeer 2007-4-30 22377 CAOYU 2007-5-7 11:07
十分钟学会Xilinx FPGA 设计1.1 attachment csu208 2007-4-14 22276 lwj625 2007-5-6 23:42
ADVANCED ASIC CHIP attachment clarkkevin 2007-2-4 52755 mervin3313 2007-5-5 18:34
7000系列的引脚定义 attachment wjlz 2007-5-5 02654 wjlz 2007-5-5 12:03
问问哪有EDK7.1的下载,谢谢 fredrick 2007-5-4 03849 fredrick 2007-5-4 22:49
请问哪位有Reuse Methodology Field Guide这本书啊?? oulong 2007-4-27 11932 ZTZ 2007-5-2 15:45
周立功的VERIOLG黄金参考指南 attachment liangyuthebest 2007-5-1 42773 ZTZ 2007-5-2 14:51
(免费)FPGA 设计的四种常用思想与技巧 attachment szxujin 2006-3-19 63137 fangyu 2007-5-2 09:07
请问怎么将附件上传? idragon123 2006-11-3 13071 无冕之王 2007-4-30 22:32
求助各位帅哥美女 ccavalier 2007-4-30 010668 ccavalier 2007-4-30 21:26
谁有debussy的Linux版本? bearflyyiqian 2007-4-30 03534 bearflyyiqian 2007-4-30 19:05
QuartusII hand book (english) 用三册 attachment largedeer 2007-4-30 24356 largedeer 2007-4-30 15:25
求助基于Booth算法的8×8乘法器IP核设计 attachment baixiong8651 2007-4-28 02512 baixiong8651 2007-4-28 21:31
cumming nonblock assign attachment zhhy3818yahoo 2007-4-28 01900 zhhy3818yahoo 2007-4-28 16:50
中国EDA技术大型交流社区 sherly 2006-10-5 32723 freelion 2007-4-27 10:54
请问高手怎么一次就可以下载opencores上面的整个工程呢? yifan225 2005-7-18 13463 freelion 2007-4-27 10:28
High-Speed Digital System Design attachment clarkkevin 2007-4-27 12516 ZTZ 2007-4-27 08:18
杨子廉 超大规模集成电路 attachment clarkkevin 2007-4-27 02328 clarkkevin 2007-4-27 07:51
quartel2简介 attachment bobosky_sz 2007-4-25 06564 bobosky_sz 2007-4-25 16:07
KF系列电源模块 attachment Cybers 2007-4-24 02679 Cybers 2007-4-24 12:00
Verilog参考手册 attachment CAOYU 2007-4-23 04104 CAOYU 2007-4-23 19:27
VHDL设计100例 attachment zhanghaitao 2006-4-2 64403 howking0628 2007-4-23 18:55
关于fpga方面的 attachment chyp840527 2007-4-22 02434 chyp840527 2007-4-22 22:38
verilog的学习资料 attachment chyp840527 2007-4-22 03530 chyp840527 2007-4-22 21:26
设计练习进阶 attachment 46664 2007-4-21 02526 46664 2007-4-21 11:57
谁有用Verilog写的控制A/D转换器的代码啊? transtent99 2007-4-21 02654 transtent99 2007-4-21 10:12
求nclaunch的仿真步骤 wjx197733 2005-12-20 13528 liyikai 2007-4-20 09:09
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