楼主 |
发表于 2013-1-5 22:43:42
我在xilinx网站搜索到了X_ARAMB36 但感觉不是我出现的问题
Why do I get X_ARAMB36 Block RAM memory collisions when simulating the Video Scaler v1.0, v2.1, and v3.0?
At the startup and whenever the read and write pointers for the line buffers are reset, during the simulation of the Video Scaler the following Memory Collision Errors are generated:
# Memory Collision Error on X_ARAMB36_INTERNAL :
CoefMem/Mram_mem1 .INT_RAMB.chk_for_col_msg at simulation time 17428.500 ns.
These Memory Collision Errors from the Video Scaler can be safely ignored. The reason they occur is that the read and write pointers of internal Block RAM memory are reset to zero when the line is being written to memory. The core waits to read data; after a line is written and the core does not use the data, then the Memory Collision Errors occur. |