发表于 2018-1-5 09:04:59
回复 7# zhiyuli
1. Selecingt the Spice parameter file by "path".
2. Selecting the specific device (process) corner by library name.
Refer to the following lines (pasted from a sample SPICE simulation deck) for examples:
.lib "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\mm018.l" tt
.lib "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\mm018.l" tt_3v
.lib "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\mm018.l" dio
.lib "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\mm018.l" dio3
.lib "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\mm018.l" tt_res
The above five lines choose
(a) typical 1.8V MOS devices,
(b) typical 3.3V MOS devices,
(c) typical LV diodes,
(d) 3.3V diodes, and
(e) typical resistor library models (with specific process corners) from the same SPICE parameter file "mm018.l" located in the "C:\MyProject\v18_010518\sim\Model\" directory.
Good luck! |