
楼主 |
发表于 2024-4-7 18:54:22
Thanks for the detail sharing.
I am just studying the PLL simulation these days. Here are another two comments for discussion:
1. in P19, the spectre noise analysis result of LPF will only give one-sided PSD Sn(f), when it is used in PLL phase domain model simulation for phase noise estimation, I think two-sided PSD i.e. Sn(f)/2 should be used.
Comments: Actually, I'm not very sure that the noise type spectre gives is SSB or DSB. I try to find it in Cadence help doc, but failed to find it(if possible, can you tell where you see it). So I just use the raw data. (Another one is that Sn(f)/2 or Sn(f)*2, typo here??).
2. in P38, the "Direct plot form" function of sampled pnoise
"Output Noise": I think this is the DSB noise voltage PSD Sv(f) (V^2/Hz) at the cross point;
"Edge Phase Noise" I think this is the SSB phase noise PSD Sp(f) (dBc/Hz) at the cross point;
their relationship is
Sp(f) (dBc/Hz) = 10*log10(Sv(f)/2*(2*pi*f0/SR)^2)
where f0 is the PSS fund, SR is the slew rate at the cross point.
Comments: If possible, can you tell where you see this equation? I can try to use your equation to do a correlation later.