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一本很好的软件无线电的书 attachment  ...23456..13 xiaoanzi 2008-11-18 12218540 chinest2010 2019-10-17 13:34
Distortion in Rf Power Amplifiers attachment  ...234 handchief581 2008-12-19 305003 jiangpeng86 2019-10-17 09:43
Proakis, Digital Communications,(4 edition)答案 attachment  ...2345 doocao 2008-10-4 426409 jacky33 2019-10-8 20:41
[资料] digital communications fifth edition by john proakis - [阅读权限 5]attachment jumpyists 2010-11-24 9165 jacky33 2019-10-8 20:30
【Springer 2007】A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver attachment  ...23456..9 benemale 2008-3-9 8715057 leozh 2019-10-8 14:56
[原创] Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting attachment vikingg 2011-6-28 52324 jiangpeng86 2019-10-8 14:44
[求助] 求:“Mathematical Techniques in Multisensor Data Fusion”第二版 fishinsea 2016-2-29 52389 hchen0730 2019-9-29 19:55
[资料] Regular_Expressions_Cookbook第二版 最新 attachment chestthinker 2013-3-26 91673 edacw 2019-9-24 21:34
[资料] Regular_Expressions_Cookbook 正则表达式的经典书籍 attachment chestthinker 2013-3-26 32240 edacw 2019-9-24 20:33 attachment  ...23 gaoweidong 2008-4-1 233890 wonbef 2019-9-23 16:12
[eBook] Spread Spectrum and CDMA Principles and Applications attachment  ...2345 zzone 2009-1-10 438668 wonbef 2019-9-23 15:46
通信原理教程 attachment  ...2 leishen1980 2008-11-19 193645 a0201233 2019-9-20 17:00
一篇研究可编程无线基带处理器的博士论文 attachment  ...234 SYQHH 2008-10-29 337263 qwerabc 2019-9-19 15:17
重发!4个压缩包!通信接收机:DSP,软件无线电和设计 attachment  ...23456..16 wodeccbp 2009-7-15 15021983 lutherliu 2019-9-15 20:31
Computational.Web.Intelligence英文原版书籍 attachment  ...2 skrainbow 2009-4-7 124378 mylcx_xwf 2019-9-11 16:22
[资料] RFID - A Guide to Radio Frequency IDentification.pdf attachment  ...2 tianshufei 2010-10-20 152900 howardsky 2019-9-11 11:18
[资料] 【2015年新书】Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks by Jonathan Rodriguez attach_img  ...23456..12 yousee 2015-5-13 11615121 derek_1981 2019-9-10 17:01
《语音信号处理》讲义 attachment  ...23 fatbaby614 2009-9-4 244355 zhanghui110 2019-9-4 15:45
信号与系统(第二版)奥本海姆-全部习题答案 attachment  ...2 xik 2009-5-1 133969 关寸舟 2019-9-4 12:57
(Ebook)The-Joy-of-Fourier attachment  ...23456 kevinwjs 2008-7-23 569793 好猪让白菜拱了 2019-9-3 15:20
[资料] 离散时间信号处理---英文版 attachment wjhlj0369 2015-9-25 51911 oyesandman 2019-9-2 23:01
[资料] 一些关于压缩感知的论文 attachment shirya 2011-5-11 81825 guo_j_d 2019-9-2 15:46
[资料] 压缩感知教程 attachment  ...2 sunyuanxin 2016-7-22 102488 guo_j_d 2019-9-2 09:52
[资料] 推荐一篇关于高阶QAM解调的博士论文 attachment  ...2 wxmcumtb 2011-2-18 144370 441307320 2019-9-1 08:26
OFDM经典专著 attachment  ...2345 wslchina 2009-9-30 497208 xxl04120184 2019-9-1 00:07
用于信号处理的矩阵计算:Matrix.Computations.for.Signal. Processing--带目录.超值! attachment  ...23456..12 zzz123456789 2008-11-26 11616310 guo_j_d 2019-8-30 17:48
Another ebook on Probability; random variables; and random signal principles attachment  ...23 kevinwjs 2009-12-10 203381 jiangpeng86 2019-8-30 13:43
[资料] 张贤达:矩阵分析与应用 attachment  ...23456 zhouxy1123 2010-3-10 578910 guo_j_d 2019-8-29 09:04
LDPC编码译码程序 attachment  ...23456 cengceng 2009-3-2 537672 robieson 2019-8-25 12:13
[资料] 软件无线电原理与应用 attachment  ...23 yiffer 2011-12-27 246532 haozhenhe 2019-8-24 17:33
2007新书:Wireless Sensor Networks Signal Processing and Communication attachment  ...23 infotech 2008-2-11 217343 guo_j_d 2019-8-23 09:34
Digital signal processing Laboratory attachment spwedasd 2009-3-8 43244 guo_j_d 2019-8-21 17:43
[原创] 【大话通信:通信基础知识读本】(09年度畅销榜NO.3) 杨波 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..13 benemale 2011-1-8 12418461 seetheblack 2019-8-17 20:36
[资料] CDMA理论 attachment qwert798 2010-4-9 41770 dfjh1234 2019-8-16 22:31
求助]谁有"Microstrip Antenna theory and Design"。  ...2 我不是故意的 2006-9-24 135244 leishen1980 2019-8-14 09:59
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