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Mobile positioning based on relaying capability of mobile stations attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 11883 caltech_usa 2018-1-13 23:52
3G Handset and Network Design------pdf可取词 attachment zenmeban_119 2009-3-23 72797 caltech_usa 2018-1-13 23:41
[资料] Mobile Handset Design , 2010 new book - [阅读权限 3]attachment  ...2 Jason.tschen 2011-12-14 14193 caltech_usa 2018-1-13 23:37
ROF 设计指南 attachment fbhcn 2008-6-11 21936 asd32po 2018-1-12 11:24
[求助] Artech House - Digital Techniques for Wideband Receivers wallace0603 2006-12-21 12870 dongdong2016 2018-1-9 10:44
[CHM]Illustrated TCP/IP: A Graphic Guide to the Protocol Suite attachment  ...2 shkzhj 2009-2-3 194295 acer1128 2018-1-8 13:59
[资料] 5G网络 attachment lipinshengxp 2018-1-7 11975 tangsd 2018-1-8 10:32
Kalman_Filtering attachment zojia 2009-6-14 93648 vincenth 2018-1-8 01:15
最容易设计四频段FSK无线收发芯片IA4220,IA4320,IA4421 attachment  ...23 bescb 2005-6-4 2612037 JLennon 2018-1-5 13:44
Claude E.Shanon的通信学奠基之作《通信的数学理论》 attachment  ...2 raymondlian 2009-1-4 102866 opqfeixue122 2018-1-2 18:17
[资料] 5G动态频谱管理 attachment post 2017-12-1 21979 yc0000 2018-1-2 00:14
[资料] 体域网 IEEE 802.15.6 Standard attachment beautifulboy911 2013-7-10 32238 mlqe 2017-12-28 10:47
[资料] Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for Software Radio attachment  ...2 dreamath 2010-1-27 112468 greathhy 2017-12-26 12:57
Matched filtering and timing recovery in digital receivers attachment tiankankan 2008-10-28 53208 asia0704 2017-12-25 21:36
[求助] 求维也纳 lte链路级仿真平台 LTE-A Downlink Link Level Simulator [v1.4 Q2-2016] urans2002 2017-8-16 32743 sart 2017-12-24 11:06
[资料] LTETDD与LTEFDD技术比较 attachment superhaima 2010-6-5 51912 horseking 2017-12-24 04:00
Fpga Implementation Of Digital Timing Recovery In Software Radio Receiver attachment  ...234 zhaish 2008-1-29 387079 glace12123 2017-12-23 22:34
现代通信原理 整合的 attachment  ...23 sxb416 2009-10-21 254424 liangboo 2017-12-23 20:40
[资料] 存储区域的光模块和光纤跳线选择方案 zhu152460 2017-12-22 01411 zhu152460 2017-12-22 14:19
[资料] protel DXP 2006 破解 免安装 attachment  ...23456..10 crazyboywang 2011-3-21 9228227 modelsim64 2017-12-19 13:25
[资料] Claude Shannon 论文全集 - [阅读权限 5]attachment raowy2009 2012-4-27 463 apai2007 2017-12-18 19:09
[其它] 同步时钟 ti-tan 2017-12-18 01602 ti-tan 2017-12-18 13:07
[原创] Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing Systems attach_img  ...2 Jason.tschen 2016-1-19 103964 nico0811 2017-12-14 19:49
[资料] 张贤达的矩阵分析 sunyuanxin 2016-2-27 52155 michxia 2017-12-13 15:44
【清析版】Iterative Receiver Design attachment  ...2345 smaa 2008-11-2 469724 z9886607 2017-12-11 22:27
[下载]A SINGLE FREQUENCY GPS SOFTWARE RECEIVER attachment  ...23 LITEARRAY 2008-2-20 298146 huatiantian 2017-12-11 22:20
[资料] Yuval Fisher_Fractal Image Compression Theory And Application(1996) attachment zgdzdjkf2009 2011-3-31 41600 zhangds 2017-12-8 10:30
大唐移动内部WCDMA系统介绍!(绝对精彩,冒死上传!) attachment  ...23456..21 abmvp2000 2006-8-28 20134270 OFDM1985 2017-12-7 17:43
[资料] 5G超密网络的频谱与网络密度管理 attachment post 2017-12-4 02149 post 2017-12-4 15:57
[资料] 5G异构网络多无线接入技术的动态频谱接入:SPEED-5G Approach attachment post 2017-12-3 01625 post 2017-12-3 10:19
经典——John.Wiley.and.Sons.Wireless.Communications.over.MIMO.Channels.Sep.2006 attachment  ...2345 tianlangwolf 2008-1-24 417922 amigo.change 2017-12-3 01:57
[资料] Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels attachment  ...2 qgdeng 2010-2-26 173264 amigo.change 2017-12-3 01:54
[资料] 一种变步长NLMS自适应判决反馈均衡器 attachment vikingg 2015-1-9 32081 zhuhonghaolei 2017-12-2 12:37
antenna array and quadrature calibration for angle of arrival estimation attachment  ...2 chenpeng3361 2008-1-9 113783 iczero 2017-11-29 14:47
[资料] I2C标准 attachment wuchaoxiang 2013-2-18 41683 jaylight 2017-11-25 23:42
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