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[资料] 4G wireless video communications attachment  ...2 sfwang 2011-1-30 143706 AlexKe 2020-11-3 21:07
[资料] [Wiley]The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard(2010) attachment  ...2 cndragon 2013-1-27 115573 yihongq 2020-11-3 20:56
[资料] Receiver Design For Wideband CDMA Communication Systems attachment  ...23 forsakener 2011-5-10 287327 yihongq 2020-11-3 20:54
『三味书屋』元旦送礼之九:著名的Kluwer丛书系列 Volume 435~703 attachment  ...23456..36 benemale 2008-1-8 35155284 AlexKe 2020-11-2 21:14
樊昌信《通信原理》书后习题答案 attachment  ...23456..9 dragonking 2008-6-14 8112905 hchen0730 2020-10-31 12:50
樊昌信版通信原理 attachment  ...23456 zyz013920 2007-11-7 5510581 hchen0730 2020-10-31 12:10
Turbo码原理与应用技术 wukog 2009-1-15 62567 snowman898 2020-10-30 17:03
[资料] 严重推荐:Probability, Random Processes, and Statistical Analysis 2012 新书 attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-8-22 4011462 AlexKe 2020-10-29 16:15
Gardner《Simulation Techniques:Models of Communication Signals and Processes》 attachment  ...23456..21 hongwb 2008-3-29 20932356 windl32 2020-10-29 10:48
[资料] Cognitive dynamic systems : perception--action cycle, radar, and radio attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2014-2-7 175274 AlexKe 2020-10-28 09:17
[资料] [ 省钱版 ] 之 Phase-Locked Loops for Wireless Communications, 2nd edtion attachment  ...23 tao0314000 2014-6-26 256313 sky2city 2020-10-27 17:18
Bernard Widrow重量級新書: Quantization Noise attachment  ...23456..9 smaa 2008-9-20 8917670 AlexKe 2020-10-22 16:15
一种以卡尔曼滤波和信道估值器为基础的高频串行数传自适应接收机 attachment  ...2 sylvia829 2008-3-28 102819 gxay2000 2020-10-22 11:44
【书】无线通信最新研究趋势 attachment  ...23 darylz 2009-3-6 244652 zhsh94 2020-10-18 16:13
[下载]EBOOK:Radio-Frequency and Microwave Communication Circuits attachment  ...23456..10 serene 2004-6-7 9822183 cdting 2020-10-12 22:43
OFDM的一个教程,英文的 attachment  ...2 sancan 2008-12-29 184696 forlogic 2020-10-11 17:09
gfsk详细资料 attachment  ...2345 xyzheng 2007-12-18 4911940 NtS 2020-10-9 15:22
[资料] 【eBook 2016 新书】Digital Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...234 saysayliam 2016-9-11 39564 AlexKe 2020-10-9 14:21
[资料] Phaselock techniques by Floyd M. Gardner.3rd Edition.pdf attachment  ...2345 hjgcqq123 2011-5-12 4215763 shyguy 2020-10-8 10:47
信号检测与估计的经典理论教材 attachment  ...2 warrior0501 2009-7-11 164281 _l_ 2020-10-6 17:04
多径信道参数 attachment  ...2 seeker 2007-10-15 164113 zchdsp 2020-9-29 09:24
[资料] 不是经典不推荐-Introduction to space time wireless communication attachment  ...2 angle963 2014-5-31 124427 zhsh94 2020-9-28 19:51
Transmission Line Transformer Basics attachment  ...234 trdesigner 2007-1-18 3712448 dannymu 2020-9-28 15:01
IEEE--Direct-Conversion Radio Transceivers for Digital Communications(by Abidi) attachment  ...234 semico_ljj 2006-11-28 379490 AlexKe 2020-9-28 14:06
英文原版教材-Fundamentals of wireless communication attachment antenna2005 2009-4-9 31752 yihongqiquan 2020-9-26 11:43
【Morgan.Kaufmann】Wireless Communications & Networking attachment  ...2 eagle_tek 2009-1-11 104102 yihongqiquan 2020-9-26 11:20
[资料] 几个主流厂家的POE设备参考设计 attachment dryfish 2011-4-11 82979 gouyaer123 2020-9-24 09:10
[资料] (最省信元)-不是经典不推荐-Multiantenna Systems for MIMO Communications attachment  ...2345 angle963 2012-2-18 469201 AlexKe 2020-9-22 15:32
[资料] [2011 New Book Cambridge] Wireless Communication Systems: From RF to 4G attach_img  ...23456..10 spwedasd 2011-11-16 9519266 AlexKe 2020-9-22 15:21
Digital Phase Modulation attachment  ...23456..20 rfjungle 2008-1-10 19124255 shenyuhou 2020-9-22 11:18
台北南陽街補習班名師-丁豪-通訊系統 attachment  ...23456..9 si7556 2009-5-2 8015581 yihongq 2020-9-22 08:54
[下载] Telecommunication Circuit Design - Second Edition attachment  ...23 Alkaid 2006-10-9 239326 yihongq 2020-9-22 08:47
PLL.Performance.Simulation.and.Design.Handbook.3rd.Edition attachment leadwellfine 2008-4-13 42931 yihongqiquan 2020-9-22 08:05
Simulating Wireless Communication Systems Practical Models In C++2 attachment  ...2 tanbo 2007-6-22 104055 haoxchao828 2020-9-21 08:47
[资料] 【2017书】Modeling, Methodologies and Tools for Molecular and Nano-scale Communi attach_img hsh22 2019-2-28 81263 AlexKe 2020-9-19 10:03
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