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老扁帮帮我啊 maggiewang 2007-1-12 03013 maggiewang 2007-1-12 07:35
test attachment maggiewang 2007-1-12 02002 maggiewang 2007-1-12 03:50
數位訊號處理架構設計 Retiming attachment auster 2006-10-2 32830 LAS.xs 2007-1-11 16:04
logic design attachment 西湖水 2007-1-10 52742 西湖水 2007-1-10 22:36
请问如何上传附件啊 j03599 2006-9-20 12766 robinfit01 2007-1-9 14:47
MAX ii资料共享 attachment yubf2005 2006-10-22 22654 wbqq2008 2007-1-8 19:53
嵌入式c-c++ attachment nyclass 2007-1-7 32381 herosungod 2007-1-8 12:27
大家好,我是新来的。 zfixad 2007-1-3 02221 zfixad 2007-1-3 15:12
數位訊號處理架構設計 Unfolding attachment auster 2006-10-2 22604 phoenixfeng 2007-1-3 13:50
VHDL的Ref attachment deerprince 2007-1-2 02881 deerprince 2007-1-2 22:37
HDL编码风格与编码指南 attachment uestcren 2006-8-23 12380 nov836 2007-1-2 16:31
我也发点资料,希望能给大家帮助!HDL设计风格 attachment houxiaomo 2005-11-8 42643 nov836 2007-1-2 16:05
Information: The VHDL Cookbook attachment jason99pan 2006-12-29 12724 pedro888 2007-1-1 01:56
好东西,帮忙下载点,缺钱下载东西!! attachment scutwdz 2006-11-16 42755 nov836 2006-12-31 21:38
谁有ISE7或ISE8的教程传一个来,或告诉我在哪里可以下。 yybpla 2006-8-28 32873 jxsmail 2006-12-30 22:25
5分钟学会使用CPLD renshijun 2006-9-29 42943 wu1 2006-12-30 21:30
大量经典C51源程序 attachment evon168 2006-10-21 22045 wu1 2006-12-30 21:09
CPLD linghulangzi 2006-12-19 32088 wu1 2006-12-30 21:07
VHDL Golden Reference Book attachment sprint 2006-8-31 12392 cheny1982 2006-12-30 18:58
Verilog 黄金参考指南 attachment cjy1981 2006-12-25 12639 wxcwys 2006-12-29 15:30
支持免费 maochrng 2006-12-28 03626 maochrng 2006-12-28 15:59
求助! hn0003345 2006-12-27 01945 hn0003345 2006-12-27 16:21
怎么提高资产啊 tobychenjunze 2006-12-26 02886 tobychenjunze 2006-12-26 11:35
请问如何发附件 hithust 2006-12-26 12327 cjy1981 2006-12-26 10:25
【求助】关于latch的综合 pumamy 2006-10-7 23925 ghost_ic 2006-12-25 23:00
0歐姆電阻作用 attachment marlboro2006 2006-9-9 42490 jluxzp 2006-12-24 20:43
Verilog HDL简明教程 attachment xiero 2006-12-21 12423 iceman 2006-12-24 17:50
FundamentalsOf Spectrum Analysis sandyamao 2006-9-18 23060 nov833 2006-12-24 15:47
为什么我的用户组不能下载 chen.guo.xing 2006-12-2 12566 xhy04540451 2006-12-23 19:45
A structured VHDL design method attachment shawkle 2006-12-23 02249 shawkle 2006-12-23 14:25
Comparison of VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog attachment shawkle 2006-12-23 02606 shawkle 2006-12-23 14:03
ebooks upload Chamisso_DE 2006-12-23 03164 Chamisso_DE 2006-12-23 02:05
Xilinx & Altera video tutorial emma_meng 2006-12-22 03404 emma_meng 2006-12-22 11:20
用电脑必备!! attachment hwyuan2005 2006-12-22 02031 hwyuan2005 2006-12-22 08:47
权限管理过严 wood1025 2006-12-21 02641 wood1025 2006-12-21 14:25
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