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[资料] UC伯克利信号与系统视频下载地址 attachment  ...23 silentgun 2011-5-17 206072 sanny2345 2018-5-12 03:13
Error Correction Coding Mathematical Methods attachment  ...23 ic1906 2008-7-20 225612 glace12123 2018-5-6 00:02
[资料] 毫米波非正交多址接入的混合资源分配 attachment post 2017-12-3 21766 heinzmann 2018-5-5 22:40
[资料] ARM core f4funboy3 2013-11-26 21365 besarkecil 2018-5-3 22:28
[原创] EE120信号与系统2007视频讲座 sanny2345 2018-5-3 22295 sanny2345 2018-5-3 13:35
[求助]Introduction to random processes with application to signals and systems b004004 2005-12-4 27567 xiongzhh 2018-5-2 21:41
[下载]EBOOK:Software Radio Architecture attachment  ...23456..27 serene 2004-5-30 26146152 2502002036 2018-4-29 21:02
[资料] PDF电子书《Hadoop with Python》很简单实用的一本小册子 attach_img lcj1985316 2018-4-23 21583 im.leo 2018-4-25 08:51
华中科技大学 通信电子线路课件 attachment  ...23 msx111 2009-2-24 276355 jixuan1203 2018-4-20 15:59
[资料] 数据中心 MTP/MPO高密度布线解决方案 zhu152460 2018-4-8 01830 zhu152460 2018-4-8 10:51
Qualcomm: WCDMA and cdma2000 Comparison attachment  ...2345 mryu 2006-6-28 4112739 xlteam2 2018-4-6 07:05
[资料] 多载波扩频通信的Rake接收机理论研究及FPGA实现 attachment vikingg 2011-3-1 94067 glace12123 2018-4-5 22:58
接收机载波同步技术 attachment  ...23 zhaish 2008-11-20 265553 glace12123 2018-4-5 22:57
[资料] 量子通信量子信息和计算专辑 (Quantum information theory) attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-8-13 499321 babikambing 2018-4-4 12:08
宽带无线数字通信 attachment  ...23 ksling 2008-10-6 215954 fayafaya 2018-4-1 09:44
通信原理教学视频 电子科技大学19讲 attachment  ...23456..9 linjun3210 2009-2-19 8414775 colorstone 2018-3-28 22:51
通信原理视频教程  ...23 admonzhang 2006-10-9 257446 colorstone 2018-3-28 22:31
wireless communication attachment  ...2 Lee_john 2009-6-17 194046 lyd964201 2018-3-28 09:23
移动通信系统的信道均衡技术.pdf attachment  ...2 wanghua123 2009-4-8 113329 opqfeixue 2018-3-26 18:57
[资料] 走向环境感知的5G动态频谱管理 attachment post 2017-12-4 21884 smaa 2018-3-23 23:06
[资料] 智慧5G:蜂房网络迎接人工智能 attachment post 2017-12-4 92388 smaa 2018-3-23 23:05
Global Positioning Systems-Inertial Navigation and Integration attachment zweishi 2009-1-18 31762 Godspeed_sss 2018-3-23 16:06
GRID-Based Power Measurement in Digital Wireless Communication attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 51777 seven77 2018-3-23 16:06
Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach, Second Edition---pdf清晰可识别 attachment  ...2 zenmeban_119 2009-3-20 165972 glace12123 2018-3-19 22:42
[Eook][2002] Satellite Communication Engineering attachment  ...23 smaa 2008-10-30 256940 glace12123 2018-3-18 22:45
经典收藏:无线通信顶级权威 Andrew Goldsmith的课件 attachment  ...23 happytudou 2009-4-30 215022 ojrf 2018-3-18 19:03
[求助] 求书 <<Fundamentals of Communication Systems>> by Proakis attachment  ...23 mmaqian 2010-1-19 257540 baotong 2018-3-17 21:01
郎道 《电磁场》经典 attachment  ...2 bluepoet 2009-2-25 122834 ojrf 2018-3-16 23:30
[下载]Digital Communications Principles; Matlab-Based Simulation Approach attachment  ...23456..15 norad 2007-5-29 14920603 jonathan2000 2018-3-16 10:52
DVB-S2 Inner receiver attachment onthefly 2008-1-4 92144 xphoenix 2018-3-15 11:57
信息论与最优编码(重新打包的) attachment  ...2 keiyi 2009-4-15 136617 xphoenix 2018-3-15 11:00
【好书】Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes -- 剑桥大学出版 attachment zweishi 2009-1-19 42007 lhyi 2018-3-11 09:35
[资料] LTE Small Cell Optimization: 3GPP Evolution to Release 13 attach_img  ...234 spwedasd 2016-5-28 366525 Jsanchez12345 2018-3-10 20:17
通信工程专业数字信号处理. attachment  ...2 wangxi_2008 2008-10-1 112922 opqfeixue 2018-3-6 20:44
[求助] 关于WorkView Office7.5的安装问题 attach_img easonchan 2016-5-13 21632 沉醉不知归处 2018-3-6 16:01
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