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[资料] 发个关于TCP/IP的 attachment chinest2010 2017-9-3 71861 jack_20150410 2017-9-22 14:28
[讨论] 提供vivado 2015.4上jesd204b v6.2的lic激活文件 glace12123 2017-9-19 01475 glace12123 2017-9-19 21:52
[资料] [Cambridge 2011]Reliable Communications for Short-Range Wireless Systems - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23 raowy2009 2011-4-6 27207 Minibaby 2017-9-19 16:36
[求助] 谁有通信原理的答案 attachment chenchunhuis 2012-4-3 62174 littleclown 2017-9-18 10:27
[资料] Antennas And Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications.pdf bsbs1980 2013-10-6 52824 richyrichy 2017-9-14 14:59
[资料] 现代移动通信系统中的均衡和同步技术研究 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2014-10-12 112672 jyhking 2017-9-13 10:58
[资料] Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems, 2nd Ed attachment qgdeng 2010-2-26 84290 zhangzhi7 2017-9-9 00:03
[Ebook] Coexistence in Wireless Networks attachment  ...2 smaa 2008-10-29 154565 turkman 2017-9-6 08:47
OFDM两本中文书籍 attachment  ...23456..13 leadwellfine 2008-4-16 12317477 x0070481 2017-9-4 13:10
[资料] 一种GPS软件接收机的设计 attachment vikingg 2015-7-2 31387 horseking 2017-8-31 15:59
[资料] 准循环平稳信号谱相关估计与应用 attachment vikingg 2014-11-25 21204 smaa 2017-8-22 10:22
Crc Press - Computational Statistics Handbook With Matlab attachment  ...2 磐石 2008-4-4 103049 yc0000 2017-8-20 02:48
[原创] Optical Networking Best Practies Handbook attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-27 51978 2017-8-18 12:24
[原创] Optical Communications Essentials-ebook attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-6-3 123470 2017-8-18 12:19
信道编解码技术讲座 attachment daisy1314 2009-4-27 71927 SoChunter 2017-8-16 23:13
[资料] [eBook] [Classical Book] Schaum Analog and Digital Communications attachment  ...2 deepcore 2010-2-27 134052 红烧皮蛋 2017-8-14 20:52
Optical Fiber Telecommunications V: vol. A Components and Subsystems attachment  ...234 mesmerism 2008-8-10 336899 hw9601 2017-8-14 16:44
CNTTR 培训课程系列11 attachment intercon 2008-7-12 31958 SoChunter 2017-8-14 12:45
CNTTR 培训课程系列9 attachment intercon 2008-7-12 42079 SoChunter 2017-8-12 16:43
CNTTR 培训课程系列8 attachment intercon 2008-7-11 41818 SoChunter 2017-8-12 16:41
CNTTR 培训课程系列6 attachment intercon 2008-7-11 31863 SoChunter 2017-8-12 16:40
[Wiley 09] Space-Time Layered Information Processing for Wireless Communications attachment  ...2345 raowy2009 2009-11-9 437073 kuan 2017-8-12 10:14
REAL-TIME CHANNEL EMULATION FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION TEST BEDS.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 41671 pravy12321 2017-8-11 00:52
[求助] 有人可以幫忙上傳這個資源嗎? smaa 2017-6-16 11986 aska13 2017-8-9 16:34
[资料] ATOLL_WCDMA的仿真 attachment lhrace 2011-6-4 81775 chinest2010 2017-8-9 14:18
[资料] 吕金虎的《混沌时间序列分析及其应用》,讲混沌,挺不错的资料 attachment 浩然若枫 2013-10-17 43721 chinest2010 2017-8-9 12:13
混沌序列去噪 attachment shibinggege 2009-4-17 914728 liang13570 2017-8-8 23:12
Rice 1944年经典长文 Mathmatical Analysis of Random Noise attachment  ...23456..8 raowy2009 2009-3-31 7712048 ralphtwtw 2017-8-8 23:06
分组交换技术及其应用 小虾 2003-8-6 73985 zhspgood 2017-8-8 11:30
dvb-t synchronization attachment jmgao2 2007-10-24 42451 xphoenix 2017-8-3 16:00
[资料] 一篇OFDM系统的信道估计综述论文 attachment  ...2 SYQHH 2012-12-18 134104 mylove8725 2017-8-3 14:03
信号的统计检测与估计理论--李道本 attachment  ...23456 handchief581 2009-4-24 518114 mylove8725 2017-8-3 10:56
浙大硕士论文《LDPC编码的分布式空时合作通信系统》 attachment infotech 2008-1-18 12158 SoChunter 2017-8-2 10:47
中山大学硕士论文《LDPC码及其在WiMAX中的应用》 attachment  ...23 infotech 2008-1-18 254740 SoChunter 2017-8-2 10:45
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 attachment  ...23456..41 yahoo2009 2006-10-3 40252391 wenbow512512 2017-8-1 13:10
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