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XC95108_CPLD板 attachment wjlz 2007-5-8 12412 龙之九子 2008-2-12 22:03
mentor的verification info attachment freelion 2007-6-15 32421 armmips 2008-2-4 05:02
Principles of Verifiable RTL Design attachment clarkkevin 2007-2-4 43381 gaolijian22 2008-2-4 02:11
about the material "SOC design&verification" with sytemc" angelzhang115 2008-1-16 12488 armmips 2008-2-3 22:00
CMU的VERILOG教程 attachment yixiexie 2006-12-3 119863 armmips 2008-2-3 05:14
modelsim使用教程 attachment xiao8181 2007-12-30 52684 armmips 2008-2-3 04:14
ARM 汇编指令中文版 attachment wyhjt 2007-3-12 62530 armmips 2008-2-3 03:59
ARM体系结构与应用系统设计示例PPT attachment wice3 2007-2-3 83284 armmips 2008-2-3 03:56
ARM_系列内核介绍.rar attachment kangtian 2008-1-24 52331 armmips 2008-2-3 03:37
GPS设计全攻略 jeff0909 2007-12-4 32460 yunxyx 2008-2-3 02:39
复杂数字电路与系统的VerilogHDL设计技术 shanrui11 2007-12-20 14410 yunxyx 2008-2-3 02:23
示波器知识 attachment gjmiao 2008-2-2 01931 gjmiao 2008-2-2 17:41
CummingsICU1997_VerilogCodingEfficiency attachment xdy2003 2008-1-20 13086 wind733 2008-2-1 23:22 attachment simonccn 2008-1-21 52437 magicma 2008-1-30 17:10
RTL Coding and Optimization Guide for use with Design attachment hemingyuan 2006-2-7 22951 hhhh8888 2008-1-30 10:44
谁有<The ASIC Handbook> jrzhang 2007-1-9 13378 lanyiel 2008-1-29 18:07
求助viterbi译码模块 lichee1977 2008-1-27 02297 lichee1977 2008-1-27 16:50
Are Your PLDs Metastable attachment freelion 2007-6-24 12055 sunsy 2008-1-23 23:28
好东西啊 lifanlf_002 2008-1-23 01648 lifanlf_002 2008-1-23 19:19
Efficient_Testbenches attachment qiuyuxin 2008-1-19 32884 loveineda 2008-1-23 13:06 attachment okstill 2008-1-9 12996 expressme 2008-1-23 12:29
Efficient_Testbenches attachment qiuyuxin 2008-1-19 22353 loveineda 2008-1-23 12:18
求Waney Wolf等人著作,以及PLC opqrst 2008-1-23 03015 opqrst 2008-1-23 07:56
求几本和研究Cache有关系的书 donaphael 2008-1-22 02793 donaphael 2008-1-22 23:28
Verilog HDL硬件描述语言 attachment zjz0815 2008-1-19 32238 微少 2008-1-22 15:00
ASIC Design Methodology Primer attachment xdy2003 2008-1-20 01819 xdy2003 2008-1-20 16:55
我要资料 qiuyuxin 2008-1-20 02992 qiuyuxin 2008-1-20 13:48
FPGA&CPLD数字电路设计经验分享 attachment kangtian 2008-1-11 12529 gsm12345 2008-1-20 12:55
《Comprehensive Functional Verification》 attachment vertyang 2006-7-9 94762 todayfellow 2008-1-19 06:59
ByteBlaster II Download Cable User Guide attachment wangqian0818 2007-11-16 22160 wangqian0818 2008-1-17 18:41
qiu reference wuyingpan06 2008-1-17 02720 wuyingpan06 2008-1-17 16:30
qiu design compiler wuyingpan06 2008-1-17 02866 wuyingpan06 2008-1-17 16:15
HDL_Chip_Design.part02.rar attachment tomvsjerry 2005-8-29 33499 nieyang888 2008-1-17 11:33
FPGA应用举例 attachment csu208 2007-4-14 72513 w_d251 2008-1-16 22:01
Introduction to PLC controllers online book opqrst 2008-1-16 02450 opqrst 2008-1-16 08:38
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