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Mentor设计系列丛书(英文) attachment justinpanda 2007-8-23 12151 LAS.xs 2007-8-23 12:09
proteldxp使用指南 attachment dmffrank 2006-9-14 73483 lixqing 2007-8-22 06:19
怎样防止设计图纸、程序源代码等机密信息等泄露给竞争对手 jjtt403 2007-8-12 311585 xiaolin1113 2007-8-21 11:35
verilog设计练习 attachment jiade156 2007-8-21 02292 jiade156 2007-8-21 10:25
Journal: Design and Test 2005 Jan/Feb attachment opqrst 2007-6-3 12484 lixqing 2007-8-18 02:40
High-speed digital System Design attachment chlf99 2007-8-17 42473 chlf99 2007-8-17 14:36
怎么有的下载不了/ deangao 2007-8-16 13753 jackzhang 2007-8-16 22:40
PCM编码问题! houxiaomo 2005-12-2 65234 arj008 2007-8-15 16:20
运算放大器的经典论文 zby2005188 2006-12-5 43179 summerwaww 2007-8-15 11:24
实用电源电路集锦-3 attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 12099 barryarron 2007-8-15 08:43
实用电源电路集锦-4 attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 12402 barryarron 2007-8-15 08:42
实用电源电路集锦-2 attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 12234 barryarron 2007-8-15 08:41
实用电源电路集锦-1 attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 14323 barryarron 2007-8-15 08:37
FPGA&CPLD数字电路设计经验分享 attachment yinyangang 2007-5-4 82420 zqzhu2006 2007-8-13 21:47
Verilog HDL硬件描述语言 attachment david0915 2007-8-13 12299 lixqing 2007-8-13 13:35
FPGA设计的四种常用思想与技巧 attachment zgm831 2007-6-17 42196 hero_word 2007-8-13 12:23
基于89C2051单片机的智能毫秒计 attachment 飞雪008 2007-8-13 02229 飞雪008 2007-8-13 09:55
开关电源的原理与设计-2.rar attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 32463 denap 2007-8-11 23:26
工具下载 wangsheng0415 2007-8-11 13002 denap 2007-8-11 22:29
An Introduction To Statistical Signal Processing attachment bgsony 2007-8-10 02262 bgsony 2007-8-10 15:29
王磊(2-适配器设计) attachment wangl007 2007-2-13 32605 rong81117 2007-8-10 00:02
下岗了,大家可怜可怜我吧 attachment hiter 2007-8-9 02230 hiter 2007-8-9 21:42
求助:关于ModelSim SE 6.2b liu5536 2007-6-24 211363 laoniu710642 2007-8-8 09:00
post没办法传附件 yfzhang52 2007-8-7 04511 yfzhang52 2007-8-7 06:02
经典的eda大赛上机题目有参考解答可以看到么? yfzhang52 2007-8-7 02317 yfzhang52 2007-8-7 02:18
IC设计的摩西十戒 attachment chmingxin 2007-7-20 07761 chmingxin 2007-7-20 17:08
FPGA时钟 attachment kkwd 2007-1-21 45934 lcmyg 2007-7-20 14:58
verilog教程 attachment wggorilla 2007-7-20 02814 wggorilla 2007-7-20 11:08
verilog常备资料1 attachment sea_83 2007-7-19 02392 sea_83 2007-7-19 09:34
FPGA的大量课件和实验源代码 attachment xuefei 2007-4-25 62261 hnchentao 2007-7-19 00:25
在线编程资料分享 attachment duwu 2007-7-17 02061 duwu 2007-7-17 21:38
[Ebook] Practical FPGA Programming in C -- part 8 attachment lingcore 2005-10-7 22594 giwy 2007-7-16 23:39
谁有下面基本关于SYNTHESIS算法的书? opqrst 2007-7-13 02547 opqrst 2007-7-13 05:37
海思半导体(上海) 招聘 bsslp 2007-7-12 07614 bsslp 2007-7-12 22:43
采用8031实现PWM三相半控电流型整流器的控制 attachment dmffrank 2006-9-14 12724 liuyao 2007-7-12 20:38
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