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发一个modelsim的使用教程 attachment h1lab 2007-11-5 02172 h1lab 2007-11-5 04:13
FPGA中的冒险现象 attachment buy-op 2007-11-3 01646 buy-op 2007-11-3 21:07
Writing Testbenches using SystemVerilog attachment bellinwater 2007-11-3 02780 bellinwater 2007-11-3 20:59
美国一所大学的fpga设计课程 zhutongxue 2005-5-27 63296 yongjiefan 2007-11-3 14:42
求<数字设计原理和实践> chenjin_ruoye 2007-11-2 02218 chenjin_ruoye 2007-11-2 19:02
如何写好状态机 shawkle 2007-11-2 02027 shawkle 2007-11-2 18:05
资料共享:DSP的综合教本 attachment  ...2 carnastone 2007-6-13 194786 smr1113 2007-11-2 16:55
学PLC的进来讲讨论一下 newton0627 2007-11-2 03216 newton0627 2007-11-2 16:21
realize-verilog attachment ggyy1216 2007-11-1 02225 ggyy1216 2007-11-1 14:46
Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers attachment shawkle 2007-11-1 62228 shawkle 2007-11-1 11:27
cpu基本原理讨论!!!!!! wuyingpan06 2007-11-1 02290 wuyingpan06 2007-11-1 05:30
Principles of Verifiable RTL Design attachment sfengyu 2005-11-26 93627 wdzfd 2007-10-31 12:28
Computer Architecture. A Quantitative Approach attachment luke_woo 2007-10-31 32471 luke_woo 2007-10-31 02:56
數位訊號處理架構設計 Wordlength attachment auster 2006-10-2 82926 denap 2007-10-30 22:52
Verilog指南-中文版 attachment urol1225 2007-10-28 12317 184747187 2007-10-29 13:02
基于FPGA的嵌入式系统PS_2接口的实现 attachment nick1949 2007-10-28 04354 nick1949 2007-10-28 20:25
dft指导文档 attachment freebirdlee 2007-8-9 34661 ponderboy 2007-10-26 22:34
IC百科全书(绝对经典,美售价$110) fanhaiqiu 2007-10-24 22822 lhzsw 2007-10-25 21:49
FPGA基础实验教程 tory60515 2007-10-25 02564 tory60515 2007-10-25 12:52
FPGA dsf10k器件文档 attachment tory60515 2007-10-25 02113 tory60515 2007-10-25 12:48
se_tutor attachment 桂海田 2007-10-23 02002 桂海田 2007-10-23 16:47
求救modelsim 后仿真(。VQM)出错 风过尘扬 2007-10-15 35800 风过尘扬 2007-10-22 11:45
第一次来这里就喜欢上这了 smartliusi 2007-10-21 13347 smartliusi 2007-10-21 23:14
接着法EDK的学习资料3 attachment 桂海田 2007-10-21 02065 桂海田 2007-10-21 15:38
符合环保要求的半导体封装概述 attachment htkjwlx 2007-10-21 02524 htkjwlx 2007-10-21 13:21
Signal Integrity Methodology on 300 MHz SoC design using ALF libraries and tools bluebird2008 2005-5-17 27337 lixqing 2007-10-21 10:25
[原创] 产品合作开发 vista56 2007-10-18 19894 freelion 2007-10-19 21:49
大规模集成电路设计 课件 tory60515 2007-10-19 02000 tory60515 2007-10-19 13:43
[原创] 产品合作开发 vista56 2007-10-18 02937 vista56 2007-10-18 19:53
求助:关于FPGA锁相环 rocky123 2006-1-9 45935 aizazadi1982 2007-10-18 15:16
这里有资料下载 fastary 2007-10-18 02618 fastary 2007-10-18 14:37
HFSS v9使用技巧 attachment shengwenju 2007-10-17 02108 shengwenju 2007-10-17 20:08
开关电源的测试-2.rar attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 52272 zy_sh_npk 2007-10-16 22:14
IC设计台湾交大资料 attachment huavxp 2007-10-16 03368 huavxp 2007-10-16 12:05
I2C总线标准 blessingf 2007-10-16 02849 blessingf 2007-10-16 11:01
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