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[资料] compressed video communications attachment sfwang 2011-1-30 72148 caltech_usa 2020-7-5 20:22
智能天线的原理和实现 attachment  ...23 xietao534 2006-8-27 265516 zzabc 2020-7-4 22:13
OFDM同步,Schmidl的博士论文 attachment  ...23456..7 cheng2007 2007-8-15 6411615 西交峨眉 2020-7-4 01:51
LDPC的理论及应用研究.NH (博士)牛人论文 attachment  ...23456..10 aguang 2007-3-26 9517914 西交峨眉 2020-7-4 00:41
【Springer丛书系列】Signal and Communication Technology 共5本 attachment  ...23456..21 benemale 2007-11-29 20726051 dannymu 2020-7-3 17:19
[原创] 滤波连接器瞬态保护设计 attach_img Ractron10 2012-4-12 12161 Zhangshuan 2020-7-2 15:56
[资料] ADC的噪声系数 ayuyuyu 2016-1-27 32048 xuexiic.. 2020-7-1 09:08
Matched Filtering and Timing Recovery in Digital Receivers attachment  ...23 sandayyang 2008-5-5 224722 sdustyj 2020-6-30 11:32
Wiley - Satellite Communications Systems Engineering (2008) attachment  ...234 bonta 2009-9-1 326155 dannymu 2020-6-29 14:44
[资料] William C. Jakes, Microwave Mobile Communications .pdf attach_img  ...2 fishyuhy 2012-5-8 187186 zzabc 2020-6-26 11:14
浙江大学博士论文三篇 attachment raowy2009 2009-5-16 52053 西交峨眉 2020-6-24 23:08
[资料] Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 1992 True PDF attachment hi_china59 2018-11-29 21427 459157479 2020-6-24 13:45
[资料] 【2015年新书】Introduction to Digital Mobile Communication, 2nd Edition attach_img  ...23456 yousee 2015-5-13 539999 AlexKe 2020-6-24 12:42
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems with Transmitter Diversity attachment hincuilu 2008-11-24 72171 dannymu 2020-6-23 09:29
synchronization for all digital receivers attachment  ...2 bagoiyb 2009-3-22 133828 dannymu 2020-6-22 11:28
[资料] 现代信号处理第二版-清华大学-张贤达.rar attachment  ...2 zhangljian 2012-2-22 112862 amigo.change 2020-6-19 18:27
[资料] [大话无线通信].丁奇.扫描版.pdf attachment  ...234 bsbs1980 2013-10-6 358461 amigo.change 2020-6-19 17:31
现代数字调制 attachment  ...2 leishen1980 2008-11-19 103034 dannymu 2020-6-19 13:34
[求助] 求助VPI软件!  ...2 cougarlz 2011-4-15 1216185 ashkan123421 2020-6-19 11:48
[资料] Jochen Schiller, "Mobile Communications,2 Ed" attachment  ...2345 mobil 2009-6-19 4112806 zhsh94 2020-6-17 07:27
[资料] Principles of Communications, 7th_Rodger E. Ziemer_WILLIAM H. TRANTER_2014 attachment  ...23 mobil 2015-7-28 284926 zhsh94 2020-6-17 07:25
[PHD论文] 一本关于SC-OFDMA的博士论文,有助于学习LTE attachment  ...23456..8 midnight 2008-10-14 7419938 zhsh94 2020-6-17 07:15
[原创] zigbee最新规范-2007 attachment asic_lidi 2013-6-6 51940 dfjh1234 2020-6-16 22:28
An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing.pdf attachment zhongguodachuan 2009-2-8 41966 AlexKe 2020-6-14 23:05
[资料] LDPC Coded Modulations attachment  ...23 chenpjh 2010-2-23 265224 JayceeZhang 2020-6-13 06:23
[资料] Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks attachment  ...2 fangbing215 2014-12-13 163604 AlexKe 2020-6-12 17:43
GSM信令流程绝佳资料 attachment daisy1314 2009-4-28 82150 fengub 2020-6-12 15:29
GSM物理层规范 attachment  ...2345 mryu 2006-6-26 418709 jiaodongli 2020-6-12 15:12
[资料] 【Ebook】Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN):Beyond LTE attachment hsh22 2018-8-21 71579 nick_liu1129 2020-6-12 09:02
[资料] 无线通信研究中的新方向- New Directions in Wireless Communications Research attachment  ...23 yaoxi_hmily 2010-9-24 275514 dannymu 2020-6-11 17:36
[资料] 无线通信系统——信号处理与接收的高级技术 attachment  ...2345 ncwuhuo 2010-4-11 458300 dannymu 2020-6-10 17:25
[资料] 【2018 新书】LTE Communications and Networks:Femtocells and Antenna Design attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-8-21 213977 lmcycles 2020-6-10 08:42
[资料] 【Ebook2016】LTE Backhaul:Planning and Optimization attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2018-8-21 122375 lmcycles 2020-6-10 08:40
[资料] 低功率无线通信射频技术 attachment xianing1229 2011-2-28 52009 lmcycles 2020-6-10 08:37
Advanced Signal Processing for Wireless Communications attachment  ...2345 sandayyang 2008-11-18 457749 lmcycles 2020-6-10 08:25
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