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[资料] Practical Guide to the MIMO Radio Channel with MATLAB attachment  ...23 vikingg 2014-6-6 295042 JCWANGZI 2019-1-17 22:00
思科的有线通信基础资料 attachment  ...2 liangxia2001 2009-12-13 184500 vioryee 2019-1-16 15:09
[资料] Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile 4 rar files attachment hi_china59 2011-3-27 92275 heinzmann 2019-1-12 21:31
[资料] Cognitive Dynamic Systems: Perception-action Cycle, Radar and Radio by Haykin attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2013-2-11 224795 ATA3470 2019-1-12 09:52
[求助] 求书:《Cellular Internet of Things: Technologies, Standards, and Performance》 attachment  ...2 河源皮 2018-1-5 185202 haoyz5 2019-1-11 15:44
Turbo码matlab仿真经典程序 attachment  ...23456..7 flykeep 2009-6-12 659734 wenbow512512 2019-1-10 22:28
剑桥出版社2009最新书籍!LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband: Air Interface Technologies attachment  ...23456..14 lotusky 2009-8-1 13119271 heinzmann 2019-1-10 17:40
数字调制基础.pdf attachment  ...23456..10 chenpeng3361 2007-12-14 9013950 lnbpzzx 2019-1-10 10:44
软件无线电技术的调制解调算法研究(优秀硕士论文) attachment  ...23456 frogsu 2007-11-5 5910638 icwangrui 2019-1-9 23:10
Faraday NC Express platform attachment buildgates 2006-11-12 12321 ayamitek 2019-1-6 02:01
Hacking.GPS attachment  ...2 citybus 2008-11-16 133573 ztwxj 2019-1-5 13:00
CNTTR 培训课程系列10 attachment intercon 2008-7-12 63367 SoChunter 2019-1-5 11:00
CNTTR 培训课程系列1 attachment intercon 2008-7-10 64015 SoChunter 2019-1-5 11:00
[转贴] Cisco Press IP Addressing Fundamentals attachment alpha_it 2012-8-12 32021 caltech_usa 2019-1-4 11:44
《无线通信系统仿真:C++实用模型----电子书以及代码》PDF版本 attachment  ...2 xlqiang 2009-5-13 133341 kcm18 2019-1-3 19:33
[资料] 【Ebook】Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks:From GSM to LTE attach_img hsh22 2018-8-21 51310 pedro888 2019-1-2 23:57
[资料] 频率基准 - 成功卫星导航接收器的根本 attachment networldca 2014-8-10 41817 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 18:51
[资料] gps--Remote Sensing of Ocean, Land and Ice Surfaces Using attachment  ...2 fei_yang 2011-4-13 144176 rfjungle 2019-1-1 11:39
[资料] gps----Advanced Global Navigation Satellite System Reciever Design attachment  ...234 fei_yang 2011-4-12 366907 rfjungle 2019-1-1 11:37
Understanding GPS Principles and Applications(Second Edition) attachment  ...2345 kanrobert 2009-5-21 4311680 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:37
software gps receiver attachment  ...2 wjh0369 2009-4-30 163371 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:32
导航类好书《Design of A Signal Frequency GPS Software Receiver》 attachment  ...2 fenzhao 2009-3-31 173578 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:30
【Springer 2007】A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver attachment  ...2 zweishi 2009-1-17 112805 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:25
GPS应用程序设计 attachment  ...234 mryu 2006-7-12 316889 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:04
电子图书:差分GPS定位技术与应用 attachment  ...234 djgirl 2006-11-14 397021 caltech_usa 2019-1-1 00:02
Understanding GPS - Principles and Applications 2nd, Kaplan attachment  ...23456..11 rfjungle 2008-11-13 10813995 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 22:52
差分GPS定位技术与应用 attachment mryu 2008-7-11 72275 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 22:31
GPS资料大汇总 attachment  ...2345 creese 2008-7-10 436450 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 22:30
GPS弱信号的捕获与跟踪 attachment  ...23456..8 MStart 2008-6-30 7012077 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 22:27
[资料] GPS应用程序设计 attachment A1985 2010-5-16 61869 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 16:19
[资料] GPS多径干扰抑制相关 attachment budebushuai 2010-4-6 21600 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 16:14
[资料] GPS多径信号建模相关 attachment budebushuai 2010-4-6 21811 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 16:13
[资料] GPS抗多径性能概述 attachment budebushuai 2010-4-6 62325 caltech_usa 2018-12-31 16:13
digital commucation receiver attachment  ...23 zlhrsy 2007-8-19 224635 wendy235711 2018-12-31 14:45
[讨论] 带 PA 和 LNA 的 CC2500双天线无线模块 attach_img silicontra521 2017-12-8 22330 缺Ga 2018-12-31 14:22
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