发表于 2011-1-11 16:54:02
本帖最后由 fhchen2002 于 2011-1-11 17:10 编辑
May I know when you wrote
t_settle = 3 ns
To what accuracy level did you refer to?
For instance, (compared to steady state, i.e., the voltage level when t = infinity) the OpAmp settles to |V_infinity - V(3 ns after clock edge)| < 0.1%, ...
Assuming simple single-pole model,
Unity-gain bandwidth = 1 GHz
At F_in = 200 MHz, your OpAmp has open-loop gain about 5 only (in this order of magnitude).
You won't have good enough accuracy when you close the loop
-> your close-loop transfer function = (A_v(f)) / [1 + A_v(f)] (not close enough to 1).
Still bandwidth issue.