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斯坦福大学《wireless communications》教材 attachment  ...2345 Forevery 2007-9-23 46798435 raymond0925 2019-6-18 09:49
synchronization techniques for OFDMA attachment  ...234 leeyoung1987 2009-4-24 387453 rrww 2019-6-17 07:40
[资料] [Cambrige 2010] Iterative Error Correction:Turbo, LDPC and RA Codes - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2345 raowy2009 2011-4-6 48540 rrww 2019-6-17 07:34
[资料] Advanced Wireless Communications attachment  ...2 hjgcqq123 2011-4-11 164369 kuan 2019-6-16 19:56
Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers ychlif 2008-12-15 21409 xxl04120184 2019-6-16 19:14
[资料] 实战无线通信应知应会 attachment  ...2 qianxiaohui 2012-7-5 103741 幽谷寻风 2019-6-14 17:46
RF Imperfections in High-rate Wireless Systems: Impact and Digital Compensation attachment  ...23456..12 磐石 2009-5-29 11619529 coolpeas 2019-6-11 16:44
R&S FUNDAMENTALS_OF_SPECTRUM_A attachment  ...2 kuan 2007-1-26 175813 jiangpeng86 2019-6-11 14:21
[原创] 对于蓝牙Profile的理解 深圳伦茨科技 2019-6-11 01261 深圳伦茨科技 2019-6-11 10:57
Fundamentals of Digital Television Transmission attachment  ...2345 bruticus 2007-6-21 416082 fatih_tekinsoy 2019-6-8 19:59
Harry L. Van Trees_ Detection_Estimation_Part II_中文版.pdf attachment  ...2 xie.qiang 2009-7-10 103881 zhangyupeng 2019-6-5 13:14
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory I (经典书籍) attachment  ...2 keiyi 2009-3-9 183753 zhangyupeng 2019-6-5 13:07
[资料] [Harry L. Van Trees] Part IV - Optimum Array Processing attachment  ...2 kfxt 2010-8-10 174219 zhangyupeng 2019-6-5 13:02
Optimum Array Processing attachment  ...23456..15 lulinjun_001 2008-3-4 14621936 zhangyupeng 2019-6-5 12:56
Optimum Array Processing &书中图的程序 attachment  ...234 rahill 2009-3-24 355962 zhangyupeng 2019-6-5 12:52
[资料] 蓝牙音频传输协议简介 深圳伦茨科技 2019-6-4 01061 深圳伦茨科技 2019-6-4 11:45
Digital Monopulse for Tracking Radar attachment fengasic 2009-5-3 82218 log8384 2019-6-4 07:34
A Mathematical Theory of Communication attachment jangseohee1987 2009-4-10 21469 fatih_tekinsoy 2019-6-3 08:26
A Mathematical Theory of Communication_Shannon1948 attachment  ...2 kingbird 2006-12-27 102940 fatih_tekinsoy 2019-6-3 08:23
[eBook] Wireless and Cellular Communications attachment  ...23 zzone 2009-1-10 295152 fatih_tekinsoy 2019-6-2 16:11
[资料] 【2018 新书】Physical Layer Security in Wireless Cooperative Networks attach_img hsh22 2018-8-22 61511 dldlxkq 2019-6-1 09:02
[资料] [Cambridge 2007] Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23 raowy2009 2011-4-6 24186 bgsed529 2019-5-31 13:39
[资料] 蓝牙概述 深圳伦茨科技 2019-5-30 01355 深圳伦茨科技 2019-5-30 16:50
于软件无线电的伪卫星接收机的设计与实现 attachment  ...2 xiangruli 2007-10-7 102918 xphoenix 2019-5-29 00:41
[资料] 线性化Doherty功率放大器设计 attachment danielran 2011-7-10 32043 贾郑和 2019-5-23 23:11
[原创] BLE蓝牙主机和从机有什么区别 attach_img 深圳伦茨科技 2019-5-23 01677 深圳伦茨科技 2019-5-23 11:46
ZigBee规范 attachment  ...23 user34j 2008-5-1 204029 hhlunar 2019-5-22 10:37
CVSD attachment superhero2007 2007-6-19 62699 wenbow512512 2019-5-20 21:49
功率晶体管和开关二极管的应用技巧 attachment  ...2 leishen1980 2008-11-19 102637 122013137 2019-5-18 17:37
通信中Viterbi算法和均衡器的优化设计及低功耗考虑(博士论文) attachment  ...23456 clooney2007 2009-6-23 5410789 baymax_bevan 2019-5-13 17:35
SIM CARD标准和规范 attachment  ...2 xxmfoxa 2008-3-9 186553 icldc 2019-5-10 18:48
[资料] MIMO_OFDM通信机中MIMO检测算法及实现技术研究 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2014-3-12 132877 wendy235711 2019-5-5 21:11
论文共享-全数字BPSKQPSK接收机同步技术研究 attachment  ...234 mynews 2007-9-21 377026 wendy235711 2019-5-5 20:54
噪声中信号的检测 attachment  ...2 Jedi2000 2009-9-29 132882 夜礼服0 2019-4-17 10:22
[求助] 求Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume I Estimation Theory「单页」版 attach_img liviah 2019-4-14 21316 liviah 2019-4-15 16:08
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