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[资料] 新书出炉:Cellular Communications A Comprehensive and Practical Guide attach_img  ...234 fwbnick 2014-12-13 358118 AlexKe 2020-8-3 15:51
phased array antenna handbook attachment  ...234 huaxianjie 2009-6-8 378302 zzabc 2020-8-2 21:15
[资料] 华为编程规范 attachment 夜未央 2013-8-17 81924 gouyaer123 2020-8-2 03:03
[求助] Data Transmission Theory John M. Cioffi 请求中文翻译 attachment 蒙倩茹 2010-3-21 35541 digicomm 2020-7-29 11:56
一个关于纠错码的课件 attachment  ...2 dancia 2007-6-16 194273 novel_qin 2020-7-28 21:23
衰落信道上信道估计_均衡与相干检测技术研究 attachment  ...234 clooney2007 2009-6-23 377395 digicomm 2020-7-28 19:56
[资料] 2012剑桥出版新书 Principles of Cognitive Radio attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-9-4 235600 AlexKe 2020-7-23 16:56
[资料] IEEE 802.16e标准协议-2005 attachment cqcqtc 2012-12-4 52308 zbh_xue 2020-7-23 10:27
[原创] 【剑桥出版 2010 新书】Digital Communications, 5th Edition by John Proakis 高清版 attachment  ...23456..21 lotusky 2010-11-24 20738973 zhsh94 2020-7-21 17:24
[资料] 2011 2nd Edition: Modern Communications Jamming Principles attach_img  ...23456 spwedasd 2011-5-22 5812111 tomauo 2020-7-21 16:18
[资料] CHANNEL AND DELAY ESTIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS attachment  ...234 mickey110 2010-3-18 307347 AlexKe 2020-7-20 16:16
[资料] Digital Transmission 数字传输-仿真为辅导的导论 attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-4-23 226863 AlexKe 2020-7-20 15:56
Signal Processing Fundamentals and Applications for Communications attachment  ...234 smaa 2008-9-29 306617 AlexKe 2020-7-20 11:48
Wiley_2003_Multi-Carrier.and.Spread.Spectrum.Systems.pdf attachment  ...2 ksling 2008-7-10 133718 dannymu 2020-7-16 13:47
[资料] 信号与系统书籍资料分享 attachment  ...2 329879762 2018-11-27 102725 dannymu 2020-7-16 11:37
[求助] 求SystemVue资料 coxswainy 2014-4-13 22580 hydroa 2020-7-15 20:16
[资料] 数字信号处理经典!! attachment wjhlj0369 2015-7-15 92556 dannymu 2020-7-14 11:23
[资料] 经典教材Signals and Systems-Bernd Girod yuhui1029 2012-4-22 64165 dannymu 2020-7-14 09:37
通信系统仿真原理与无线应用(代码) attachment  ...23456 huangkun315 2008-1-16 5114737 dannymu 2020-7-11 14:40
经典讲义:麻省理工讲义 Principles of Digital Communication II, Spring 2005 attachment  ...2 happytudou 2009-5-14 164129 dannymu 2020-7-10 17:30
[eBook] Digital Communication: Design for the Real World attachment  ...23456..9 zzone 2009-1-11 8418346 dannymu 2020-7-10 16:05
[资料] Modern Communications Technology attachment  ...23 marsld 2016-10-27 254400 dannymu 2020-7-10 15:31
[资料] 信号与系统_奥本海姆_第2版_英文 attachment  ...2 duancs 2010-6-6 184301 realrui 2020-7-9 17:08
[资料] 通信系统仿真的宝典:Simulation Of Communication Systems (2Nd Ed) attachment  ...23 yanchao211314 2011-5-12 206172 空也 2020-7-8 09:28
Simulation Of Communication Systems -2Nd Ed--Kluwer-2002 attachment  ...23 ryanduan 2008-10-17 245200 空也 2020-7-8 09:18
RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications attachment supertorus 2009-3-17 62335 空也 2020-7-7 20:28
给大家传个《通信电路原理》吧 attachment  ...234 急行军 2007-12-2 385321 hitpiano 2020-7-7 14:17
[资料] Digital Communications A Discrete Time Approach by Michael Rice:Errata attachment  ...234 rikeyc 2011-3-17 3914025 dannymu 2020-7-6 22:36
[资料] Digital Communication 5Th solution manual Proakis attachment neter 2013-3-15 42913 dannymu 2020-7-6 17:52
[资料] An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications 2nd by Haykin attach_img  ...23456 hi_china59 2012-9-27 5212167 dannymu 2020-7-6 17:50
OFDM同步技术研究(优秀博士论文答辩ppt) attachment  ...23456..9 happytudou 2009-4-17 8718412 西交峨眉 2020-7-5 23:46
[资料] compressed video communications attachment sfwang 2011-1-30 72243 caltech_usa 2020-7-5 20:22
智能天线的原理和实现 attachment  ...23 xietao534 2006-8-27 265859 zzabc 2020-7-4 22:13
OFDM同步,Schmidl的博士论文 attachment  ...23456..7 cheng2007 2007-8-15 6412319 西交峨眉 2020-7-4 01:51
LDPC的理论及应用研究.NH (博士)牛人论文 attachment  ...23456..10 aguang 2007-3-26 9518937 西交峨眉 2020-7-4 00:41
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