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非常经典的FHSS仿真程序(MATLAB) attachment  ...2 champoint 2009-5-17 133517 zchdsp 2018-12-21 17:04
wiley 08新书.Modelling.the.Wireless.Propagation.Channel..simulation.with.Matlab attachment  ...23456..10 raowy2009 2009-3-31 9314472 heinzmann 2018-12-21 09:34
OSPF路由协议详细视频讲座 attachment xinsh 2009-5-14 52426 albertHG71 2018-12-19 11:33
MIMO Wireless Systems_SLIDE attachment  ...2 kevinwjs 2008-7-11 113416 ahshima 2018-12-17 15:24
[资料] MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB Wiley-IEEE attachment  ...23456..8 zhou_li 2011-6-2 7017705 wenbow512512 2018-12-16 20:45
[转贴] Cisco Press The Business Case for Storage Networks attachment alpha_it 2012-8-12 23183 shancjb 2018-12-15 15:06
[资料] Linear Algebra and solutions manual 4th by Friedberg attachment hi_china59 2018-5-11 52953 Crayan 2018-12-12 12:41
LDPC码原理及应用(电子科技大学)扫描版 attachment  ...2 infrared 2008-10-4 123437 caltech_usa 2018-12-4 14:19
[求助] 软件定义的gps和伽利略接收机 求伪距的代码 其中msOfTheSignal和channelList怎么给定 青鸟河鱼 2017-5-2 11689 ahlangzai 2018-12-4 09:58
浙大硕士论文《LDPC编码MIMO系统的性能分析与设计优化》 attachment infotech 2008-1-18 92461 caltech_usa 2018-12-1 19:25
阵列处理、MIMO系统中的参数估计(博士论文) attachment liuwei_0613 2008-1-12 93936 caltech_usa 2018-12-1 19:24
MIMO Communications, lecture attachment  ...2 ntynty 2007-8-26 183539 caltech_usa 2018-12-1 19:18
[PPT]An overview of MIMO Systems and Space-Time coding attachment  ...23456 saileryt 2007-1-6 599820 caltech_usa 2018-12-1 19:02
[原创] Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunications Networks attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-27 92261 louiszhu 2018-12-1 11:15
[原创] 软件无线电开发验证平台-SDR0204 lilyhu 2010-8-29 35045 edwardk 2018-12-1 08:15
MIL-STD-188-141B,美国3G ALE短波跳频电台军标 attachment  ...23 kawasaki 2009-5-20 219414 littleboyyz 2018-11-30 23:29
3G经典教材<3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering> attachment  ...234 ffggg 2007-3-14 367679 wlxydx 2018-11-30 14:55
VPN技术比较 xlming126 2007-1-7 12747 edwardk 2018-11-29 18:53
[资料] Numerical Recipes in C ,2nd Edition without watermark attachment hi_china59 2018-11-29 11540 im.leo 2018-11-29 18:21
[资料] 3-DES算法的FPGA实现 attachment superhaima 2010-6-5 31596 yz78055332 2018-11-29 13:02
清华地面数字电视标准中的同步问题 attachment  ...23 zhengjijun11 2006-5-17 206468 edwardk 2018-11-28 19:05
可编程逻辑器件应用设计技巧100问 attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 11401 pizitan 2018-11-28 18:29
[资料] 【CPM--连续相位调制的重要文献汇总】 attachment oldhow 2013-7-29 34001 cclccl941123 2018-11-28 16:12
[下载] Multipath & Doppler Propagation Effects matlab code attachment  ...234 merriam1998 2005-11-2 327329 jaeyoung 2018-11-28 12:44
Doppler Spread Estimation for OFDM Systems Using Newton Polynomials.pdf attachment  ...2 zhongguodachuan 2009-2-8 113451 jaeyoung 2018-11-28 12:43
[资料] 随机信号分析+李在铭(PDF)+课后答案第三版 attach_img  ...23 fanyan861110 2011-2-2 2611187 zhang123xr 2018-11-28 07:00
[其它] matlab浮点算法转定点C步骤  ...2 shirya 2011-5-11 118572 edwardk 2018-11-27 22:15
一本MIT的书--算法导论-排序最大最小哈希FFT加解密等等 attachment  ...23456 putaoshu 2009-8-22 529685 edwardk 2018-11-27 09:07
求助]谁有"Millimeter Wave Microstrip and Printed Circuit Antenna"。 我不是故意的 2006-9-24 63065 mryzh 2018-11-27 07:58
A digital quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM)radio attachment  ...2 lonsword 2009-3-2 144180 caltech_usa 2018-11-20 14:32
PLL台大讲义 attachment  ...23 ljl2601127 2008-11-2 246992 redswat 2018-11-19 09:15
16QAM调制与解调 attachment  ...23456 daisy1314 2009-4-28 518109 caltech_usa 2018-11-16 12:17
宽带无线接入中OFDM调制 attachment liuwei_0613 2008-10-12 74435 caltech_usa 2018-11-16 12:10
AdaptiveCoded Modulation in Spatial and multiuser diversity attachment  ...2 champoint 2009-5-18 112731 caltech_usa 2018-11-14 22:20
Highly Efficient Digital Mobile Communications with a Linear Modulation Method attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 31961 caltech_usa 2018-11-14 22:04
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