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DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification v1.3 (rfc 1951) attachment gjesse 2008-2-29 22824 zhspgood 2018-7-5 14:50
DLL环路的false lock问题? liandan 2009-2-18 69157 priestszpku 2018-7-5 13:15
[资料] Nordic BLE Product attachment bmhdtv 2018-7-4 01373 bmhdtv 2018-7-4 15:48
ITU-T Recommendations attachment  ...23456..8 serene 2004-7-24 7523208 bestman0729 2018-7-4 13:35
[原创] 如何用ESP8266/ESP8285做一个WIFI中继(WiFi信号放大器) attachment lsalp 2018-7-3 02362 lsalp 2018-7-3 15:29
[资料] 经典收藏--香农《通信的数学理论》 attachment  ...23 liurh123 2011-2-25 2415948 quhuaibo 2018-7-2 12:22
Kalman filter -article attachment zhangdj 2009-7-9 51757 ppmhw 2018-6-25 18:32
CPRI Spec最新规范4.0 attachment  ...234 bournedong 2009-4-10 308981 plaserjet 2018-6-25 00:29
[资料] 分布式基站的CPRI接口资料 attachment  ...2 xs_uestc 2010-10-7 123224 plaserjet 2018-6-25 00:22
通信系统仿真原理与无线应用(英文PDF版) attachment  ...23 randyboy 2009-6-14 214386 dfjh1234 2018-6-24 10:35
Signal Design for Good Correlation for Wireless Communication attachment  ...23 fengasic 2009-5-3 224161 skyfly0101 2018-6-21 19:58
[资料] 2010 新书 MIMO From Theory to Implementation attachment  ...23456 haopf 2011-5-9 5316988 finelei2002 2018-6-20 12:44
介绍RS编码的文章 attachment  ...2345 liming_pz 2008-9-10 487731 万毓西 2018-6-20 10:52
[原创] (LTE很好的培训教材)LTE和HSPA+培训资料-TD-LTE无线关键技术 attachment  ...2 fengxuheu 2013-7-21 143897 542002990 2018-6-20 10:37
John.Wiley.&.Sons_2004_UWB.Theory.and.Applications.pdf attachment  ...23 阿瑟豆腐干红酒 2007-5-4 234961 glace12123 2018-6-17 22:17
两篇BCH码的文章 attachment  ...2345 sailor123 2009-8-9 497925 城市中的狼 2018-6-15 14:48
Digital Communication (2nd Ed)-Lee-1994 attachment  ...2345 liyuanliu 2008-1-7 456982 cyan215 2018-6-12 16:03
Radar System Performance Modeling attachment fengasic 2009-5-3 71897 ming2f 2018-6-7 08:52
请问以太网上传输的是模拟信号还是数字信号啊? attachment  ...2 bigtoad 2005-1-6 1515685 人生豪迈 2018-6-6 17:55
一篇博士论文Turbo-Equalization for QAM Constellation attachment  ...2345 scsunjia 2008-11-1 4312890 liangjun_email 2018-6-6 15:05
SignalTap II 逻辑分析器 attachment sacthy 2009-8-19 92404 sky9566701 2018-6-6 10:19
需要一个5.8G微波检测电路 lkgg 2008-12-8 17391 pinghaowin 2018-6-5 13:48
MULTI-CARRIER TECHNOLOGIES FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION attachment frankppk 2008-6-14 82499 newrfdesign 2018-6-5 00:03
Telecommunication Circuit Design (Second Edition) attachment  ...234 zy761015 2008-7-23 316421 newrfdesign 2018-6-5 00:02
[求助] 88e1111以太网部分不工作 attachment sumole 2010-1-1 95630 amin2008 2018-6-4 06:32
[资料] 宽频带波束形成 Wideband Beamforming - [阅读权限 5]attach_img  ...234 fwbnick 2014-5-5 34332 colorhua 2018-6-3 19:53
人工智能 attachment  ...2 simon1984 2008-10-27 102531 colorhua 2018-6-3 19:52
wimax a wireless technology revolution attachment  ...2 萧天羽 2009-12-3 115891 newrfdesign 2018-6-3 03:14
【Wiley Ebook】Advanced.Wireless.Networks.4G.Technologies attachment  ...234 eagle_tek 2009-1-11 3710460 newrfdesign 2018-6-2 01:11
[资料] [2012]Baseband Receiver Design for Wireless MIMO OFDM Communications,2nd Edition  ...23 dmtv2008 2012-11-26 208556 newrfdesign 2018-6-1 11:42
鸿篇巨著-------Algorithms for Communications Systems and their Applications attachment  ...23456..15 blgtyb 2009-7-14 14016551 sdc 2018-5-30 18:34
Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering attachment  ...23 lpy_eda 2009-11-27 203723 sdc 2018-5-30 18:08
Ebook :Broadband Circuits for Optical Fiber Communication attachment  ...234 laserIII 2005-3-4 328592 12041129 2018-5-30 15:48
Single-carrier frequency domain equalization[重要进展] attachment  ...23456..7 fuchuantian 2008-9-7 6311066 liangjun_email 2018-5-30 10:32
Wiley.The.Art.of.Error.Correcting.Coding.Second.Edition(信道编解码经典书籍) attachment  ...23456..7 crazylwj 2009-4-16 6010673 rongjunzhou33 2018-5-28 11:14
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