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悬赏 [求助] 求书digital communication - [悬赏 100 信元资产] attachment lonsword 2014-7-5 73002 dannymu 2020-9-18 23:10
[资料] 信息论50年 attachment  ...2 yangfunc 2013-3-9 154300 AlexKe 2020-9-16 18:02
Springer:RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..32 hongwb 2007-4-20 31343432 Andy126 2020-9-16 10:30
[资料] 分享一本工具书,《word排版技术大全》 attach_img  ...2 sunyuanxin 2020-5-10 103810 limuyue123 2020-9-15 15:12
电子对抗战的经典书: introduction to RFstealth attachment  ...234 zzz123456789 2008-6-22 336192 mryu 2020-9-15 10:05
几本关于蓝牙的好书。 attachment  ...23 archon1117 2009-5-21 275530 novel_qin 2020-9-12 14:42
一本关于蓝牙的书《BluetoothGuide》 attachment  ...23 qgdeng 2008-5-9 295458 novel_qin 2020-9-12 14:40
纠错码经典:Error Control Coding--------Fundamentals and Application attachment  ...23 blgtyb 2009-7-14 2811058 wuende 2020-9-9 14:15
[资料] 通信系统仿真软件SystemVue(SystemView)2010.7破解版 attachment  ...23456..63 蝉471249982 2011-7-7 62481509 285940684 2020-9-9 10:04
matlab实现的GMSK的编码解码 attachment  ...234 tancerfly 2009-4-22 306581 KIMI2017 2020-9-8 15:17
[资料] 高级无线收发机技术(合集) attachment  ...23456 newmsgnet 2013-4-8 5812263 AlexKe 2020-9-5 21:55
Perceptual Coding of Digital Audio attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 33080 AlexKe 2020-9-5 21:32
语音信号数字处理(电子书) attachment  ...23456 xxkkrr 2008-11-9 518417 xiaochou1981 2020-9-5 15:11
[资料] MIMO-OFDM for LTE, Wi-Fi and WiMAX attachment  ...2 vikingg 2015-11-30 143523 yihongq 2020-9-5 14:35
[资料] Block Transceivers: OFDM and Beyond (2012) attach_img  ...2345 hongwb 2012-7-18 4510951 yihongq 2020-9-5 13:57
John.Wiley.and.Sons.Multi.Carrier.and.Spread.Spectrum.Systems.pdf attachment  ...2 fingjjjjjj 2009-11-23 102329 dannymu 2020-9-4 20:35
好书——无线通信系统信号接收的先进技术 attachment  ...2345 feifei879546213 2008-7-4 418319 dannymu 2020-9-4 19:27
[资料] 统计信号处理经典教材-An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing attachment  ...23 angle963 2011-5-3 205761 dannymu 2020-9-4 18:10
[资料] 中科院选课人数最多的课程之一 《现代数字信号处理》 讲义 attachment  ...23456 lihaixi 2010-3-11 5814072 dannymu 2020-9-4 18:04
Ultra Wideband Wireless COmmunication attachment  ...23456 li.hacker000 2008-1-22 5341746 cdmxh 2020-9-4 08:39
SPREAD SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK(扩频通信最经典的名著) attachment  ...23456..17 fangguihai 2009-1-8 16527060 dannymu 2020-9-3 20:43
[求助] 射频电路设计 理论与应用 第二版_(美)ReinholdLudwig 新人帖 baymax_bevan 2019-5-18 32410 dannymu 2020-9-3 14:46
Modern digital and analog communication systems  ...2 九鼎 2006-10-5 134766 haoxchao828 2020-9-3 10:31
[资料] PRBS_TUTORIAL attachment  ...234 davidli2009 2010-7-10 3910021 xiaofuss111 2020-9-3 06:56
[求助] Trellis and Turbo Coding: Iterative Graph ECC , 2ed attach_img  ...2 Jason.tschen 2016-1-23 194914 yc0000 2020-9-2 12:53
吐血推荐---wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications , 5 Volume Set attachment  ...23456..14 ntthlman 2007-11-9 13220068 gouyaer123 2020-9-2 07:34
BCH编译码问题请教 attachment  ...234 icldc 2009-6-17 3210437 milan2207 2020-9-1 13:27
[资料] 重发Wireless Digital Communications: Design and Theory(3个包,比较省钱) attachment  ...234 磐石 2010-10-24 378916 im.leo 2020-9-1 12:18
BCH ECC for NAND paper attachment  ...23456..7 jgao2000 2009-3-4 6614281 milan2207 2020-9-1 11:47
[资料] Direct Conversion Receivers in Wide-band Systems attachment  ...2 iclife 2011-5-4 164674 dannymu 2020-8-31 20:58
[资料] 雷达信号处理(林茂庸) attachment  ...234 kfxt 2010-8-11 347666 wendy235711 2020-8-31 16:06
[EBOOK] synchronization for all digital receivers attachment  ...23456..7 maxin 2006-7-16 6114126 dannymu 2020-8-31 13:02
[下载]Digital Receiver Handbook(Fourth Edition)电子资料 attachment  ...23456..12 kapok 2005-9-23 11722090 dannymu 2020-8-31 12:54
[资料] Wiley-IEEE 2012《 Non-Gaussian Statistical Communication Theory》 attach_img  ...234 hongwb 2012-7-29 306793 AlexKe 2020-8-29 11:20
MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..7 enjoyIC 2007-6-4 609462 zzabc 2020-8-26 17:49
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