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光纤通信技术 attachment  ...2 zz_3070 2009-6-21 123570 jacob258 2019-2-25 17:34
某重点高校数字通信原理课件(研究生课程) attachment  ...23 read_ljr 2007-12-10 255610 QQben 2019-2-20 13:02
[资料] 成电博士的经典论文,对数字中频和射频设计很有帮助 attachment  ...23456 智慧棒 2011-5-28 5710922 610982658 2019-2-19 09:34
[资料] LMS算法分析 attachment  ...2 yunyong_i 2010-11-29 184507 microxie 2019-2-18 15:47
springer 2005: MIMO signals and systems with Matlab codes attachment  ...2345 zhangkoko2 2009-4-2 487695 wendy235711 2019-2-17 17:02
[资料] 【The Viterbi Algorithm -----forney 1973年文章】 attachment oldhow 2013-7-30 52305 wendy235711 2019-2-10 00:06
Ultra-Wideband Communications: Fundamentals and Applications attachment frankppk 2008-6-14 63237 smallmotor 2019-2-9 19:50
[求助] 求書communications systems hayki 5th jaffry86 2019-2-8 11902 shancjb 2019-2-8 07:37
【经典】Viterbi, Principles of Digital Communications and Coding attachment  ...23456..11 xixiliu 2008-10-21 10216211 2245240353 2019-2-7 03:11
Broadband Telecommunications Handbook, Second Edition高清高压缩(共5个包) attachment  ...23 zenmeban_119 2009-4-8 206592 shinclub 2019-2-5 16:30
[资料] 通信的一些基础文档 attachment gy83129698 2018-1-24 83059 martian618 2019-2-5 15:12
软件无线电原理与应用_杨小牛,楼才义,徐建良 attachment  ...23456..13 windzjy 2007-9-5 12628488 icwangrui 2019-2-2 20:34
[资料] 《Digital Modulation Techniques》1st Edition attachment  ...2 yyneuq2008 2014-6-15 103334 dfjh1234 2019-2-2 13:59
A_Software-Defined_GPS_&_Galileo_Receiver attachment  ...2 lonsword 2008-10-7 175089 cdting 2019-1-31 05:30
无线通信FPGA设计——pdg格式书籍 attachment digest agree  ...23456..49 kumwa 2009-4-19 48460868 ford 2019-1-31 00:12
求AGC资料! attachment  ...234 showting 2004-8-31 359708 T-Kafka 2019-1-29 21:22
[资料] 信号与系统(奥本海姆第二版-中文西交版) attachment  ...234 vikingg 2011-2-1 397559 杨柳风 2019-1-26 21:05
[原创] 【GSM原理及其网络优化(第2版) 】韩斌杰 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...2345 benemale 2011-4-3 4110984 qq496715519 2019-1-23 22:25
软件无线电matlab仿真资料 attachment  ...23456..32 wukui1512 2008-12-5 31441758 jesien 2019-1-23 10:42
有关小波分析得一本好书。 attachment  ...23 墨海弄潮 2009-10-10 255475 zhaichunhua168 2019-1-23 08:24
[资料] 【McGraw-Hill 2007 新书】Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition attach_img  ...23456..8 benemale 2008-10-3 7515421 miketsung 2019-1-21 10:10
[资料] DC Power System Design for Telecommunications by Whitham D. Reeve attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2013-10-18 163590 omega198 2019-1-20 16:23
(eWiley) Understanding Data Communications (3rd Ed.)----清晰可识别pdf attachment  ...2 zenmeban_119 2009-3-20 103342 ATA3470 2019-1-17 23:39
[资料] Practical Guide to the MIMO Radio Channel with MATLAB attachment  ...23 vikingg 2014-6-6 295313 JCWANGZI 2019-1-17 22:00
思科的有线通信基础资料 attachment  ...2 liangxia2001 2009-12-13 184731 vioryee 2019-1-16 15:09
[资料] Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile 4 rar files attachment hi_china59 2011-3-27 92448 heinzmann 2019-1-12 21:31
[资料] Cognitive Dynamic Systems: Perception-action Cycle, Radar and Radio by Haykin attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2013-2-11 225158 ATA3470 2019-1-12 09:52
Turbo码matlab仿真经典程序 attachment  ...23456..7 flykeep 2009-6-12 6510722 wenbow512512 2019-1-10 22:28
剑桥出版社2009最新书籍!LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband: Air Interface Technologies attachment  ...23456..14 lotusky 2009-8-1 13120498 heinzmann 2019-1-10 17:40
数字调制基础.pdf attachment  ...23456..10 chenpeng3361 2007-12-14 9015013 lnbpzzx 2019-1-10 10:44
软件无线电技术的调制解调算法研究(优秀硕士论文) attachment  ...23456 frogsu 2007-11-5 5911264 icwangrui 2019-1-9 23:10
Hacking.GPS attachment  ...2 citybus 2008-11-16 133923 ztwxj 2019-1-5 13:00
CNTTR 培训课程系列10 attachment intercon 2008-7-12 63443 SoChunter 2019-1-5 11:00
CNTTR 培训课程系列1 attachment intercon 2008-7-10 64102 SoChunter 2019-1-5 11:00
[转贴] Cisco Press IP Addressing Fundamentals attachment alpha_it 2012-8-12 32127 caltech_usa 2019-1-4 11:44
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