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发表于 2007-1-19 09:33:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我在进行CPLD设计时,采用的是原理图输入,然后进行Analysis & Synthesis操作,但出现了如下警告: 请教各位兄弟姐妹!!

Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N6"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N7"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N4"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N10"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N11"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N9"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N8"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP2N5"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP1N37"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP1N36"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP1N39"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "BP1N33"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P14"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P17"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P16"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P11"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P10"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P13"
Warning: INPUTC, OUTPUTC and BIDIRC pins not supported for pin "P12"
Info: Elaborating entity "BCNMVH" for hierarchy "Page01:inst|BCNMVH:inst25"
Info: Elaborating entity "Page03" for hierarchy "Page03:inst3"
Info: Elaborating entity "Page16" for hierarchy "Page16:inst16"
Info: Elaborating entity "Page18" for hierarchy "Page18:inst18"
Info: Elaborating entity "Page15" for hierarchy "Page15:inst15"
Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file ../libraries/others/maxplus2/1A2NOR2.bdf
Info: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 100 warnings
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